Fear-induced Neuroinflammation

April 5, 2024 at 11:58 AM 2 comments

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Dr. Michael Nehls was recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson. The video is only for paid subscribers. Dr. Naomi Wolf also recently interviewed him and he has much to say about how globalists have created a constant attack on our hippocampus in order to over write our memories.[1]

Nehls’ book – The Indoctrinated Brain – explains a great deal in how malevolent globalists are doing all they can to ensure a compliant society. It’s a very interesting process that they’ve undertaken and while it may simply appear that they’re being obvious and without any real chosen path, the reality is that they’ve chosen the things they’ve chosen in order to create the constant upheaval and flux throughout global society in order to usher in their dystopian future. In this future, there will exist only two classes of people: the haves and the have nots. Globalists of course will be the haves – gaining control over everything. The rest of us – in the globalist vision – will have nothing, but as Schwab has said, we will apparently be “happy.”

But let’s take a few moments to delve into things here as Dr. Michael Nehls explains to Wolf. What is Dr. Nehls’ main argument? All the things society has experienced over the past four years have not been easy to explain. Most things have not made any sense at all, regarding the alleged need for mRNA injections globally, the lock-downs, masks, social distancing, etc. All of this seems so out of the norm for many people and yet all of these things were foisted onto society under the guise of our “health and safety.”

Dr. Nehls goes onto say that things began to make sense for him because of his own research and work with Alzheimer patients. He realized that the spike protein from coronavirus as well as the C19 jab began attacking the brain the same way the brain is attacked with conditions like Alzheimer’s, particularly as he states, it attacks a person’s autobiographical memory. Now if we stop to consider the ramifications of this attack on our brains, it’s actually much bigger than simply a physical attack on our brain matter. Since it goes to the depths of the autobiographical memory, it has the ability to literally defraud people of their own sense of who they are.

Since the hippocampus is the main area in which learning and memory occurs, we can safely say that each person’s hippocampus is different since each specific hippocampus includes memories specific to that person’s life. Their meaning is taken from all the memories they have of their life so each person becomes the sum total of their memories and learning.

Now, in the case of Alzheimer’s, the brain begins to die because its memories and learning is drastically affected negatively. People who suffer from Alzheimer’s often experience personality changes. They tend to forget their loved ones, not recalling who they are. This occurs because their memories are destroyed, replaced with new memories that have nothing to do with the people who have always been in their lives.

The hippocampus constantly produces new nerve cells that allow people to continue to index memories and learn new things. If the hippocampus is being destroyed (through Alzheimer’s, as an example), this process of new nerve cells production becomes non-existent. Moreover, when people begin to experience problems in the hippocampus due to diseases that attack the brain (and this includes the spike protein in C19 and in the C19 jab), they begin to lose their curiosity and their ability to think critically. This is shocking if we stop to consider it.

So it’s not just the spike protein in the C19 jab, but also the spike protein in the C19 virus itself. The big difference between the spike protein in the virus versus the spike protein in the jab is that the spike protein in the jab is self-promoting. This means that the “messenger” part of the mRNA jab is the set of instructions that tells the cells in a person’s body to create the spike protein. In effect, the person who has received the jab then allows their body to become the constant creator of the spike protein. Scientists like Dr. Michael Nehls are telling us that this spike protein passes the blood-brain barrier of the body. Once it gets into the brain, it begins to take a negative approach to parts of the brain, namely, the hippocampus. Once it begins that process of infiltrating the hippocampus, it begins to destroy a person’s history of memories.

Ultimately, without our memories and ability to think critically, exercise curiosity and make quality decisions, people tend to lose their humanity. It really comes down to that, removing our human minds from us, replacing those minds with a type of artificial intelligence that causes people to become simple automatons. Without having an autobiographical memory, a person is really no longer the person they used to be but becomes someone else. Our whole lives are built on our critical thinking and memories that come from living our lives. If these are taken away or replaced, we are no longer the person we once were in life. According to Nehls, the spike protein both in the virus and in the jab has the ability to do this. The large difference I see is that if someone gets sick with the C19 virus, while there are spike proteins in them, these can be detoxed much easier than from someone who has taken the jab and whose body is now under direction to continue to create more spike proteins daily. Neuroinflammation happens when new nerve cells are prohibited from being created in the hippocampus. Consider the implications of that please.

