Study-Grow-Know Online Radio by FredDeRuvo | Blog Talk Radio There is Jihad and then there is Stealth Jihad

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  • 1. Western Muslim  |  May 23, 2012 at 1:08 AM

    In the name of Allah(god) almighty and merciful, any brother or sister who prays to the almighty is his humble servant seeking guidance and love. This includes Muslims, Jews, and Christians. We are all servants of the almighty, and have our own way of serving him. So please my brothers and sisters…let us not allow Satan’s hatred and evil enter our hearts.

    Let us not point at one another in criticism. Let us, instead, embrace that we have a merciful and loving god that allows us to communicate with him. Let us embrace the gift of god that we are all blessed with. When we see a person trying to reach god, let it be happiness that enters our hearts for he/she is your brother/sister who is blessed.

    Satan’s hatred is strong, but god’s love in our hearts is stronger. So I come to you to share my love. I come to you as god’s servant. My brothers and sisters, let us look past each others differences and realize how similar we really are. We are all on our journey to god, I’m sure we can all help each other instead of creating wedges as Satan would prefer.

    Please understand, the times we live in today are complicated for many of us. We live in a world of vanity and sin, and I think it is more important that we commend each other for trying to communicate with the almighty rather than criticizing methods. Of course, we may find things that may not seem fair in our eyes. However; we all share this world, and sometimes stepping back and away from small matters allows us to see the bigger picture. It is then we realize how petty we can become. Let us not stigmatize each other’s love for god; because Satan lurks for opportunity.

    May god bless you all, and may god grant all of us serenity and peace hereafter.


    • 2. modres  |  May 23, 2012 at 7:43 AM

      You need to understand a number of things please:
      – Allah and the God of the Christian Bible are not the same at all. You worship one god and authentic Christians worship the one, true God. The differences between our God and yours are absolutely stark.
      – People have come to completely HATE Islam because of the atrocities that are regularly committed in Allah’s name and because there are no so-called moderate Muslims that visibly protest those atrocities committed by their brothers and sisters in Allah’s name. Because of that, most people believe that moderate Muslims inwardly APPROVE of them.

      It is tragic that you believe as you do! Allah cannot save you because he has left you to save yourself. Your religion is based on the worthlessness of trying to save yourself and when you die, you have absolutely no confidence that you will escape hell.

      However, within authentic Christianity, Jesus lived a perfect life, was born of a virgin, and died in your place and mine in order that we might embrace Him and the only salvation that is available. Ephesians 2 tells us that it is by grace you are saved, not of works, so that no one can boast. Yet, you are involved in a religion that says you must WORK for your salvation and there are no guarantees.

      How is it possible that the god YOU worship and the God I worship are the same if they have completely different requirements for salvation?

      Yes, Satan’s hatred is very strong and unfortunately today, a good deal of that hatred is seen within Islam. Throughout the world, Christians are murdered by Muslims in North Africa and elsewhere. Buddhists are slaughtered by Muslims – children as young as one-year old have had their throats slit. Women are raped for being “whores” by Muslim men who attack in gangs.

      In the United States, Muslims are starting to DEMAND that Sharia law be implemented and recognized in our court systems even though this country was founded upon the U.S. Constitution.

      Do we need to even mention that numbers of Muslims that have strapped bombs on themselves and blown innocent people up? This was happening long before 9/11 when Muslim hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Towers and killed nearly 3,000 innocent people who were “sacrificed” to Allah.

      Look, PLEASE wake up and realize the heinousness of Islam. You need Jesus, not Muhammad. Jesus is the One who died for you, even though Muhammad says Jesus did not die. This is from a man who lived over 600 years AFTER Jesus lived.

      You say you share his word. No, you don’t. You place the Qur’an ABOVE the Bible, yet you say you believe the Bible. You can’t possibly be doing both since you deny many of the orthodox teachings from Jesus Himself.

      I pray for your soul. I pray that God will open your eyes to the truth and you will see the futility of your own religious system. I pray that He will take you out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness into His wonderful Kingdom of Light!


      • 3. Western Muslim  |  May 23, 2012 at 10:11 AM

        I can understand your fear of Islam. I can understand your need to defend your religion. I can also understand that you have good intentions in your reply.

