Limited Hangout

May 9, 2024 at 1:15 PM Leave a comment

I watched a short video from Dr. William Makis this morning that dealt with Chris Cuomo’s new revelation.[1] Apparently, he has “long COVID” and also admits he is on Ivermectin. Apparently, Chris (like his brother and other solid leftists), came down on people from a power perspective, committing multiple criminal conspiracies, yet they want to put all that behind them now and act as though they personally did nothing wrong. They were simply given incorrect information originally.

This tactic is meant to excuse Chris Cuomo and many others because he didn’t know. The problem though is that because of the way Ivermectin was treated as the really bad bogey man (“horse paste”), it was deliberately kept from the average person who would have benefited from having taken Ivermectin. I still recall that insurance companies refused to pay for the drug. While my wife and I were able to buy it outright (with a prescription from our doctor), many people could not do so because it was unaffordable to them.

In watching Makis’ video, I learned a new term: limited hangout. This was a new term to me and I was not aware of the meaning.

According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”[1][2] While used by the CIA and other intelligence organizations, the tactic has become popularized in the corporate and political spheres.[2]

So this appears to be what Chris Cuomo and many other Leftists are doing, the same people who cursed those who refused the jab as being selfish, loveless, and had more of an interest in spreading CV than helping to eradicate it. While Chris Cuomo was at CNN, he diligently did what the network wanted him to do. He was eventually fired and landed elsewhere and now has a bit more freedom to say what he thinks but if he is using this newfound freedom as a “limited hangout” to ensure that he’s simply trying to pull the wool over our eyes, there will be people who will give him “attaboys” and those who will see him for what he is – a clown pretending to be truthful, while in reality, he is anything but truthful and in the end, is doing what he can to save his derriere.

Is Cuomo vaccine-injured? I have no idea. Does he have long COVID? Again, I have no idea. It’s just interesting that now, along with many other voices, Chris Cuomo (and ex-CNN talking head Don Lemon), did his best to invalidate the rights of anyone who even dared to question the jab. Those people were vicious in their verbal assaults and what they wanted to see happen to everyone and anyone who rejected the CV jab. They wanted us to not be given healthcare. They wanted us to die. They wanted us to be pushed the very edge of society without any support whatsoever. They certainly wanted those who would not take the experimental jab to be fired. This is what they wanted because they pushed the belief that those who did not take the jab were the ones guilty of keeping CV going. They were unmerciful in their villainy toward those who believed something was seriously wrong with a jab that could be rolled out in only a few short months with virtually no real clinical trials.

But the real problem has to do with the actual facts surrounding the rollout of the CV jab. According to Ed Dowd, as noted by Dr. William Makis in his video, a total of roughly 33 million people have been injured, 4 million permanently disabled and 1 million dead. Those numbers are nothing to sneeze at because they represent nearly 40 million people throughout the world that have been negatively affected by the jab.

In our own circles, we know people who are dealing with turbo cancers and other serious adverse reactions to the jab. Just this morning, another of my wife’s colleagues’ test results came back and it turns out she has breast cancer. She is scheduling a lumpectomy and radiation. Will that take care of it? Who knows? This type of thing seems to be a regular occurrence as turbo cancers, long COVID, and other very serious adverse reactions are hitting people left and right. Yet, the medical complex is uniformly “perplexed” and “baffled” over all of this. Those doctors who are speaking out are usually censored to oblivion.

As Dr. Makis notes, the purpose of the “limited hangout” is to provide some measure of truth without giving away everything. It makes the person seem more real and truthful. So while Chris Cuomo is saying that “thousands” have been injured by the jab, on the surface that makes him appear as though he is seeing the light. However, he’s not even close to reality with that admission. In essence, he is admitting “some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case.” That makes him a liar. In essence, he wants to be accepted into the truth fold while still only admitting a small piece of truth, hoping that humanity will be so glad and grateful for his admission and seeing the light that they’ll let bygones be bygones.

I’m not saying that we all need to hold a grudge, by the way. What I’m saying is that these people’s feet need to be held to the fire until they are willing to admit all the truth. Right now, they are in “cover their derriere” mode. Chris’ brother Andrew is doing the very same thing. In a recent video over at the Telegram Channel Fall of the Cabal, in which ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo was discussing things and states that people could have simply said “No” to wearing masks, closing businesses and getting the jab. The absurdity is surreal in its obvious nature because I vividly recall New York State health officials inside businesses shutting them down in spite of the fact that the owners were on hand trying to argue with the health department officials over the fact that they needed to remain open to be able to pay employees.

Beyond this, people were threatened with the loss of their jobs if they did not take the jab. Andrew Cuomo himself shipped CV patients to nursing home centers throughout New York State, which created tragic situations there in which many older patients contracted the illness and died because of it. Most of the time, they died alone.

