Archive for August, 2016

What Does It Mean to Understand or Interpret the Bible Literally?

Let’s take the phrase that is often seen on highway signs, “Fine for littering.” Now, most people understand that to say that if a person is caught throwing garbage out of the car window (littering), they will be subject to a fine payable to the court that has jurisdiction over that area.

Continue Reading August 31, 2016 at 10:22 AM Leave a comment

Is the Occult Presence in Society Increasing or Is It Just Being More Openly Accepted?

What the average fan of Beyoncé does not realize is that she is a creation. Katy Perry, Rihanna and others like them are all creations. When these people make the mistake of thinking they are self-made or truly important, the Elite will drop them like yesterday’s trash, easily replacing them with another person who will willingly sell themselves for fame, fortune, and unfulfilled aspirations. No matter how rich they become, they are being used until there is nothing left of them, but they willingly allow themselves to be used by the Elite so the Elite can send signals to society, to shape it, to brainwash it, and ultimately prepare society for what’s coming.

Continue Reading August 31, 2016 at 7:25 AM 8 comments

You CAN and SHOULD be as Healthy as Possible

In spite of how healthy people may strive to be in this life, we will all die, won’t we (barring those alive when the Rapture occurs)? Nonetheless, Christians above all people should be physically healthy. No, I’m not saying that God will heal everything that ails you. No, I’m not saying that God will provide great health if you will but simply believe it. I’m saying that something else entirely and by the way, before I get too deeply into this, I’m talking about our overall general health here. I’m not referring to folks who have genetic issues that result in terrible illnesses nor am I talking about people who may develop problems due to some type of car accident or something else, as in the case of Joni, who was a tremendous swimmer and athlete, but one day, dove into the water and broke her neck because she hit bottom, not realizing how shallow it was right there.

Continue Reading August 30, 2016 at 12:05 PM Leave a comment

What Should Authentic Christians Look Forward to in the Future?

This is all-too important to ignore or treat with disdain. We Christians have tremendous reasons to “look up” and understand that our citizenship is not here on earth, but in heaven. John tells us that as we focus our hearts and minds on the eventual return of our Lord and the culmination of all things by Him and His eternal power, many cares and concerns in this life will fall away.

Continue Reading August 29, 2016 at 8:57 AM Leave a comment

Using Scripture in the Argument or Debate

In truth, when people become angered by someone who cannot or refuses to see any truth in their opinion, it says a great deal about them as people, not the person they’re trying so hard to convert to their way of thinking. Their insecurities are often the driving force behind why they argue and debate. They have to continually prove to themselves that they are correct because of their own ever-present doubts. I have found this to be the case with people in cults. They chafe under that label and have to prove to people that they are “Christians” too so they are in attack mode most of the time, seriously on the defensive.

Continue Reading August 27, 2016 at 11:50 AM 2 comments

Why Are Satan and Demons Allowed to Produce Miracles? Part 2

I find it fascinating that God did not prohibit Satan and his minions from doing what they do naturally in their realm, here in this natural realm. Instead, God simply forbade the Israelites (and Christians as later reiterated in the NT in numerous places) to avoid going there. The door was never to be opened to that realm. Why not? Because those spiritual beings have no good intentions for humanity at all. Their goal is to help Satan bring his promises of Isaiah 14 to fruition, where he will become complete and total ruler of this world and make himself “like the Most High,” (Isaiah 14:14), for a very brief period of time. It all comes down to that, which, in my opinion, is the very reason he makes initial contact with Eve in the first place.

Continue Reading August 26, 2016 at 7:02 AM Leave a comment

Why Are Satan and Demons Allowed to Produce Miracles? Part 1

We see throughout the Old and New Testaments these examples of what Satan is capable of doing. Again, I’d like to emphasize that anything he does, he does only with God’s permission, but clearly, he is a very powerful being and the fact that he exists mainly in the spiritual dimension gives him the power to bring about what we call miracles, but for him, they are simply part of his natural ability. I also think that this is why Christians should not chase after miracles per se, because in doing so, our emotions will often catch us up so that we will become so myopic that we will accept miracles from any source, believing that only God would provide what we deem the “miracles” to His children. This is absolutely incorrect thinking and the fact that God has forbidden any connection with the occult or dark arts is proof that alleged miracles can come not just from God, but from Satan and his demons as well. Satan exists in the supernatural realm, therefore it is reasonable to conclude that performing what we call miracles are natural for him. However, he is always kept in check by God.

Continue Reading August 25, 2016 at 10:44 AM 3 comments

Push-back Against Socialism

What we’re seeing in America is the result of the Elite forcing their plan onto society. They want things in upheaval as they move America toward Socialism. The more upheaval, the better, because it makes it difficult for people to concentrate on any one thing in society. This upheaval allows the Elite to bring their goals and ambitions to fruition because there is so much going on in society that acts as either a catalyst for their goals or distracts people from noticing them. It’s a form of Hegelian Dialectic at work and certainly, part of the reason all this is happening is so that people will eventually demand the government keep society safe. The government will be willing to do this by seriously curtailing and then outlawing personal gun ownership.

Continue Reading August 23, 2016 at 11:05 AM Leave a comment

Sameness is the New Word for Socialism

This is why the arguments are being made that we must have “compassion” on those who have peanut allergies or who identify as female, though biologically male (or visa versa). There is also a push that parents of young children should no longer read to them, but should wait until their children get to school. The argument is that since many parents cannot (or simply don’t) read to their young children, the parents who do read to theirs are creating a situation in which their children are ahead of the game. This creates an unfair situation for those children whose parents, for one reason or another, do not read to their kids. This is an “unfair advantage” against those children. Society is being told that we must now reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator. What’s next, the eradication of all competitive sports? That’s actually been in the works for a while.

Continue Reading August 22, 2016 at 7:34 AM 1 comment

It’s Just Becoming Weird, Isn’t It?

The last few weeks, my soul has grown weary. I find myself simply saddened at the chosen fate of too many today. They cannot listen to reason because they simply cannot reason. They are spiritually dead in their sins and cannot extricate themselves. Instead of being able to make good and right decisions, they continue to make decisions that place them deeper and deeper inside the lies that surround them and guide them along. Those lies, seen as truth, continue to guide them away from God in Christ.

Continue Reading August 17, 2016 at 6:27 AM 1 comment

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