        However, I do not understand how you can rationally proclaim that Muslims inwardly approve of terrorists, murder, and rape. If we are going to mix politics and religion, then there are many things we can talk about. We can talk about how the catholic church sold signed tablets ensuring a place in heaven, we can talk about the crusades and the atrocities committed by those Christians…we can talk about the Spanish inquisition, we can talk about WWII and the genocide of MILLIONS of Jewish brothers and sisters while so-called “genuine christian west” stood by and watched it happen(true story, U.S. and Britain knew way before they claimed they did.) We can talk about how the KKK proclaim that their work is the work of god. We can talk about how the U.S. still believed in segregation of people with different color skin until…well…some still believe it today to be honest.

        My point is not to argue with you, but to show you how petty certain issues taken out of context really are. Yeah, of course I know the radical KKK is not a representation of Christianity in the west. However, that is similar to the distinction you make about Muslims and terrorists. A murderer is a murderer, and in Islam violence is not mandated nor encouraged by any means. The stuff you see on “fox news” if you can even call it a news organization, is just politically fueled garbage. Western media portrays Muslims as misguided, violent, and a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. When in fact, the whole point of our religion is “Peace”….which is exactly what ISLAM means, literally and metaphorically.

        Also, I think it is very inconsiderate to look down on my religion with denouncing comments about the validity of our faith. It is wrong to define a religion based on the misguided faith of the few. Also, I am grateful that God holds us accountable for our decisions and actions in this life. Judaism and Islam both do. Sure, we can all find small differences in our religions and try to emphasize them as a means to prove a point, but do you really think that is what god wants? Do you really think that god wants us to oppose each other in our quest for his mercy?

        I respect your religion, as you are my brother and a servant of god. I respect your right to follow your Christian doctrine, and I recognize your faith as valid. However, I do not respect your views on my faith, and I really hope that you can find it in your heart to caste hatred out of your heart. Because if you don’t, then there is not much separating you from the accusations you bring forth about us.

        I come from an ethnicity that includes Jews, Muslims, and Christians. A region where the bible is still read in Aramaic, Jews still practice Sabbath, and Muslims go to Friday prayer every week. A place where a Jew could make a reference to god, and both the Christian and Muslim would understand who that god was. I grew up in an area where we all lived in peace because we didn’t feel the need to challenge each other. I now live in the U.S., and am fortunate for my perspective.

        When I see an Israeli tank shoot its cannon directly into a fully occupied home of an innocent family, I don’t feel rage for the west…instead I see misguidance fueled by misfortune. When I see terrorism on the news, I don’t become enraged at the terrorist. Instead, I see misguidance fueled by misfortune. It is our duty to be servants of the lord, and it is the lords and only the lords job to judge our actions. Violence is wrong, whether its from a desperately deranged person with a bomb strapped to them or a uniformed, U.S.-funded person inside of a fighter jet or tank. Terrorists and soldiers who kill innocent both believe they are fighting for freedom and against oppression. They both believe what they’re doing is right, and that is why they are both wrong. So let us, like I said, step back and see the bigger picture. Families and loved ones could care less if the person who ended the life of their loved on was uniformed or bomb-strapped…it is still a loss they must live with. Killing is wrong period, so please don’t twist my religion into a safe haven for murderers.

        No one’s culture, religion, or way of life is perfect. That doesn’t mean we can’t respect each other and get along.

        Thank you and god bless you.


      • 4. modres  |  May 23, 2012 at 10:44 AM

        Here is the BIG difference between me and you and your beliefs and mine…

        If the Spanish Inquisition was taking place TODAY, there would be MILLIONS of authentic Christians out in protest!

        Are you aware that anti-Semitism is on the rise AGAIN? Do you know why? It is in large part due to the radicals within Islam, who have sworn themselves to wiping Jews off the face of the earth.

        You said, “A murderer is a murderer, and in Islam violence is not mandated nor encouraged by any means.”

        Really? I have read the Qur’an and in fact, I have three separate translations of it and it absolutely AMAZES me how many times the Qur’an teaches to kill the infidels! What, you have not noticed those verses yourself? Anyone who is not Muslim is considered an infidel and should be killed. There is very little context to the Qur’an. It is a collection of sayings allegedly spoken by Muhammad. Do you wish me to start quoting the Qur’an to you about how you as a Muslim should kill me because I am NOT one?

