Archive for April, 2015

Is Coeur d’Alene Forcing Pastors to Marry Gay Couples or Face Jail and/or Fines?

Mr. Gridley told me that this is done to protect religious organizations. Let’s say a gay couple goes to a church in the city of Coeur d’Alene and wants the minister of that church to marry them. On religious grounds, that minister kindly refuses to comply. The gay couple then goes to the city to file a complaint. That gay couple would be shown the existing ordinance and that would be that. Would that gay couple be able to sue the city? Yes, anyone can sue anyone for anything. Would the gay couple win? No, but that would not stop those on the left to create a false narrative to help gain public support. Conservatives do that as well it would seem.

Continue Reading April 27, 2015 at 11:01 AM 3 comments

Is Salvation a Sure Thing or Dependent Upon Us? Part 1

So what about whether or not a Christian can lose his/her salvation? Is it possible? The short answer for me is no, not from where I sit based on my understanding of God’s Holy Word. We could go back and forth discussing passage after passage of Scripture, literally hitting each other over the head with it (and many do), but unless we are willing to look at overriding principles, we will likely not get any closer to knowing the truth about such an important theology.

What many fail to understand is that salvation is entering into an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ, the King of kings, and God of glory. In order for this to happen, there must first be spiritual transaction that occurs in the life of the new believer.

Continue Reading April 26, 2015 at 7:08 PM 13 comments

Meaning of “Day of the Lord” Part 6

The “day of the Lord” (DOTL) represents a time of judgment and that is very clear even from the few verses we have touched on in this series. What is not necessarily as clear is how long a period of time is represented by the DOTL and when it is supposed to occur. We’re going to look at a few more Scripture references to see if we can shed more light on the subject. Eventually, we want to cover all the Scripture that deals with anything to do with the DOTL.

Continue Reading April 22, 2015 at 6:44 AM Leave a comment

Is Zechariah 13:6 Talking About Jesus or Someone Else?

In other words, the entirety of Zechariah 13 so far is dealing with false prophets. Jesus was never part of that, though He was accused of it. As we continue down through the text, we learn more about how these false prophets operate. Many false prophets of old would often cut themselves during their ceremonies. One great example of this is with the prophets of Baal verses Elijah on Mt. Carmel (cf. 1 Kings 18). They did this to heighten their senses and to prove how deliberate and dedicated they were to the gods they worship. A modern counterpart of this is seen in Islamic ceremonies where drawing blood is an accepted and encouraged part of the “worship” service.

Continue Reading April 20, 2015 at 8:12 AM 3 comments

Why Has Left Always Attacked and Attempted to Dismantle the Family?

Satan must gather all of his resources and put them in one basket so that when the day comes to prove that he will become like the Most High, he will not prevail. In fact, it will take one world from the returning Lord Jesus to vanquish him and there will be not one thing that Satan can do about it.

Satan is a defeated foe (from the cross), yet he continues to maneuver global society toward the day when he will have absolute control. He will use that to try to overcome God Almighty. This is the epitome of ego. Satan so loves himself that he takes everything he can in order to attempt to overcome the God who so loves us that He GAVE so that we might live.

Satan offers nothing but misery and an eternal death, separated from God forever. But that is really beside the point for Satan. His one goal, his mania, everything he is about and strives for is to become like the Most High so that he will be able to overcome God Himself.

Continue Reading April 18, 2015 at 8:17 PM Leave a comment

Satan’s Attempt to Be Like the Most High God, Part 2

The problem of course is that, while some choose to believe that Paul’s reference to the “man of sin” is a metaphor that refers to the Christian and the fact that our body is now the temple of the Holy Spirit, this stretches the credulity of the text itself. They believe that the “man of sin” is an appellation for the spiritual man created by the Holy Spirit. They do not see Paul’s words as being literal, but merely figurative. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the text that supports this. Paul seems to be clearly pointing ahead to a time still in front of us when a man will walk onto the scene and will surrender himself to Satan. Satan will then give him his authority and enabling (supernaturally). This man will be known as the Antichrist, or “man of sin.” Paul’s use of the singular here is very important. He is speaking of ONE specific individual.

Continue Reading April 16, 2015 at 7:25 AM 5 comments

Satan’s Attempt to Be Like the Most High God

I believe since then, Satan has been busy attempting to rebuild a Tower of Babel, but not in the physical sense. I believe Satan has spent thousands of years bringing people together as “one” in thought, religion, government, and societal structure. This will make it much easier for him to completely indwell one coming individual who will be offered the same thing Jesus was offered in Matthew 4. There, Jesus was offered all the kingdoms of the world if only He would bow down to Satan and worship him alone. We know that Jesus rejected without consideration Satan’s temptation. We also know according to 2 Thessalonians 2, the coming “man of sin” (which is not a metaphor), will likely face the same temptation and, unlike Jesus, will succumb to Satan. At that point, Satan will supernaturally endow this coming “man of sin” with all of Satan’s ability. We learn this in Revelation 13:3-4, which states, “And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast.”

Continue Reading April 15, 2015 at 9:16 AM 2 comments

Meaning of “Day of the Lord,” Part 5

This part of Daniel has no literal fulfillment in all of history yet. Even many liberal scholars believe that this is unfulfilled prophecy. While it might be argued that Antiochus Epiphanes may have fulfilled some of what is described in this section of Daniel (11:36-39), he did not fulfill all of them. Paul also speaks of future events when the “man of sin” will sit in the Jewish temple that will be built during the Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2). While some allegorize that portion of Scripture to mean the physical body of the Christian, it really does not have any follow through. Paul, like Jesus, referred to a future event that was very reminiscent of the act performed by Antiochus Epiphanes in 168 BC where he physically went into the existing Jewish temple and defiled it. Jesus emphasized this in His Olivet Discourse to underscore the fact that the coming “man of sin” (Antichrist, a physical human being) will do the same thing that was done in 168 BC. Of course, this means that another Jewish temple will be built in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. How that will happen is anyone’s guess, but it most likely tied into the confirmation of the covenant that Antichrist brokers with Israel’s leaders (Daniel 9:27). This is the exact event that starts the Tribulation.

Continue Reading April 9, 2015 at 8:35 AM 1 comment

In True Tabloid Fashion, Jonathan Cahn’s Mystery of the Shemitah Makes Waves

The Bible tells us that the end is coming. We will be entering a period of the Tribulation, lasting seven years and will be the worst time this earth and the people on it will have ever experienced! America is not going to be turned around. Jonathan Cahn has nothing new to tell us that God has not already revealed. Unfortunately, Cahn is making it appear as though it’s new because he is using eisogesis (reading into Scripture) to gain new meaning. It’s absurd and the fact that so many are taken in by it tells us the sorry state of affairs within Christendom today when people will run out and buy and then devour Cahn’s books, but the Bible remains on the shelf!

Continue Reading April 8, 2015 at 8:44 PM 6 comments

Singularity of Purpose, Mind, and Life Itself

There is nothing wrong with helping people walk again or using technology to fix things in people that are broken so they can live the remainder of their lives with fewer problems and in better health. The problem is when transhumanism is looked at to become the progenitor of “eternal life.” This is completely opposed to God’s created order. He does not want us to live forever physically as fallen individuals. This is why death occurs. It is through death that those who are saved will have new bodies that will be incorruptible. Paul tells us as much in 1 Corinthians 15:53, when he says, “For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.”

Continue Reading April 8, 2015 at 7:53 AM Leave a comment

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