Posts tagged ‘governmental corruption’

Level of Corruption Seems to Have Reached Tipping Point

If these allegations against our government are true, the question naturally rises, why would our government do this against its own citizens? The answer always has to do with money. In this case, is it possible that there are certain minerals our government wants to simply take that is on currently private or “leased” land in order to sell those minerals to foreign governments or entities? I believe it is fully possible. Let’s not forget that China is the main buyer of America’s debt and without their purchase of it, America would be in serious condition. Eventually, China will probably stop purchasing it, but for now, it is possible that either China or Russia are going to be given access to the land that is currently used by private ranches and has been for generations? It’s most certainly possible.

Continue Reading February 10, 2016 at 11:17 AM 9 comments

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