        If a Muslim attempts to leave Islam, he is marked for EXECUTION. No such reaction is found within Christianity.

        You’re right…the KKK is not a Christian organization and neither is the New Black Panther party…

        There have been MANY Christians who have stood AGAINST the KKK over the years. When was the last time you stood AGAINST radical Islam?

        You said, “I do not understand how you can rationally proclaim that Muslims inwardly approve of terrorists, murder, and rape.”

        It is because we NEVER see so-called moderate Muslims actively engaged in standing AGAINST such action. It is by your deliberate SILENCE that people come to believe that you approve of it. Surely you cannot be so stupid to not understand the correlation?

        You said, “Sure, we can all find small differences in our religions and try to emphasize them as a means to prove a point, but do you really think that is what god wants? Do you really think that god wants us to oppose each other in our quest for his mercy?”

        Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,” (John 14:6). This is no small difference between your religion and Christianity. It is a MAJOR difference. Muhammad came along some 600 years LATER and decided that Jesus did not die on the cross. He decided that Jesus was not really the Son of God (God, the Son). These are not minor issues. They DEFINE what Christianity is all about and for one man to come along AFTER the fact and decide that Christians are believing something Muhammad says is a lie constitutes fraud on the part of Muhammad.

        The reality is that YOUR means of salvation is completely different from Christianity’s means of salvation. If you are happy with your religion, then so be it, but please do not come to my blog and attempt to change my opinion about Islam because my opinion about Islam comes from my own STUDY of it. I have copies of the Qur’an, copies of various Hadith. I have read commentaries by leading Muslims and I KNOW what they say and what they teach. I also SEE what they do in the world.

        I do NOT get my information about Islam from FOX News and keep your opinions about FOX to yourself. FOX is the ONLY broadcast media that actually portrays DIFFERENCES in opinions. They have liberal commentators as well as conservative on their shows. Does CNN? Does MSNBC? Does NOPE.

        But more importantly, there are MANY places on the ‘Net where I can go to learn about things without having to rely on CNN, MSNBC or FOX News at all.

        You said, “I respect your religion, as you are my brother and a servant of god.”

        I am not your brother. We are worlds apart in our beliefs. YOUR religion of Islam denigrates Christianity AND Jesus, making Him out to be a liar. I WISH you were my brother, but in order for that to happen, you would have to become a Christian and walk away from Islam.

        You said, “When I see an Israeli tank shoot its cannon directly into a fully occupied home of an innocent family, I don’t feel rage for the west…instead I see misguidance fueled by misfortune.”

        That’s great, but are you aware of exactly how many years Israel has put up with rockets being lobbed into various areas of Israel from the Gaza Strip by Arabs and who have ALSO killed many innocent individuals?

        The Old Testament is very clear on the nation of Israel. It is GOD’S Land and He gave it to Israel. Israel is currently surrounded by ARAB (Muslim) nations and they are not happy. Iran has publicly stated on numerous occasions that they are planning to completely eradicate Israel from the face of the earth.

        Where is Islam and its religion of “peace?” All I see is death and hatred among Muslims. Do you have any idea what average Muslims have done to England, or to France? How about to Belgium? In case you have not heard, many to most Muslims believe that a new caliphate is coming; one in which Islam will dominate the world. This does not set well with the average non-Muslim. Yet you say that we should all just get along. We would very much like to except that too many Muslims are pushing the issue and screaming for the death of all infidels.

        You are a blind man trying to see good in a system where no good exists.

        You said, “I do not respect your views on my faith, and I really hope that you can find it in your heart to caste hatred out of your heart. Because if you don’t, then there is not much separating you from the accusations you bring forth about us.”

        My comments and beliefs have NOTHING to do with hatred, though it has become very clear to me over the past few years that what often motivates Muslims to embrace their destructive course of actions are abject hatred for anyone who is not Muslim. Yet, you deny these things, pretending to believe that those considered to be radicals within Islam are few and far between. You deliberately lie to yourself and expect me to go along with your lies.

        Take the time to actually READ your Qur’an! Don’t simply take my word for what it teaches. Read it yourself. It won’t take long because it’s not that long of a book. It is filled with reprehensible and atrocious verbiage that is only designed to teach hatred, especially toward Jews.

