Islam, Israel and the Final Mahdi

October 13, 2023 at 1:06 PM 4 comments

Of course now war has again broken out in the Middle East, prophecy pundits are coming out of the woodwork to highlight what they believe is happening and whether or not it’s fulfilling Scripture. For now, it appears that all of this may fall under our Lord’s warning of “wars and rumors of wars” in Matthew 24.

While there are some very specific details that Jesus provides us in that chapter concerning the times prior to His physical return, the truth is that terrorist groups like Hamas are organizations promoting terror (fear through actions and threats); rogue factions solely designed to destroy Israel and Jews in general (as Hitler enlisted the help of Jerusalem’s Islamic Grand Mufti back then).

Attacking Israel and Jews is one of their primary purposes and the other purpose is to bring the world together as one in a final “caliphate,” whereby Islam reigns over the world through their coming Final Mahdi [1], as I’ve written about previously (see linked article). As Islam looks for this Final Mahdi – the Antichrist – Christians look forward to the physical return and reign of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

When Israel became a nation again in 1948, Arabs became highly indignant. This event began their continued assault on Israel, which ultimately led up to the Six-Day War and continues through today in many forms. Though there have been brief respites in attacks and terrorism since 1948, it has not really slowed down and if we can take anything away from what Jesus told us, it is that things will ramp up and become terrible as His return comes into view. For more information on the Palestine situation, here’s a quick overview of the history/situation in video format from Wild Bill for America. [2]

Is this the beginning of Ezekiel 38-39? I doubt it seriously. How about Psalm 83? I’m not so sure about that either. What I personally believe is happening is simply more of the same – Muslim terrorists attacking Israel and wanting that nation (and all Jews) gone from the Middle East. I’m sure they’d like Jews gone from the world as well.

In Ezekiel 38-39, it seems clear that the leader of Magog (Gog) sees things in Israel he wants and moves out to take those things. What are those things? Natural resources? Gold? Property? It could be a combination of things that drives Gog to invade and attack Israel (though God ultimately moves him). The picture given by Scripture is that the dust kicked up as Gog’s troops approach Israel will be like a cloud. That didn’t happen with this most recent attack. Moreover, once Gog’s troops step on the Mountains of Israel, God said He would directly intervene with a huge earthquake that would rock the entire earth but have its epicenter in or near Jerusalem. The birds of the air and fish of the sea would notice it. That didn’t happen either. God then lobs fire and brimstone at the invaders and watching those same invaders turn against one another. That didn’t happen either. Of course, the Ezekiel war could also be the same as Armageddon toward the end of Revelation. Difficult to know until it happens.

I think it’s safe to say that this most recent invasion and attack by Muslim terrorists (Hamas), is not the Ezekiel 38-39 Northern Invasion. It is simply more acts of terrorism against Israeli people and then Hamas stands back to feign shock at Israel’s firm response, as though the terrorists did nothing but simply took a walk in the park on a sunny day. They’re busy denying they raped, tortured or killed anyone and anyone who thinks so is simply controlled by “the Joos” who apparently control all media. Never mind that some rich and powerful Arabs within Saudi Arabia and elsewhere own majority stock in several media conglomerates.

This of course is not to say that everything Israel does and says is above board. The problem is that Muslim terrorists (like all terrorists), do what they do for shock and to instill fear in people. Usually, (not always), Israel is on the receiving end of it and reacting out of self-defense, though they were pretty late to get involved this time out. We’ll likely never know why, though there are some great opinions out there that make perfect sense. I’ll let readers search for them if interested.

Today, Friday the 13th is “global jihad” day, promoted by the same terrorist organizations. Don’t expect to see this highlighted on Google or other mainstream news sources. It’s pretty much not there.

Since we have millions of displaced Muslims throughout the world’s western nations, things could happen. Before long, we may see overt attacks happening in the USA. If they occur, we can be sure the mainstream media will completely downplay the potential Muslim involvement, if they even choose to spend any amount of time reporting on it. They must play their part in re/misdirection.

The name of the game for the terrorist is primarily, to put and keep people in abject fear so that they will not go about their lives. Fear, as I’ve stated before, is one of the primary ways to direct people. It worked with C V and it’ll work with threats by Muslim terrorists. People will cancel their plans, lock themselves inside their homes and essentially “wait” for things to pass and/or cool down, like they did with the last pandemic.

Me? I’m not having it. I’ll continue going about my business to the store if needed and doing the things I generally do during any given day. I’ll not cower by giving into fear, because that means I’m not trusting the Lord. At the same time, I won’t be stupid enough to put myself in the middle of a group of protestors (for or against Israel), which would have been like being at the nation’s Capitol on January 6th. Seems I’d be asking for trouble.

A reader sent me a link to a Breitbart article [3] in which a very ancient Henry Kissinger is being interviewed. First of all, the fact that he is as old as he is and seemingly as healthy proves that globalists and their agents enjoy unprecedented health care, the likes of which we average people do not have access to in any shape or form. Second, the fact that he is still being interviewed tells us that he continues to be trotted out by globalists as one of their primary agents in disseminating (mis)information.