Dr. Nehls notes that in 2001-2002, they apparently tried to make this process occur with the release of SARS-CoV-1. They’ve discovered since then (and with the release of SARS-CoV-2), that these spike proteins create what are called cytokines or cytokine storms in the brain, which shuts down the production of new nerve cells. Once this happens, Nehls says that the person begins suffering from behavior problems, along with a severe lack of curiosity or interest in the world. Beyond this, Nehls also states that depression in people suffering from these things is very high. This could then lead (via long-term) directly into Alzheimer’s for that person. Essentially, the long-term blockade of new nerve cells results in Alzheimer’s.

Nehls states unequivocally that the spike protein in the brain is the quickest way to stop nerve indexing production. Couple this with all the fear-mongering messages of “war” (war on climate, the virus, bird flu, this country versus that country, WWIII, etc.), will continue to diminish the personality, replacing established memories with new memories. That person can only remember the narratives that have been in existence for the past several years and nothing more.

We’ve noted because of what has been cited and written about, that after the rollout of the C19 jab, people’s personalities began to change. I’ve seen it in people at our church. You may have seen it as well with people you know and/or love. Without the formation of new nerve cells, there is no indexing of any new memories that try to form. Our brains no longer do this so we no longer remember new things and the old things we used to remember fade to no longer exist.

Dr. Nehls also tells us that if we no longer have the indexing ability housed within the hippocampus due to the failed production of new nerve cells, yet the person must still try to learn/memorize new things, there is only one way the hippocampus can do that. It is only done at that point by overriding memories previously contained in the hippocampus. So, basically, in that case, new memories are made by replacing old memories.

Dr. Nehls relates this with the constant fear-mongering messaging presented by the WEF, the WHO and the mainstream media that acts as support to those in power. This fear-mongering causes people who can no longer index memories, to literally replace memories with new messages of fear. Moreover, new messages based on fear that people are forced to memorize (Wear a mask! Social distance! Get the shot! etc.), coming from the technocratic group holding the world hostage become the person’s new personality. That person then becomes very cognitively disoriented toward actual truth, because the fear-mongering has done its job and literally robbed the person of their old personality. They become argumentative and cognitively dissonant, believing that they hold the truth and the person trying to discuss with them the possibility that they do not, is 100% wrong. This is due to new memories having over written old ones and those new memories are now their new personality in the making.

So the constant fear-monger messaging creates new memories (personality), essentially overriding their previous autobiographical memories. Because the fear-monger messaging is so embedded in their (new) personalities, they cannot consider the possibility that they have been duped. With people like this, they cannot be coaxed into understanding that they have been duped. They cannot understand their old personalities have been literally erased, replaced with new memories, creating a new personality because they have no memory of it. They tend to see these new memories as something they’ve always had, not something that is new; as having always been part of them.

If I’m understanding Dr. Nehls correctly, the messenger RNA jab that tells a person’s body to create spike proteins, is a far greater point of concern than the spike protein in the virus itself. Apparently, there is a spike “furin cleavage” that occurs with the jab that is not present in the virus itself. This creates a very toxic environment in the brain from the spike protein jab. This ultimately creates long-term neuroinflammation of the brain, presenting ideal conditions for things like Alzheimer’s to appear. If a person receives the C19 jab every six months or annually, they are putting themselves in the position of being permanently injured so that the neuroinflammation of the brain will be guaranteed to continue without letup. The result of all of this will be the deterioration of the personality, along with continuing cognitive and memory problems.

So the big question is why have they done this? We can only speculate of course with many like Dr. Michael Yeadon believing this was all deliberate. Others within the medical profession also appear to believe this was deliberate. What good has actually come from it will be debated for years.

