Where is Richard Dreyfuss When You Really Need Him?

November 29, 2010 at 6:43 PM 4 comments

Some may remember in 2006, actor Richard Dreyfuss was interested in the impeachment of President Bush.  he is quoted as saying, “there are causes worth fighting for,” and one of those is the impeachment of President George W. Bush.” [1]  He went onto list a number of grievances he held against Bush, like leaving the Geneva Convention, increasing the scope of governmental wiretapping capability.

I cannot help but wonder why we have not heard from Mr. Dreyfuss in 2010 with respect to President Obama?  If one considers the alleged illegal activity surrounding President Obama (they have all individual been listed in plenty of places on the ‘Net, and likely many of them have been shut down for selling alleged counterfeit merchandise), leaving the Geneva Convention and increasing the scope of wiretapping ability pales in comparison!

Then again, Richard Dreyfuss is admittedly very liberal in his beliefs.  I’m sure if he were asked, he would laugh (or possibly ridicule) at the suggestion that President Obama has done anything wrong.  Unfortunately, actions speak far louder than words and many of Obama’s actions have been telling, to say the least.

I find it fascinating that those within the government (including the military) are threatened with psychiatric counseling and loss of job if they continue to believe that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States.  It just seems weird, doesn’t it, that the government is trying so hard to paint someone as “crazy” because there are problems with President Obama’s credentials and/or eligibility for office.

Dreyfuss was on a news/talk-type show today in which he clarified just exactly what he called for when he spoke of impeachment a few years back.  He stated that what he had actually done was simply to ask Congress to consider or investigate the possibility of bringing impeachment charges against then President Bush.  His difficulty is that he did not believe the president of the United States should be above the law.  In fact, in response to that, he stated “not in this country, he’s not!” referring to the fact that no president should be above the law.  Interesting thought, one in which I would agree.

Again I ask though, where is Richard Dreyfuss now and why – though he reiterated these things today – never mentioned President Obama once.  Not once.  In fact, I could see no evidence that he was even thinking of mentioning President Obama.

Liberals crack me up (as I’m sure conservatives bring a sardonic smile to their lips), because ultimately, all they want is their agenda to come to pass.  I would be willing to bet that many liberals believe that President Obama is not eligible to be president, but since he is doing the job they want done, he’s perfectly fine.

I also think it’s ironic that those of us who would really like some solid answers are getting none, because dealing with the various aspects of the government can be literally like talking to a brick wall.  Anyone who has ever dealt with any aspect of the government knows how difficult wading through red tape can be.  The government is masterful at creating red tape when it wants to forestall something, but when it wants to accomplish something, red tape seems to dissolve.  Who would have thought?

There are many groups and organizations working on behalf of the United States Constitution to uncover the realities concerning President Obama.  Will they be successful?  I think they will be, but I also don’t think they will see much success until after President Obama has been voted out of office.  At that point, will it matter?  Sure, we can argue that if he was in fact, ineligible to be in office and was so fraudulently, then one would think that everything he did while in office becomes dead in the water and should be overturned.  We can say that, but in reality what will happen will be gobs and gobs of red tape, thrown up as a defensive measure by our own government in their myriad attempts to forestall the process.

It will surprise me greatly if things change after President Obama is voted out of office, even if the public ever does find out the truth about President Obama’s birthplace.  In the meantime, if we had even one celebrity who came forward to ask Congress to look into impeaching President Obama, it might move things forward.  Then again, maybe they’re too smart, realizing that they are simply placing themselves in the line of fire (metaphorically speaking).  That would damage their credibility and reduce the chance for more acting roles.  Oh well.

[1] http://www.gossiprocks.com/forum/u-s-politics-issues/11649-richard-dreyfuss-calls-bush-impeachment.html

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Christian Woman in Pakistan Slated for Execution for Allegedly Insulting Muhammad Noah’s Ark in Kentucky

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. amc  |  November 30, 2010 at 1:04 PM

    I’m convinced that one of the prerequisites for becoming a Hollywood celebrity is to undergo a lobotomy.

    Great articles, Fred. Keep em coming!


    • 2. modres  |  November 30, 2010 at 2:08 PM

      I would not be surprised. They all have the same liberal line that they simply spout when their mouths open. Kids today.


  • 3. modres  |  November 30, 2010 at 11:52 AM

    Dreyfuss kept his mouth closed because of the following:
    – he did not want to be seen as a loon
    – he did not want offers for movies to stop coming in
    – he did not want to be seen as a conservative
    – he did not want to be seen as someone who is non-partisan

    and most importantly,
    – he did not want his liberal friends to stop liking him


  • 4. Sue  |  November 30, 2010 at 2:51 AM

    “Again I ask though, where is Richard Dreyfuss now and why – though he reiterated these things today – never mentioned President Obama once. Not once. In fact, I could see no evidence that he was even thinking of mentioning President Obama.”

    Luckily I think I, and of course some others, have what amounts to a direct feed into the thoughts of R. Dreyfuss and the many, many others like him–a fact which is obviously relevant to your post. The evidence is strong from my dream. He actually was thinking of mentioning President Obama but then thought the better of it. Then he opened his mouth to mention the Man, but again changed his mind and slammed his mouth shut, saying nothing. Why exactly? You can interpret this information better than me–I tend to think of myself as just a messenger, but I want to hear your thoughts.



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