Archive for December, 2023

1st Century Christian Teachings, Pt 1

It is safe to say that if the ancient church fathers gained their knowledge regarding the Scriptures from the apostles, by and large, the same ancient church fathers would then simply pass along what they had personally learned from those apostles. Interestingly enough, we see this very clearly as we study the church fathers’ writings.

Continue Reading December 29, 2023 at 12:41 PM 6 comments

Satanic Inversion

I’ve spent numerous years studying the New Age belief system (which essentially incorporates satanism and the occult, but does so in more humanistic acceptable terms. The very same ideology that runs through satanism and the occult also runs through the all branches of New Age. It doesn’t matter who you start with either. Whether it’s Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Maurice Strong, Robert Muller, David Icke, or a host of other Luciferians associated with the United Nations, it all boils down to the very same core belief system.

Alice Bailey began her Lucifer Publishing Company associated with the United Nations in 1920, then changed the name to Lucis Trust in 1922 because of the growing public perception of its connection with Satan. However, the name was the only thing that changed about the organization as it continued to contrive ways to externalize the hierarchy she had written so much about.

As James Musker details, this externalization of the hierarchy is nothing more than bringing into the physical realm that which New Age/Satanists/Occult proponents currently believe exists in the spiritual realm. In fact, everything that has been promoted by Manly Hall, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Annie Beasant, David Icke, Benjamin Creme, along with the “spirit guides” named Koot Hoomi (aka the Tibetan), Seth and Djwal Khul et al, believes in the exact same realized goal. That goal, as noted in the externalization of the hierarchy is exactly this:

‘What is referred to is the externalization of the Hierarchy and its exoteric appearance on earth…(to) function openly and visibly on earth.[1]

Fascinating, isn’t it? So what currently exists behind the curtain blocking our view into the spiritual realm, is said to emerge at some point in the future so that all will actually see it. Like Musker, this reminds me of what will occur in Revelation 9:1-11, when the Abyss is opened and a horde of what can only be demonic creatures are released to roam the earth, inflicting pain, but not killing, for five months.

All of these secret societies and leaders of them have all taken up the task of doing whatever they can to usher in the Age of Aquarius. In order for that to occur, a good deal of work needs to continue. However, in re-reading through much of the documentation and information available now, it is clear that the work, which began in earnest in the mid to late 1800s (though it appears that Satan has been at work dating back way before the time of Christ, but without the help of technology available today), has picked up a great deal of speed and progresses toward the final product. At the same time, it’s also clear from Scripture that Satan tried to inverse the truth of Christianity during the life of the apostles! He never takes time off and is always working to destroy truth.

Satan has deluded his human Luciferian servants into thinking that he is THE god, that he has humanity’s best interests at heart and he teaches human beings how to become god themselves.

In a nutshell, this coming hierarchy will be the absolute inversion of Christianity, which we know to be the truth God has revealed to us through God the Son. The coming hierarchy is nothing but lies masquerading as truth.

Most Christians await the physical return of Jesus. Theosophy and the New Age and all its various branches await the coming of “the Christ” or the Christ Consciousness (Maitreya). Currently, they believe this New Age Christ is living in the spiritual realm referred to as Shambala (Shambhala). When the time is allegedly right, this Christ will appear to the world to restore peace globally and direct humanity to higher orders.

What I find interesting is that this Christ will not appear (according to the New Age), until “…humanity itself must first produce the conditions in consciousness and in world affairs essential to the eventual physical appearance of the Christ. When a measure of peace has been restored on Earth, when sharing begins to govern economic affairs, and when churches and political groups have begun to clean house, the Christ will then be drawn into the arena of His work.”[2]

First, they’re saying Maitreya’s appearance is dependent upon what humanity can accomplish. This, by the way, is no different from what some groups within Christendom believe that they must work hard to convert people to Christianity and once enough have been converted, then Jesus will be able to return. That’s absolute hogwash as His future physical return is not at all dependent upon what humanity accomplishes, but solely God’s timing. Second, notice the phrase, “…when sharing begins to govern economic affairs…” Everyone will be treated exactly the same way in the future for fairness’ sake. Socialism/Communism is the political path toward that end (according to Luciferians). Everyone will get the same handout, they’ll be happy and own nothing, according to Schwab’s Great Reset.

The people in control of moving the world to the point where this externalization of the hierarchy can become manifested in this physical world are also diligently working to unite all people, merge all religions, destroy national sovereignty and borders, create a global surveillance state including digital currencies and passports so that all people are fully controlled. I know it sounds far-fetched…if you’ve not been paying attention.