        Islam is mot definitely NOT a religion of peace. I wish you could see that, but you have been raised in a bubble, I’m sorry to say and you are too quick to shrug off the problems with Islam instead of opposing them.

        You said, “I come from an ethnicity that includes Jews, Muslims, and Christians. A region where the bible is still read in Aramaic, Jews still practice Sabbath, and Muslims go to Friday prayer every week. A place where a Jew could make a reference to god, and both the Christian and Muslim would understand who that god was. I grew up in an area where we all lived in peace because we didn’t feel the need to challenge each other. I now live in the U.S., and am fortunate for my perspective.”

        So you now live in the U.S.? A land that is slowly being squeezed by CAIR and other pro-Islamic groups? Where textbooks are being rewritten to denigrate Christianity and Judaism, but to prop up Islam?

        YOU wrote to me after reading MY blog. What I wrote in my blog about the actions of Muslims is easily verifiable. I did not say these things out of hatred. I simply reported on them and that truth is easily verified.

        I see what Islam does to people. I see how women are treated. I see how gays are executed by hanging. I see how Christians are murdered all in the name of Allah. I do NOT see so-called moderate Muslims protesting the actions of those within Islam who perpetrate these crimes against humanity. You need to wake up and stop trying to defend something that is indefensible.

        I’m sorry to say that though I respect the fact that you can worship as you choose, I have absolutely NO respect for your religion. I pray that your eyes will be open to the truth.


      • 5. Western Muslim  |  May 23, 2012 at 12:41 PM

        Let’s not get into specifics regarding violence in our holy texts…they are obvious and apparent in all of the three Abrahamic faiths. If everyone took the bible, Torah, and Qur’an literally, then there would be no room for faith at all, just pure obedience. We both know this is not the case.

        Its obvious that you lack respect for others who don’t view the world as you do, and I am hopeful one day you may come to realize your utter disrespect.

        It is because of people like you on both sides of issues that we have ongoing struggle, violence, and mistrust across the globe. Your rhetoric mirrors about Christianity as a terrorist leader’s does about Islam. Both are firm, arrogant, and completely lacking in empathy and understanding. My family grew up alongside real Christians and real Jews, and I’ll be honest with you…though they may agree with some of what you’re saying, most of them would denounce your approach and arrogant attitude. Religion is something that can never be proven and is solely based and driven by faith and virtue…so for you to claim yours is somehow more correct and mine invalid, well that is just ignorant.

        Also, antisemitism is something born of the West, not from Muslims. The west tried to obliterate the Jews, felt guilty, and stole land from innocent families that have lived there for many hundreds of years to give to the Jews. If our governments want to act using Policy rather than religion then this is totally ludicrous. Saying that this is ok, is like saying you want a government run by religion, which you obviously say you are completely against(ie your comments regarding our supposed takeover.) That is a huge contradiction that must be pointed out. If the U.S. and the west want to be seen as countries of policy and not domination…well then they can’t go around fulfilling the bible and claim it as a political venture. Israel was clearly a reaction of guilt from the West, and the middle east is torn to this day because of it. Do you find it ironic that Jews and Muslims used to live as neighbors side by side before the creation of Israel ever since the Muslims claimed Jerusalem back from the invading Christians? I do. If a nation invaded the U.S. and granted all of the Land back to the Native Americans…how would you react? How would you react if soldiers busted down your door and told you and your family to leave at gunpoint because the land belonged to Native Americans? I know this is kind of silly to bring up, but so is your point about how the Jews were promised that land. Fact is, the middle east was a peaceful place before the West got a hold of it. Maybe it is better to understand causes rather than to point out effects, am I right? So don’t pass the antisemitism hot potato into Muslim hands. It is more of an Arab vs Israeli issue and it just happens that most Arabs are Muslim and most Israelis are Jews. Let’s make that clear.

        It is the West that created the problem and the solution that led to the new conflict in the Middle-east. We can both agree on that I’m sure. It is the West that carved Africa like pie and raped the land of its resources. It is the West that chained Women and Children into ships so that they can endure a lifetime of slavery to the fine Christian people of the south…it is the West that is responsible for all the atrocities resulting from civil wars and fighting tribes in Africa that remain to this day. Any High school history student can tell you that. You fear Islam from taking over, well…maybe you can understand how others in this world fear the West from taking over. I love my freedom, I love my country, and I love what our flag represents, but I do not love that my tax dollars go to a government run by corporations seeking profit from Halliburton etc. However, I know there are real Christians out there who believe in the unconditional love from god, maybe one day you can meet them.

