New Speaker of the House

October 26, 2023 at 10:45 AM 2 comments

What has utterly surprised me and many others is the fact that a true conservative politician, who also happens to be a Christian (and Southern Baptist), from Louisiana; Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has become our nation’s new Speaker of the House.

From what I’ve gathered, it is clear that previous Speaker McCarthy, seemed to be doing all he could behind the scenes to regain the Speaker position from which he was ousted. The troubling part of all this is how many Democrats (and RINOs), got behind McCarthy. According to Matt Gaetz (on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom), McCarthy, though he said one thing publicly about people like Jim Jordan (promoting him), behind the scenes, he did everything he could to derail Jordan’s chances of becoming Speaker. If true, this simply shows that McCarthy is swampy and out for himself, not Americans.

So it would not surprise me to learn later that McCarthy will do what he can behind the scenes to make life difficult for Johnson and even do what he can to make Johnson’s tenure as Speaker of the House of Representatives, pointless. However, that said, it also appears that Mike Johnson is not an idiot. Listening to his remarks after being elected to the role of Speaker [1] highlights an intelligent, thoughtful individual who would like to work with Democrats across the aisle. Judging from the way Democrats simply sat there with arms crossed, did not applaud or stand after many of Johnson’s remarks, indicates that they probably have little willingness to work with the new speaker. The fact that McCarthy was able to reveals just how swampy he was and going forward, Johnson will likely make the effort to work across the aisle and it’ll be up to those on the Left to decide to at least try to work with Johnson or not.

What are the responsibilities and duties of the Speaker of the House of Representatives?

In addition to being the political and parliamentary leader of the House of Representatives and representing their congressional district, the speaker also performs various other administrative and procedural functions, such as:

  • Oversees the officers of the House: the clerk, the sergeant-at-arms, the chief administrative officer, and the chaplain;
  • Serves as the chairperson of the House Office Building Commission;
  • Appoints the House’s parliamentarian, historian, general counsel, and inspector general;
  • Administers the House audio and video broadcasting system;
  • In consultation with the minority leader, can devise a system of drug testing in the House. This option has never been exercised;
  • Receives reports or other communications from the president, government agencies, boards, and commissions; and
  • Receives, along with the president pro tempore of the Senate, written declarations that a U.S. president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, or is able to resume them, under Sections 3 and 4 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment.
  • Additionally, the speaker is second in the presidential line of succession under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, immediately after the vice president and before the president pro tempore of the Senate (who is followed by members of the president’s Cabinet). [2]

If Mr. Johnson is able to hold the line, pushing the House toward more conservative fiscal and political policies, the USA may begin to roll back the assault this country has experienced over the years because of Leftwing policies. He clearly supports Israel over terrorists, he is concerned about the high and continuing mounting national debt, and he insists that the House begin to work for the people of America, rather than for foreign or special interests.

Folks, this is not going to go well with globalists and special interest groups who have many in the House (and Senate), in their pocket because of large donations to politicians’ personal organizations and political nest eggs.

I’m convinced that Mike Johnson’s election to Speaker of the House was not an accident, even though it has taken many of us by complete surprise. God is in charge of that and He clearly has His purposes. What we as Christians need to do is pray for Mike Johnson; that he would gain insight and wisdom from our Lord, that God would protect and guide him in his daily duties as Speaker and that through Johnson, God might be able to turn things around or at least keep them from getting worse.

Our country and this world is facing unprecedented struggles. Evil has raised its mighty hand to throw off God’s “chains” of morality (Psalm 2). It is imperative that all Christians understand what is at stake and if the Lord so chooses, may He use Johnson to usher in a new era of honesty and eliminate political favoring to certain individuals.

The far Left is likely resolutely set against Johnson. After all, they wanted Hakeem Jeffries, a serious Leftist and election denier of 2020 when Trump won. Had Jeffries become Speaker, we would have gone from bad to worse. At least now, we have someone who believes in God, is an actual Christian and is not afraid to voice support for God in his own remarks.

Mike Johnson is very well spoken and if you take the time to listen to his remarks, you’ll see a man who is not afraid to call it like it is even though he couches things in a very respectful way. I’ll say it again…Johnson does not strike me as an idiot or someone who can be bought. He is a constitutional attorney, conservative, and Christian, hailing from a conservative state. He knows his way around the United States Constitution and unlike McCarthy (and many who came before him), this is what is needed in the important and powerful position of Speaker of the House. The fact that the Left is bereft over it tells me we have the right man.

But again, we need to be in prayer for Johnson, that any designs to derail his effectiveness will be mitigated and eliminated. We need to pray that God will give Mike Johnson grace, insight, wisdom and discernment as He did with many throughout Scriptures. Johnson’s job is not going to be easy especially considering the amount of Marxists and RINOs in the House. May the Lord grant Mike Johnson a forehead of flint so that he is not overtaken by any attempts to derail him by those who will stand up to speak against him or plot his downfall.

Christians, we have the responsibility to ensure that God’s will is done here and for that to happen, it is best for us to be part of that by joining in prayer as often as we remember to, on behalf of Mike Johnson. May the Lord work through this new Speaker to recalculate America and head off the tremendous amount of financial waste that the federal government has been clearly involved in for too long. We won’t even talk about the level of corruption that the federal government has risen to (or is that sunk to?).

Please join me in thanking God that He seems to have provided a true Christian conservative in this exceedingly important role in our federal government. May he be as beneficial to the federal government and the people of America (and throughout the world), as was Daniel and others like him who were unwilling to compromise their beliefs. It will not be easy but God will certainly provide.

May he lead Mike Johnson in the way he should go, in order to bring glory and honor to our Lord. If his tenure will be anything like his remarks where he lifted up the Name of our Lord, God may be able to accomplish quite a bit through him.




Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Cultural Marxism, Emotional virtue, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics. Tags: , , , .

Those Who Fear Him I Did It Again!

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. truthseeker135799  |  October 26, 2023 at 11:04 AM

    I was very happy to see Mike Johnson’s election last night! He is a true man of God. It was so wonderful to see him leading the Republicans in prayer! To be honest I was delightfully amazed that this happened, given the way that things have been going. I have watched a few edifying speeches given by Mike since, such as when he spoke about how “In God We Trust” came to be your motto in defiance of Godless communism, and about looking up at the face of Moses in the House of Representatives and feeling overwhelmingly inspired and humbled. Praise be to God 🙏🙏🙏. Such a refreshing change. I agree that the Lord has raised Mike up for a time such as this. My prayers are with him, and Israel and America.


    • 2. modres  |  October 26, 2023 at 11:09 AM

      Yes, I’ve heard some of Johnson’s comments before and he seems unafraid to refer to God and highlight the truth in spite of that potentially causing Leftwing meltdowns.

      It’s what the USA has needed for quite some time. I’m sure as affable as he appears, he’s not going into this situation blind. I’m sure he realizes the nature of the politics that tried to keep him out and what might occur in the future.

      We need to continue praying for the man and I agree, that the Lord has likely raised up Mike Johnson for a time in America when we need him more than ever. His support for the nation of Israel and God’s ultimate will for that nation is very important. Too long we’ve had absolutely godless leaders thumbing their nose at God. This may be a turnaround. We shall see.



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