This is what CV was actually about, not saving lives (and before that, 9/11 with the installment of the Patriot Act). If it was about saving lives, they’d actually be paying attention to the unusually large percentage of people who are suddenly dying since the jab rollout, not to mention all those who have experienced severe adverse reactions. What does the power elite have in store for the world next to ramp up fear so that people will again be forced to rely on the government? We’ll see, I suppose. Of course, you can choose to not comply without making a huge fuss about it. Live quietly, minding your own business. Don’t agitate, but don’t comply. It’s up to you.

This is all leading to the New World Religion that will unveil itself to the world at some point in the future and is being built now. This New World Religion will include the visible manifestation of the externalization of the hierarchy. According to Theosophy, “Sanat Kumara is the head of this Hierarchy and this is the god of Theosophy. He is supposed to have reached the 9th Ray level and as such lives in Shambhala which is a floating city on the etheric plane somewhere above the Gobi Desert. Interesting to note that Sanat is an anagram for Satan, they love to have these anagrams and play on words.”[3]

Now, here’s where it even gets more interesting. As this externalization comes to pass, it will manifest itself in a number of ways.

The work of the externalized ashrams is creating and vitalizing the new world religion. The gradual reorganization of the social order. The public inauguration of the system of initiation. The esoteric training of disciples and of humanity in the cycle. (from Alice Bailey’s Externalisation of the Hierarchy)

Benjamin Creme, spiritual New Age leader (Share Intl), who died a few years ago, tells us what it will be like when the Christ (New Age Maitreya) finally appears to the world.

For 30 or 40 minutes the Teacher’s [Maitreya] thoughts will be heard inwardly, telepathically and everyone in the world, in their own language, will feel the warmth and love of the Maitreya…[4]

Cue the aliens. Musker believes this will likely occur after a global economic meltdown. Following this, world religions’ and nations’ unification will expedite. Musker also comments that what Creme is referring to sounds an awful lot like a psychotropic weapon, which has the ability to put “…voices inside someone’s head without them being auditory.”[5]

Satan, who first tempted Eve to become “like God” by disobeying God’s one law, has been working tirelessly for centuries since then to do what he nearly completed through Nimrod at Babel; the unification of the entire earth into one people, one purpose and one religion. This is remarkably similar to the main objective of Theosophy, New Age and all of its offshoots. Nothing has really changed except the way it is now done with modern technology.

The end goal of Theosophy is therefore Man becoming like a god, living in a physical Utopian society with complete access to awesome god like powers, which will enable him to fulfill his destiny and for mankind to become god.[6]

You see? There is zero difference between what Satan attempted to create when he lied to Eve, what Satan attempted to create just roughly 1,000 years after the Flood at Babel, and what he has attempted to create many times since, but the timing has never been right by God’s calendar. This, I believe, is why Satan has had a specific person/persons in each generation throughout history to expound theosophical tenets and beliefs to usher in the externalization of the hierarchy; whether Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and so many others we see as we look back through the annals of historical narrative. Satan has never known the timing of when his work might produce concrete results so he’s tapped someone in every generation for that purpose.

At this point in time, we may well be on the cusp of this coming “Utopian” global society. Of course, the Utopian part of it will pertain only to the power elite and their families. Those outside those families will literally exist in a hell on earth as slaves to the power elite.

Again, this coming externalized hierarchy is the complete inversion of Christianity; that human beings can become gods. Everything connected to Luciferianism (New Age, Satanism, the occult, etc.), inverts the truth of Christian tenets and presents the opposite as truth; purely demonic and anti-God. If one takes the time to read books written by Bailey and others, it’s clear the lies presented by “ascended masters” are nothing short of lies. Yet, they are preferable to most people simply because they do not want to be under God’s “fascist” thumb!

The goal is to subvert Christianity at all costs. Why? Because Christianity is the truth and that truth must be replaced with falsehoods that simply sound truthful and pleasing. If they cannot make Christianity part of the New World Religion, they are happy to destroy it or at least attempt to do so.

Not even a deep dive into the United Nations and all of its documents proves beyond doubt that the UN is little more than a religious organization masquerading as a political one.

Manly Hall (Freemason adept), wrote numerous books. One was The Secret Teachings of all Ages (604 pages), and another was Secret Destiny of America (263 pages). In the latter he states:

In America shall be erected a shrine to Universal Truth, as here arises the global democratic Commonwealth – the true wealth of all mankind, which is designed in the foundation that men shall abide together in peace and shall devote their energies to the common cause of discovery…The power of man lies in his dreams, his visions and his ideals. This has been the common vision of man’s necessity in the secret empire of the Brotherhood of the Quest, consecrated to fulfilling the destiny for which we in America were brought into being.[7]

One need only look to all the occult symbolism within America, the Freemasonry of the founding fathers and the fact that most were Deists, not Christian, to understand that this country was created not as some think, similar to how Israel was created and for that purpose, but actually to be the leader in promoting and creating the externalization of the hierarchy that we may soon see.