        So please don’t call me Blind, because these eyes have seen much in this world…some I wish onto no one. The western media is totally biased, so is the eastern media like Al-Jazeera. All of media today is driven by sales and numbers…they will feed you what you want to see, period. Fox is not going to do a special on the peaceful nature of Muslims, and Al-Jazeera will not do a special on the grace of Christians and Jews. This is obvious. Most Americans don’t really know where their tax dollars go let alone know who represents them in government. These are facts of reality, and the stem of conflict in the world.

        I am Kurdish, and the lineage of my people dates back near the time the earliest civilizations. This is why we have ancient Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. Arabs,Turks, and other groups have committed many genocides on my people, and one thing is clear. Violence is man’s choice, not gods.
        I can tell you that I have seen first hand what violence and war do. I have been a refugee twice before the age of six and can tell you from personal experience as a victim of persecution, you sound like a fascist and a fanatic. You are more interested in being right than being understanding.

        I came as servant of god with my arms open in embrace, and you pushed back with hate. This is the cycle that makes the weapons manufacturers so successful. There is a shield around your head and heart that obviously refuses to let anything different enter, and I am sorry for that.

        I am done with this. Thank you my brother, may god grant you peace.


      • 6. modres  |  May 23, 2012 at 1:31 PM

        I take the Bible literally and there is still plenty of room for faith. You take the Qur’an allegorically, which is why you consider yourself to be a moderate Muslim, as opposed to the radical Islamist who takes the Qur’an literally.

        I lack respect for your religion because I see absolutely NOTHING peaceful about it. It breeds contempt because of the misery that stems from it, or maybe you are unaware of all those atrocities that I have referred to which occur on a daily basis throughout the world? The reason you do not is solely because you are blind to these facts. You are too interested in attempting to prove the veracity of Islam instead of citing it’s difficulties and problems.

        Your diatribe says far more about you than you have intended to say about me. I’ll let your comments speak for themselves…

        You said, “I came as servant of god with my arms open in embrace, and you pushed back with hate. This is the cycle that makes the weapons manufacturers so successful. There is a shield around your head and heart that obviously refuses to let anything different enter, and I am sorry for that.”

        No, you came to preach your Islamic rhetoric with fully closed eyes thinking that you were talking to someone who is not educated about Islam. You failed.

        It really does not matter how much you have “seen in this world.” You can be (and are) still blind to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, preferring to believe the ravings of a man who lived hundreds of years AFTER Jesus, than to believe Jesus Himself. You are blind and that is all there is to it. The god you worship is not the God of the Bible.

        When I see the atrocities that occur throughout the world on a daily basis by Muslims who claim to believe in a “peaceful” god, it is impossible to see anything but hatred, yet you say I am a “hater.” So-called moderate Muslims like yourself do absolutely nothing to engender respect for themselves or Islam because they are too busy attempting to point of the perceived fallacies with someone else’s religion, while attempting to prop up Islam. Please remember, you came to MY blog. I did not seek you out.

        You said, “I love my freedom, I love my country, and I love what our flag represents, but I do not love that my tax dollars go to a government run by corporations seeking profit from Halliburton etc.”

        You love “your country”? You mean the United States? If it makes you feel any better, I HATE the fact that my tax dollars go to pay for millions of abortions each year and billions are given to the “Palestinians” to improve their living conditions in the Middle East. But I can do nothing about it, so we all have to live with what the government does. You should be proud of the fact that our government consists of a man who is most likely Muslim and who is attempting to destroy this country for the same reasons you mention: imperialism. That should make you very happy. If Mr. Obama gets another four years to complete what he has started, we can expect a huge change in the United States during that time, one I am not looking forward to seeing.

        I have NOT pushed back with hate, as you say. I have pushed back with truth, though truth seems to be up for grabs these days and is often referred to as “hate-speech” by people who are unable to handle the truth.

        You said, “You are more interested in being right than being understanding.”