According to Nehls, they tried in 2001-2002 with SARS-CoV-1. They tried again with SARS-CoV-2 in 2019 and it took. Then they whipped up a jab that we were told would keep people from getting the virus and transmitting it. None of this was true. The more time that passes, the greater awareness has become regarding the problems associated with the spike protein. It is literally changing people’s personalities so that they become far more compliant and willing to do whatever fear-based messaging is presented to them.

Now, we’re being told that the new bird flu is 100 times worse than Covid was, that an eclipse coming soon may cause tremendous problems, and of course, the constant rattling on and on about how “climate change” is destroying the planet so if we don’t get things in gear, we will all die and the planet will be destroyed.

The only true remedy for all of this is to remain free of the jab so that our brains are not infected/affected negatively, so that our innate personalities that have developed over our lifetime, are not destroyed, replaced with something that is essentially not us. There are many things in life that can and do cause neuroinflammation aside from the jab that most people are unaware of. The jab appears to be a more direct and guaranteed route to it.

This is the destruction of the human genome. Once a person’s personality is destroyed, they are essentially changed into something else entirely. How could this be an accident? How could it simply be a potential problem that no one saw coming? It seems to be the actual purpose.

Because of the spike protein in the jab, it is rightly being called a bioweapon. It kills either quickly (sudden death through heart attack or stroke), or slowly (neuroinflammation of the brain leading to Alzheimer’s and death). Even cancers that are now on the severe rise are killing people very quickly unlike in previous times. Of course, C I A-controlled Wikipedia will tell you that “turbo cancers” are a myth, based solely on “conspiracy theories.” Data proves otherwise.

This bioweapon does nothing good that I’ve read. It doesn’t stop people from getting a virus. It doesn’t keep people from transmitting a virus to others. It doesn’t even stop people from “shedding” after taking the jab.[2] In other words, the jab appears not to have any redeeming qualities yet it continues being pushed and the abundance of evidence piling up against it continues to be ignored by those in power who could do something about it.

In order to create a compliant society, one fit for the governance of the coming self-worshiping Antichrist, the world must be prepared in their minds and outlook. Their thinking must be adulterated and changed so that they will comply to messaging presented fearfully. Revelation 13 tells us that one day, a true son of Satan will step up to rule over the entire world in the final human-led global kingdom. During that time, he will cause everyone to take a mark on their hand or forehead that promises allegiance to him and allows them to buy and sell. In other words, by their visible outward sign of allegiance, people will be able to participate in society. Those who do not take the mark will become marked in another way by becoming the hunted. Those who do take the mark (just like those who took the jab), will call for the government to come down on those who do not participate in taking that mark.

Those who refuse to take the mark of the beast will also refuse to bow down and worship the beast (Revelation 13:15), and consequently, will be killed. Is what is happening today all preparation for the coming mark of the beast? Those who have taken the jab will also likely take the mark (if they’re still alive when that happens). The world is being prepared for what is coming.

Where are you in that process?




[1] https://dailyclout.io/dr-michael-nehls-mrna-injections-erase-autobiographical-memory-in-hippocampus/

[2] https://rumble.com/v4nh5qq-outspoken-dr.-thorp-shedding-is-real-per-study-dna-damage-to-unborn-generat.html

Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Cultural Marxism, Demonic, Emotional virtue, Global Elite, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government.

Satan’s Insanity, Pt 2 Daniel 8B Antiochus and Antichrist

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Maranatha Today  |  April 8, 2024 at 12:16 PM

    The evil done against mankind cannot be quantified! They won’t stop until Jesus steps in because as we are witnessing many people have lost the ability to think critically and it’s so sad. We have to cling to Jesus and keep in the Word of God and never ever believe their lies. Those of us who stood our ground can only watch and pray for those that didn’t at this stage.

    There’s great debate about whether there are actually “viruses” but one things for sure, they have been unleashing something in the air over the decades to cause such sickness in society and “vaccines” have been sold to be the cure all for such “viruses”. Many will never believe anything less. We will not comply or be deceived in Jesus’ name. Thanks for another great article.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. modres  |  April 8, 2024 at 12:24 PM

      It’s pretty sad isn’t it? Yet, it provides a real reason why so many seem so unable to hear the truth.



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