Now, these people who were in positions of power (whether in the media, government or corporate), did what they did and want absolution for the decisions they made. They’re all in their “limited hangouts” trying their best to offer some sort of defense for their actions while trying to explain their actions away.

As Dr. William Makis states clearly in his video (9:59 mark), no one should be getting excited about these admissions by those people. It’s all theatrics and nothing more. They are testing us to see if we will accept what they are offering. Are we willing to simply accept what they tell us without them at the very least offering some sort of apology? Not that an apology would make it right, but there is no sign that any of them are even willing to do that, instead blaming things on limited knowledge at the time.

Remember, what they are handing us are as Makis says, “tiny slivers of the truth.” Many people will grab onto those slivers and urgently believe those people have now had an awakening. In reality though, little to nothing has changed and what they seem to be wanting to do is to be able to move on with life with little or no resistance from society for what they put the rest of us through.

If they came out an apologized, they would be admitting that they were wrong. They cannot do that, so they blame a lack of knowledge of what was simply not known at the time. But the question remains…why were some people way back at the beginning able to see through the subterfuge to clearly reject the lies that were fomented then?

Dr. Makis says this at one point: “I believe Chris Cuomo and his media peers who participated in the various kinds of propaganda should be criminally investigated, in large criminal trials, and if found guilty should be then either penalized or sent to prison…” The truth though is that these people want to avoid the consequences for what they did. They participated in crimes against humanity, yet they want us to simply forgive and forget.

Dr. Makis outlines what he means by criminal conspiracies. The first was the attack on Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. In my mind, that includes insurance companies who refused to pay for those drugs. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died because they could not obtain those drugs. This applies to Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow and others because of the way they personally steered society.

Another criminal conspiracy surrounds the efficacy of the CV jab itself. The media lied about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. A third criminal conspiracy is the pandemic of the unvaccinated. People lied about who were in the hospitals. It was said that these people were the unvaxxed, yet it was the vaccinated by far. These are criminal conspiracies according to Makis.

The final conspiracy was inciting hatred to attack the unvaccinated. Some people committed suicide while others were forced to take the jab, many of whom suffered serious adverse affects and even death.

The media propagandists on a daily basis peppered society with their lies and now are pretending that they have seen the light of truth. Yet, as Makis notes, Chris Cuomo is still spreading the lie (knowingly or unknowingly) that it was the unvaxxed by far who filled hospitals, not the vaxxed. This is an absolute, boldfaced lie, yet it continues to be bounced around as though it’s fact.

Again, I’m not saying that people need to hold grudges or take matters into their own hands. What needs to be considered though is just how many people’s lives changed drastically and overnight either through severe adverse events that they are still dealing with or through death. There are too many examples of people dying alone because they were not allowed to see family members. There are other examples of people being put on Remdesevir and experiencing organ shutdowns, causing them to drown in their own bodily fluids that their bodies could not expel because of those shutdowns.

The whole entire thing was a complete and utter setup in order to cull a large portion of the earth’s population. I didn’t want to believe that at first, but yet, that’s what’s remains when all is said and done. They want us dead and they tried hard to make that happen. Now, they want us to forgive and forget all while they are planning another pandemic, this one likely involving Bird Flu. Oh, and by the way, apparently, the human vaccine for it has already been produced and governments are already stocking up on it.

When will people learn? When will enough be enough? Paul was absolutely correct when he said there would be terrible times in the last days. We are there, folks. It is important that we start looking at things from 10,000 feet and get the full picture. We’ve got wars and rumors of wars. We’ve got pandemics in CV and another on the way, just in time for the November election. We’ve got inflation continuing to rise and we’ve got continuing shortages as well, not to mention the millions of people who have illegally gained entry to the USA and will dramatically change the landscape.

I realize I sound a bit like a conspiracy theorist but when all is said and done and the conspiracy turns out to be reality, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory. It’s reality. The very people who created the situations that harmed and even killed people now want to be accepted as people who were simply not given the full picture and we should let bygones be bygones. The problem is that they will never learn anything else if they are not held accountable for their criminal actions. They will do it again, of that we can be sure.

When the next pandemic hits, they will again take Big Pharma’s side in doing their best to entice everyone to take the next jab to keep from getting Bird Flu (or whatever is rolled out). They may sound a bit nicer than during CV, but they will do much the same type of thing as they did before.

Right now, they are trying to desperately sidestep any responsibility they personally had where people are concerned. They want us to forget and move on. They themselves are not changed people though. As Makis says, it’s all theatrics on the part of those who know their own culpability and want to squeeze out from under it.

Fortunately, God is keeping track of everything.





Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, Emotional virtue, eternity, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, technocracy, Transhumanism, Trilateral Commission.

Israel’s Real Need Jehoshaphat’s Problem is Ours

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