Thanks for reading this article and I pray that you have a great Christmas and that you’ll remember the actual reason for this season. When you gather with family to exchange gifts and express love, I pray you’ll remember that Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all – salvation. Do you know Him? I pray you do.


[1] James Musker, The New World Religion and the Beliefs of the Elite, p205

[2] Ibid, p206

[3] Ibid, p207-208

[4] Ibid, p210, video:

[5] Ibid, p211

[6] Ibid

[7] Manly Hall, Secret Destiny of America, p137

December 22, 2023 at 3:40 PM 2 comments

Politics, Economy and Religion

As noted in a previous article, according to author James Musker, the power elite have their eye on gaining control over the three “legs” that prop up any society: politics, economy and religion. Once they can gain control over those things, they have won and are then able to imprison the world according to their dictates.

Continue Reading December 21, 2023 at 2:08 PM Leave a comment

Refuse to Fear

Throughout his book, Musker refers to the globalists who have garnered so much power that it has enabled them to direct the affairs of the world through governmental forces, referring to them as the Cryptocracy. He seems to tie in all the various threads including transhumanism, coming economic collapse, alien invasion, gradualism, WWIII, depopulation and post-Capitalist society. His final chapter – 15 – highlights how he believes the Cryptocracy are making mistakes. I would agree that though they have something in mind for their final global government, it probably will not look like they want it to look because it is Satan who is ultimately guiding it and he doesn’t tell them everything.

Continue Reading December 19, 2023 at 1:47 PM Leave a comment

Why is it all About Gender?

While some have indicated that a push toward trans gender acceptance adds to the depopulation scheme allegedly pushed by controbalists (because people who surgically transition are often left sterile), I believe there’s a larger reason for the acceleration of global acceptance of trans ideology. That overall reason, in my opinion, is because it is the physical representation of what has been part and parcel of the New Age belief system for generations. Demons (fallen angels), have always been at odds with biblical truth, always seeking to destroy biblical truth, replacing it with “truth” based on feelings. This was true in Noah’s day. It was true in Lot’s day and it is absolutely true in our day, which I believe is most likely the last generation prior to the Tribulation and physical return of Jesus.

Continue Reading December 15, 2023 at 1:19 PM 2 comments

Perfectly Insane

The author’s point in all this is to say that after we have lived this life in full, with all its pitfalls, foibles, problems, sin and darkness, we will come out at the other end of it in glory, with the full realization that we will never ever want to stray from Him again…ever.

Continue Reading December 14, 2023 at 11:28 AM Leave a comment

Fight, Flight or Calm?

Often, as mental health experts attest, the fight or flight reaction is something that we experience in our brains, based on how we perceive specific situations we face. But why is this article titled “Fight, Flight or Calm?” when in reality, only the first two – fight or flight – are ever really discussed? Because there is another option and for Christians, that option has to do with our perceptions of what God wants and/or expects from us.

Several examples from Scripture serve to buttress this point. In Daniel 3, we learn of three men by name who faced a particular situation that would have easily meant their executions if God had not intervened. You’ll recall in that chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar had constructed a very tall image that he also decided would be used to call all people to worship. When people heard the music, they were to immediately stop what they were doing and worship the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Most people had no problem with this. They simply obeyed since they were already polytheists, worshiping many different gods. What was one more “god” added to the mix?

However, we soon learn that three Jewish men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (friends of Daniel), would not bow the knee. Faced with the possibility of having to stand before Nebuchadnezzar and explain why they refused to worship the image he had set up, they were brought before him because of their refusal to worship the image.

The three men stood before the king and explained why they would not bow the knee to worship the image the king had set up. They also informed the king that their God was very capable of keeping them safe even if they were tossed into the fiery furnace as punishment for not obeying the king, but further indicated Yahweh might choose not to save them from the fiery furnace and they would perish. However, they wanted the king to understand that in either case they would be saved from the king and his wrath and would go into eternity with clear consciences were God was concerned.

So how did the three men stand up under the pressure to worship the image when they knew to do so would be wrong? They did not by fighting or fleeing but by embracing the situation and experienced calm. They prayed to God, submitted to Him and embraced what it He allowed to come their way instead of shrinking from it.