        I am more interested in helping/hoping you see the truth. I’m sorry if that offends you, but calling me a “fascist and fanatic” does nothing to prove of your genuine concern and supposed love for me. It simply proves that you can call me names and you do so out of anger and hatred. If that makes you feel better, great, but it won’t help you avoid the truth.

        How is it possible that YOUR religion and MINE can find common ground? They are at odds with one another as we do not worship the same God, we have a completely different view of what constitutes salvation, and many within Islam believe that hatred and violence is what is required by Allah to bring in the next Caliphate; a Caliphate I bet you would willingly participate in if it came to that.

        Aside from the fact that Abraham was the father of the promised son, Isaac, and the other son, Ishmael (who was NOT the son of promise), there are no commonalities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It ends there. Christians trace their lineage back through to Isaac, from which line Jesus was born into this world. Supposedly, Muhammad traces his lineage back to Ishmael, yet there is absolutely no proof of that. Even if there was, it does not prove anything other than the fact that he can claim Abraham as his “father.” This does not mean anything as both Jacob and Esau came from the same father, but one was roundly rejected by God while the other was accepted. It is not lineage alone that makes someone significant. It is how God sees that individual and how He consequently blesses them.

        Of course I believe that I have the truth. I’m assuming YOU also believe YOU have the truth? If you do not thoroughly believe that, then obviously you are wasting your time. Either Christianity – based on what Jesus Himself has said – is true or it is not. If it is not, then I am wasting my time believing in something that has no basis in fact.

        Again I will say…I pray that God will open your eyes to the truth (and fallacies) of your ideological system the world knows as Islam.

        You said, “I am done with this. Thank you my brother, may god grant you peace.”

        Thank you. May God open your eyes.


  • 7. Sigdrifa  |  December 1, 2011 at 8:22 AM

    Simon, I do have a problem with muslims praying in public, simply because they don’t do it for any spiritual reason. The actions of all muslims are designed only to affect non-muslims in any way they can. There is no logical reason for them to pray in public, as they have adequate facilities not only in their mosques but in their community “dershane” (centre for islamic study/sharing/prayer), and the many prayer rooms now in every city (due to pressure by the muslim community).
    This is all part of stealth jihad, which is the main motivation for immigration.


  • 8. Sigdrifa  |  December 1, 2011 at 8:16 AM

    Maybe Walt could go and pray outside a mosque to test his theory? If so, please take along someone to film the subsequent arrest and post it on Youtube, I’d like to watch.


  • 9. Simon  |  November 30, 2011 at 6:27 PM

    You could have also mentioned Matt 6:7, ‘But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.’ My understanding is that these prayers of Muslims are not talking to God as you or I would do but highly ritualized repetition. Christianity is a religion of relationship, who we can know through Jesus Christ. By contrast, Islam is a religion of magic formulas, where you simply keep the 5 pillars to earn your way to salvation. It is just ancient paganism dressed up on monotheistic garb.

    I don’t really have a problem with Muslims praying in public, as it is a free country. However, as you seem to suggest, it is the hypocrisy that these same standards don’t apply to Christians. The media and public in general are happy to make fun of Christians and Jesus, but heaven help them if they do so to Muslims, because they tend to go on killing rampages.


    • 10. modres  |  November 30, 2011 at 7:46 PM

      If you’ll go back and read it, you’ll note that I DID include Matthew 6:7.


  • 11. walt  |  November 30, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    The Romans wanted to insinuate the new religion, without upsetting the old one. Thus the Dec 25 usurpation, syncretism. And whomever thinks the “holliday tree” is secular…lets not even mess with the very word “Holly Day” itself. Lets just remember that it was a pagan holly tree that, again, was borrowed so that the new symbology did not offend, but did merely modify peoples’ associations. And we have plenty of documentation that this took a long long process.

    Perhaps as “other than Christian, other than Muslim”, I could go and “pray” outside the S.Ct building? It would be an interesting experiment.


    • 12. modres  |  November 30, 2011 at 7:48 PM

      Or you could do what a pastor in Tennessee did. He stood outside a mosque there on the PUBLIC sidewalk, talking to people as they came out of the mosque or walked by. The people in the mosque called the police because they said they “owned the sidewalk in front of the mosque.”

      The pastor was arrested and has been charged…



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