GABA, GABA, Doo, Part 8

June 27, 2016 at 8:22 AM 3 comments

What you do not know about your genes can ultimately kill you...

What you do not know about your genes can ultimately kill you…

I’ve previously mentioned my particular situation with the MTHFR genetic coding in my system. I noted that I am homozygous and because of that, people like me have the following situation to contend with: “Homozygous rs1801133 (T;T) individuals have ~30% of the expected MTHFR enzyme activity.” This means that my body is only able to use enzymatic activity in folate at 30% compared to someone who has no mutations in these genes and whose body is able to use enzymatic activity at 100%. That’s a big deal and because of this, if I’m not careful, I could experience the following situations:

  • autism
  • cancer, including
    • gastric cancer
    • lung cancer
    • head and neck cancer
    • renal cancer
  • cleft lip and cleft palate
  • coronary artery disease
  • dementia
  • depression
  • hyperhomocysteinemia
  • migraine
  • neural tube defects
  • pre-eclampsia (gestational hypertension)
  • schizophrenia
  • thrombosis
  • down syndrome

The list above represents situations that could occur. I do not have autism and have not had any cancer, nor do I have a cleft lip or palate or coronary artery disease. I have experienced depression, hyperhomocysteinemia, and migraines. So far, no sign of schizophrenia, thrombosis, down syndrome, or dementia. All of these things are solely related to the fact that I am homozygous with this one particular set of genes (the Rs1801133).

But let me emphasize the fact that just because I might be predisposed to potentially have some of these things, it does not mean that I will have them. The perfect situation needs to be created for them to appear. I could have been born with a cleft lip or palate but was not. I could have developed autism at an early age, but did not. I could have had any one of the cancers listed, but have not.

I truth, I can stave all of the things on the list above away from me if I am willing to do what is good for my body. Once again, that comes down to eating the correct foods and avoiding the garbage. It includes drinking more water (spring water or reverse osmosis filtered water without added chemicals). Eating more proteins and less carbs, but not avoiding fats (good fats) because our brain needs fat.

The FDA will tell you that we should be on a low-fat diet. Unfortunately, from everything I’ve read by medical professionals and scientists, the information they now know is that our brains – which are made up of roughly 70% cholesterol – actually need fats to survive and work properly. What the FDA tells us actually goes against this truth and in fact, by following the FDA’s dietary advice, we have been starving our brains because fat is a necessary component for good brain health.

Folks, let me state clearly that if you share this information that you’ve been reading in this particular series, you will eventually run against people who think you’re a moron, a loser, a conspiracy buff, someone who spends too much time worrying about things that are beyond your control. They may laugh at you and ridicule you for what you believe is truly important. They may even use themselves as an example of how “fit” they are and they don’t worry about food and other things. But ask yourself this: are those people healthy? Are they overweight? Are they on numerous prescription drugs for high blood pressure or something else?

Do not cast your pearls before swine as the biblical saying goes (Matthew 7:6). Stop the conversation. Change the subject. Don’t let these folks use you as the butt of their jokes simply because they are and purposefully remain uninformed. If they don’t care about their health, that’s up to them, but do not allow them to rob you of your peace of mind because the things you’re doing will increase and enhance your health whether they think so or not.

If you would like to look at a person’s detailed profile after she received her 23 and Me results back, you can do so by checking this link where she placed and discusses her results. She also provides great information about many of the genes in our bodies and the job they have to break down enzymes and other things to keep things moving like a well-oiled machine and what happens when they don’t work well.

Again, it is extremely important that you do not get caught up in all of this because it can be a bit mind-numbing trying to sort through it all. I simply present this information to you to prove that there is tremendous science behind all of it and to show how long it can take to sort things out for yourself. But you should always come back to what you can do to help yourself and as I’ve stated repeatedly throughout this series, you and you alone have the following things under your control:

  • what you eat
  • what you drink
  • environmental toxins in your home

This is huge! You have control of what goes into your body and because of that, you can make decisions that will promote good health for yourself even if you cannot afford to have various testing done to see what might be part of the problem.

Next time, I want to talk about autism and I’d like to point out that I am no expert by any stretch. However, I will be referring to folks and quoting them who know a great deal more than I do. Much of what several of them talk about is related to what people on the autism spectrum eat that can, in many cases, begin to turn things around for them. Join me then!


Additional References:

Entry filed under: Agenda 21, christianity, Cultural Marxism, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Life in America, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation. Tags: , , , , , , , , .

Britain Exits from the European Union (EU) American Christians Seem to be Missing the Point, Part 1

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Cheryl  |  June 28, 2016 at 3:00 PM

    Thank you so much for this much needed series! I am in the midst of treating a number of health crises caused by vaccines, poor dietary choices and now the off gassing of our laminate flooring (my liver is toxic due to the formaldehyde). Like you I have FM/CFS and I have found that proper diet is key to reduced pain and increased function. I have to watch just about everything that I eat and drink and have replaced nearly all of our household cleansers with non toxic alternatives. Never realized how very many toxins we are bombarded with CONSTANTLY! Am blessed to have found a wonderful naturopath in my area who is really focused on proper nutrition and the avoidance of synthetic chemicals and diligent stress reduction. Because of some severe life’s circumstances, my stress levels have greatly undermined my health and I recommend each and every person to address not only their diets and chemical exposure but also their stress response. Thank you so much for this timely series and many blessings to you and yours!


    • 2. modres  |  June 28, 2016 at 3:13 PM

      So glad this has been helpful to you. I can relate to what you’re dealing with as I’ve found that I’m very limited in what I can eat.

      I’ll be back with more 🙂


  • […] get back to our other series – GABA, GABA, Doo – soon, but I wanted to discuss something else that has been of concern to me lately. I […]



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