Another instance from Scripture is with Jesus on the night He was betrayed. As He prayed alone in the Garden of Gethsemane, it became clear what He was facing and it was gruesome in many ways; physically and spiritually. Jesus described it as “this cup” that He sought the Father to remove, but only if it was the Father’s will to do so (Luke 22:42). No one knows exactly what that “cup” was but it clearly included a great deal of suffering. Was it purely the physical pain and agony of what His body would go through that caused Him to reel? Was it the spiritual separation Jesus would experience as the Father poured out His wrath on God the Son? Was it both? We don’t know for certain because Scripture doesn’t tell us.

We can see the struggle Jesus went through in being tempted to want to flee away from what lay in front of Him. The temptation to flee the situation pushed Him to His limit, yet He did not sin by fleeing or fighting against the situation. He submitted Himself to the Father knowing that what was coming His way that evening and the next day was essentially the main reason He had agreed to be born into this world in human skin. How?

When we face situations that cause stress, our brain creates/converts chemicals to neurotransmitters, which is how we handle stress. Stress-inducing situations make it very hard to relax and gain calm. Mental health experts tell us that in our brains, neurotransmitters help us decide how to think. Two particular neurotransmitters (but not the only two), involved in this process are glutamate and GABA (short for gamma aminobutyric acid). These help us think and decide what to do in given stressful situations. However, if our bodies do not produce glutamate or GABA properly, things will be off in our brains and poor decisions may be the result.

Dr. Scott Sherr – director of integrative hyperbaric medicine and health optimization at Hyperbaric Medical Solutions – has spent years working with patients to help determine what works and what doesn’t work. He notes that GABA does wonders for our brains and can actually help our bodies physically detox when things are working correctly. Dr. Joseph Mercola notes that “GABA helps put you into parasympathetic mode, thereby promoting relaxation and stress reduction, indirectly.” [1]

Even though stressful situations cause our bodies and minds to react with either a fight or flight responses, proper amounts of GABA can reduce stress, allowing us to think more clearly and reasonably, better able to make an informed decision. The problem though is that this ability to think clearly and reasonably is often overruled by a lack of GABA.

Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter and GABA the main inhibitory neuro-transmitter. These two are always working in conjunction with each other to maintain a balance. Glutamate converts into GABA in your brain. If you have trouble converting glutamate into GABA, you’ll have excitatory-like symptoms, as the glutamate over-accumulates. [2]

The more glutamate a person has working in their brains, the more overworked your brain will be. Things like impatience, restlessness, anxiety, worry, irritability, lack of focus, and anxiousness will rule your brain. GABA, on the other hand, supports relaxation, good mood, sleep, and calm without impairing cognition.

Our brains are very complex. Evolution did not do that! God did that.

Today, more people are on some sort of SSRI medication (for depression, anxiety, etc.), than previous generations. This increases the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain and is often referred to as the “feel good” neurotransmitter. Research now indicates that this may not be accurate.

Serotonin is typically referred to as “the happiness hormone,” and deficiency is thought to be the source of depression. That’s why depression is routinely treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that raise serotonin levels in your brain. The problem is, serotonin is NOT responsible for depression, and raising your serotonin is the last thing you want to do. Elevated serotonin destroys empathy, love and wisdom, and impairs thyroid function, reduces metabolism, and contributes to reductive stress and insomnia.[3]

We need to ensure we have plenty of glutamate converting to GABA available in our brain. This is done first and foremost, by eating correctly. Most people do not eat correctly today. They instead rely on fast food or restaurant foods and snacks (junk foods), that are heavily processed and laden with chemical additives and preservatives that tend to weaken the body’s immune system as well as keep us from properly breaking down and digesting food in our bodies. The goal for most food producers today is on how it tastes, not how nutritious it actually is for a person.

It’s also clear scientifically that neurotransmitters are often (not always), created in our guts, not our brains. They are then transferred to our brains for use. However, if not adequately created in our guts, they won’t do the correct job in our brains and may do more harm than good. If people ate high quality foods instead of what is normally eaten today, that would be more than half the battle because proper vitamins and nutrition is naturally created in the food God made for us. We become what we eat for good or bad.

It turns out that it’s GABA, not serotonin, that fights depression and provides a sense of well-being. Dr. Scott Sherr says this about GABA and serotonin.