In the image I’ve included, you can read one of the quotes from that interview and view the entire interview at the link below.

It was a grave mistake to bring so many people of completely different cultural and religious views (into Europe) because it creates a pressure group within any country that does that,”

Really, Mr. Kissinger? You mean, the alleged top deviate minds connected to World Economic Forum (WEF), the Trilateral Commission and other elite sects with all their table top exercises and think-tank discussions were not able to figure that out? Unbelievable.

It’s actually more like they knew what the outcome would clearly be and it’s exactly what they wanted so they pushed for it continually. Their goal has always been to create chaos and turn culture groups against other culture groups. This stimulates massive division throughout global society and we see that big time now. People stand in vehement opposition to Israel or Hamas in the streets heaping insults on each other and even coming to physical blows. The elite laugh, praise one another and raise their glasses because they’re seeing exactly what they hoped to see. Society is so gullible and easily swayed.

Of course, now it is safe for elites to pretend to start dialing things back because they now have millions of diehard Muslims in place throughout western nations that are ready to go “jihad” whenever they get the signal to do so. There’s no going back. We shouldn’t expect to suddenly see countries like France or the USA deport these people. We will continue to see uprisings and attacks on people and freedom by jihadists. Cue the anti-gun and anti-freedom of speech crowds.

The elite are not stupid. They’re deceived and ultimately work for Satan and are aligned with his purposes, whether they know it or not. Mayhem throughout the world is what they want in order to usher in a final global government established through their “great reset” (or whatever the next iteration of it will be). It’s why they conveniently use Islam because they ultimately have the same overall purpose in mind: creating a truly global government.

But let’s also consider something else. Since the new “war” in the Middle East broke out, companies that create and sell arms have seen a huge increase in their stock worth. Gosh, what a surprise! But even more interesting is that people in the US Congress have bought that stock. Congress should not be able to buy stocks because it compromises their ability to truly serve the American people. They should also not be able to receive any gifts from special interest groups. War is always profitable for those who invest in it.

In the end, Israel will take care of itself and Hamas will either be destroyed or not, though likely not fully destroyed. They might be deactivated through heavy casualties, but it won’t be the end of Muslim terrorists. They’re here to stay.

In the meantime, the rest of us need to live our lives and this means rejecting the fear in all areas. I noticed that the people who are receiving the booster jab has declined to roughly 1.3%. [4] That’s huge and the elites and CDC weep, I’m sure. However, it appears that people have seriously lost interest and at least some of it is due to the fact that neither the FDA or CDC can be trusted to tell us the truth.

According to the author of the linked article, even when it was initially reported that about 75% of the people in the USA took the first jab, the CDC was manipulating numbers to make that percentage higher by double counting people who had lost their original vaccine cards and needed new ones. So it seems that people are giving up the fear of C V and letting the chips fall where they may. In essence, many people who started off believing the authorities no longer believe them so that is a good sign. So maybe rather than roll out another “pandemic,” they’ve opted for the real possibility of WW3.

Whether it’s health related or connected to terrorism, we need to remember that fear is the main tool used to push people to react the way elite globalists want us to react. This is not to say that actual bad things won’t happen to some folks in various parts of the world (including the USA). It means that if all we do is think about the possibility of those bad things happening, we will immobilize ourselves through fear. It’s up to each person to choose how they will react to situations in the world. The more you know, the more clear your choice.







Entry filed under: 9/11, agenda 2030, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Gun Control, ISIS, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, Judaism, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Socialism, Taliban, Trilateral Commission.

Truth About Palestine (Updated) Daniel 2 Part 2

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Maranatha Today  |  October 16, 2023 at 3:29 PM

    “Whether it’s health related or connected to terrorism, we need to remember that fear is the main tool used to push people to react the way elite globalists want us to react.”

    Exactly! Psalm 37, 27, 23, 71, 91! We who trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior haven’t been given a spirit of fear! Thanks for another encouraging article. Blessings and Maranatha.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. modres  |  October 16, 2023 at 3:32 PM



  • 3. Taylor  |  October 14, 2023 at 11:59 AM

    “According to the author of the linked article, even when it was initially reported that about 75% of the people in the USA took the first jab, the CDC was manipulating numbers to make that percentage higher by double counting people who had lost their original vaccine cards and needed new ones.”

    I believe that number actually is higher, here’s a link to the raw data…

    So, 7/10 took at least two shots with 11% stopping after the first (81%-70%)…that’s a huge red flag that showed up in the refusal to take a second jab. I don’t think that’s accidental either but rather a refusal to continue with the boosters due to adverse outcomes happening presently, not in the future. We’re talking about cancers, cardiac issues, circulatory or immune disorders, not to mention deaths.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 4. modres  |  October 14, 2023 at 12:36 PM

      Yep I agree. Thanks Taylor.



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