Archive for June, 2024

Future Shock is Here!

During C0V, when things got worse because Fauci forbid the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to treat C0V (pushing Remdesivir), the blame game went into high gear there as well. It didn’t matter that many to most people who had been jabbed were the ones who were dying, not the unjabbed (though it was said then that it was the unjabbed who were dying). The blame game shined the light on the “anti-vaxxers” in society. Even if you had routine vaccines but not the C0V jab, you became labeled “anti-vaxxer.” Even now The WHO’s Tedros is ramping up anger and vilification against the so-called “anti-vaxxers.” He wants everyone to push back against those who refused the C0V jab because of the alleged problems we create in society. There are still enough critically-stunted people who will see this as a credible and necessary approach.

Continue Reading June 19, 2024 at 11:33 AM Leave a comment

Shocked to the Core!

What will the demeanor of the unsaved be as they stand before God in judgment? Will they hate God? Will they resist Him still or will the truth cause humility before Him? Will they grudgingly acknowledge Him as Lord of All?

How will understanding this subject cause Christians to be better witnesses of His love to the lost in order that their eyes might open in this life and embrace the only salvation that is available?

Continue Reading June 18, 2024 at 3:00 PM 2 comments

WHO’s Kidding Whom?

Does anyone actually believe God will allow Jewish people to be utterly destroyed? Satan tried that in the book of Esther. He has tried it many times since and even in the modern times, he used Hitler to rid the world of God’s chosen people. It has never succeeded. Satan knows that if he can successfully destroy every last Jewish person, then who would go into the Millennial Kingdom to fully inherit all the promises directed to Israel that God originally gave to Abraham?

Continue Reading June 14, 2024 at 12:27 PM Leave a comment

Daniel 11 Part B

Verse 11 reveals what will occur in Daniel’s near future and it almost seems like a soap opera as we read it.

Historically, in this verse, the King of the South (Egypt) was Ptolemy IV Philopator (222-203 B.C.) who attacked Antiochus III (King of the North, Syria), on the southern borders of Israel, specifically at Raphia in 217 B.C. Initially Ptolemy was successful, but as Jerome tells us, Antiochus nearly lost his entire army and was almost captured as he fled.

Continue Reading June 13, 2024 at 10:00 AM Leave a comment

An Eternal Unfulfilled Longing

Consider this please. God made all of Creation including all human beings to reflect His intended purposes. He made all things for His glory, which means in part that our lives should always glorify Him in thought, word and deed. This is how we were made and this is how Adam and Eve lived until their fall. In fact, it’s how Lucifer/Satan lived until his fall as well.

Sin blinded us to the main purpose of our life here. Instead of living lives that bring glory to God continually (as authentic Christians will do in eternity with Him), sin makes us believe lies, causing us to think that God is there for us, to make our lives happy and complete. The problem is that He most certainly wants us to be fulfilled according to His will, but that only comes when we do things His way starting with receiving His salvation. Since He created us to glorify Him and we often don’t, we are ruined. We don’t glorify Him because we are blinded to the fact that this was our supreme purpose in being created in the first place.

Continue Reading June 12, 2024 at 12:42 PM Leave a comment

Raised for His Glory

In 2011, I published a book titled, Raised for His Glory.[1] I did so because of the rise of Dominionism, Kingdom Now and Replacement Theology, which was gaining support. In all these versions, the Church replaces Israel and the belief is that God is completely done with Israel. Many of those within these camps do not necessarily believe in a literal 1,000 year reign of Jesus (The Millennial Kingdom), after His physical return to this earth. In fact, some do not believe Jesus will physically return to this earth but that He is reigning now. These people do not understand why Jesus must return physically to this earth. Satan knows and has deceived them.

Continue Reading June 10, 2024 at 1:28 PM 2 comments

Dear Hollywood

Decades ago, people understood that escapist fare was the reason for Hollywood, so people could leave behind the monotony of their daily lives for a few hours. Now, Hollywood has become synonymous with that very same monotony. Hollywood has spent so much time and money trying to appear real and authentic, they failed to realize that people see through it. Is this why so many new movies are bombing? Too many people just don’t care about Hollywood or the celebs who stand up and try to tell us who we should be and why we’re wrong if we don’t think as they think.

Continue Reading June 8, 2024 at 1:52 PM Leave a comment

EU’s ESG Laws and Global Demolition Part 2

But in reality, Babylon in some form will rise physically in the soon coming years and will serve as the center of the coming ESG, DEI and social credit scoring system for the entire world’s population. How else would it be possible for Antichrist with False Prophet to force everyone to take the mark (Revelation 13:16-17), if this was not the case? Because of this coming system in Babylon, they will be able to enforce their will digitally so that anyone who does not have the mark won’t eat, buy or sell. It’s all coming together. I don’t know exactly when this will all occur and cannot give a date. It is certainly being built now, thanks to the way the world caved with C0V hit.

Continue Reading June 7, 2024 at 1:19 PM 6 comments

They Want You Enslaved or Dead

Lift up your eyes. While I believe it is good to know what satanic globalists are attempting to accomplish throughout this world, our focus should be on God and what He is doing. This goes a long way in relieving the pressure and frustration from the type of things happening in the world that can potentially negatively impact us. Focusing on those things can also cause us to become worried and even take our eyes off the Great Commission of Matthew 18.

We are here for a purpose and it is to bring glory to God. By shifting our gaze to Him and His purposes, the things that Satan is doing will be noted but will not overcome us.

Continue Reading June 4, 2024 at 1:04 PM Leave a comment

Daniel 11 Part One

Let’s stop here and remind ourselves that all of this was completely new to the prophet Daniel because all of it was in Daniel’s near future, compared to the latter half of Daniel 11, which speaks of events that will occur at the end of this age. All of this proves that God and only God knows the future because He determines it. He doesn’t have to go against people’s free will to get His will done. All He needs to do is find someone who is predisposed to go in a certain direction and use that person to accomplish what He will accomplish.

Continue Reading June 3, 2024 at 7:47 PM Leave a comment

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