GABA deficiencies are…associated with anxiety, with fear, with depression, with a short temper, phobias, impulsiveness, disorganization, addictions. It’s even associated with schizophrenia and OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder]. You can also have things like IBS and diarrhea, hypertension, tinnitus, chronic pain, migraines, allergies, frequent urination, flushing, sweating, salt cravings, muscle tension. These are all things that could be signs of GABA deficiency.[4]

The person who suffers from the those things regularly may have consistently low GABA levels in the brain. Sherr says that glutamine is converted into glutamate in our brains, an “excitatory neurotransmitter.” This creates overthinking and hyper-focusing and/or anxiousness and even feeling negatively overwhelmed by your thoughts (“gloom and doom”).

However, glutamate in a normally healthy person will convert to GABA, which will then reduce the excitatory neurotransmitters (balancing them out), into a more relaxed state in the brain, making it possible to better analyze situations and work through them. GABA is one of the transmitters that is actually created in our brains, after conversion from glutamate. So if you are a person who has trouble converting glutamate into GABA (look to your symptoms), you’ll be dealing with excitatory neurotransmitters on a more regular basis. This means glutamate is over-accumulating in the brain and causing a constant state of restlessness, over-thinking, worry, etc. You may even conclude that you’re a “worry wart,” depressed, or that something is seriously wrong with you because all you do is worry and you feel overwhelmed.

What things keep glutamate from converting to GABA? Medical experts tell us it’s often due to a lack of co-factors like B6 and magnesium. Another is a lack of enzyme glutamate decarboxylase. This converts glutamate into GABA so if not present, no conversion occurs, leaving glutamate as excitatory neurotransmitters.

Dr. Mercola notes two common problems that cause this lack: one is an acute or chronic infection and the second is chronic stress that causes elevated cortisol levels. With the rise of stress hormones like cortisol, GABA production is greatly reduced.

The article linked below (in PDF format), goes into great depth on this subject and is well worth the read especially for the times in which we live. Society is now at the point where stressful situations are coming at us non-stop and it takes its toll. I’ve linked to another article on how GABA works to reduce pain as well.[5]

During CV, most people who took the jab did so because they reacted with the fight or flight mode. They were told they’d die if they got CV and wanted to fight off or flee from death by CV. They were eventually told that getting the jab was the cure. It didn’t live up to its hype though and now many are wishing they hadn’t taken it because of the harm it caused them and continues to cause. But this is a perfect example of how excitatory neurotransmitters (causing fear/worry), can deceive us into making erroneous decisions.

I believe God expects us to approach situations in life like the three men in Daniel or Jesus in Luke. As we deal with each situation, our job is to give them over to Him for His will to be accomplished in and through us. This will be very hard for us when we feel completely overwhelmed and have little to no ability to be calm under the assault of those difficult situations. To face situations as the three men and Jesus faced their situations, we need to have the proper tools. Our health is one of those important tools. Reading His Word is another. Praying is certainly another. Trusting in Him is yet another.

Eat the right foods to avoid added chemicals and literal poisons. Add supplementation to your diet after talking with your healthcare provider. Exercise is another way of increasing GABA, but it all starts with food in reality.

Treat your body like it is – the Temple of the Holy Spirit – and God will reward you for it.


[1] Role of GABA in Health and Well-being, by Dr. Mercola, published on-line December 10, 2023 role-of-gaba-pdf

[2] Ibid

[3] Ibid

[4] Ibid


December 11, 2023 at 1:13 PM Leave a comment

Docility and Compliance

As Christians, we must live to glorify God, as living witnesses to the awesome power of God to save to the uttermost those who are dying (Hebrews 7:25). Now is not the time to be faithless, by focusing inordinately on the terrible problems facing the world. Instead, we should daily strengthen our resolve and faith in God and His promises. We must actively pursue Him on a daily basis and that starts with His Word.

It’s really not about who gets elected to political office. It’s actually about growing in our trust of God daily, allowing Him greater capacity to work in and through us. If His Book remains closed to us, we are tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:4). His Word is how we get to know Him, how we familiarize ourselves with what He expects from us, and how He guides us in life.

Continue Reading December 4, 2023 at 1:54 PM 2 comments

The Best Approach

The picture of true love that Paul describes is based on a heart that literally seeks greater and greater humility, steadily becoming more and more like Jesus Himself! That person is wholly affected because they’ve come to understand that the more humble they become, the more they become like Jesus! Isn’t that the very essence of being and living life as a Christian?

Continue Reading December 4, 2023 at 11:17 AM 4 comments

Word Pictures from the Shroud

I don’t worship the Shroud, but I do appreciate what the Shroud appears to portray; a suffering Servant who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, “…but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” (Philippians 2:7-11 NKJV).

Continue Reading December 1, 2023 at 12:13 PM 2 comments

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