The War on Our Brains

April 9, 2024 at 12:35 PM 2 comments

In our last article introducing Michael Nehls’ latest book, I highlighted major points he discusses. Dr. Naomi Wolf wrote the foreword for his book, The Indoctrinated Brain and in it she wrote the following (emphasis added):

It is scary that we are living in a time in which there is, as Dr. Nehls so powerfully points out, a war on our brains

From some of his comments, we can surmise he is at least an agnostic and possibly an atheist. He quotes Nietzsche in his introduction and also concludes that “man is basically good.” So in the realm of God and morality, Dr. Nehls and I do not see eye to eye. I think what he is really saying is that not all people are as evil as they could be, which is the normal humanist trope. While that is true, the Bible itself tells us that all have sinned and there is not one that God considers righteous in and of themselves. However, it is very clear that not everyone is as thoroughly evil as some folks and there are degrees of evil intent and acts throughout society. There are also people we might refer to as “good folks,” who aren’t criminals, who actually lift a finger to help someone in need and who might go out of their way to do things for other people that plenty of other people in this world would not even consider doing.

Dr. Nehls is simply comparing people with people. The Bible compares people with God and on that score, we all fail miserably. All of this for me, is an aside because I’m far more interested in Dr. Nehls’ medical and scientific perspective and from that, we can benefit immeasurably. The same holds true for my interest in David Webb’s (The Great Taking), opinions on how the global elite have directed things so that they can legally gain control of people’s securities. I have no idea what Webb believes regarding morality, God or even whether or not he believes God exists. But what he tells us about how the laws have been changed over the years to favor exceedingly wealthy and powerful people over the average person is something I need to listen to. In fact, my wife and I watched a video last night in which David Webb appeared before the TN State legislature to answer questions as they discussed a bill being considered to stop the great taking from happening in that state.[1]

The Indoctrinated Brain is the first book of Dr. Nehls to be translated into English. Apparently, other books are being translated. A previous book called, Das erschöpfte Gehirn (or The Exhausted Brain), details neuropathological causes of what Dr. Nehls believes is a chronic state of exhaustion experienced by many throughout global society, due to being pushed toward a goal that most yet seem unaware of, by technocratic globalists.

One of the things Nehls points out is concerning the so-called Great Reset. The term implies that something is actually going back to a previous state (“reset”), when things were better for society. This is false. In fact, Nehls points out that Globalist Klaus Schwab in his own native German tongue refers to the Great Reset as what it actually is: the great upheaval. Any good that comes out of this great upheaval/great reset will benefit only a certain group of individuals; mainly globalists and their ilk, like the puppets they create in their Young Globalist Leaders program. These people are in lock step with whatever mandates/orders, wishes are handed down to them from Schwab and colleagues. Likely through illegal means (voter fraud or unconstitutional mandates, etc), these leaders assume positions of authority in many governments around the world. While the people of their state or country pay them (through taxes), they do not work for those same people. They work instead for Schwab et al.

Nehls also notes that the devastating effects of real disinformation have shown their ugly heads in the past few years with CV and even before that. Governments tend to masquerade as arbiters of truth when in reality, they often create disinformation because it is necessary to do what needs doing and all of it, while keeping global society in an uproar, is ultimately used for the creation of the coming new world order, benignly referred to now as the Great Reset.

Repeatedly, Nehls points out that without constant flux and upheavals in society, there could be no movement toward the great upheaval, when all individual rights are completely overthrown, replaced with a global society marked by no individuality, only complete conformity. No one stands out. No one is encouraged to rise to the top. Individual thinking is seriously frowned upon and in the not too distant future may become a thing of the past if artificial intelligence has its way, not only in cementing its role in society as Big Brother, but as something that will be able to determine a person’s very thoughts through neural linking. Voila! Tom Cruise’s Minority Report will step from the movie to daily life throughout the world, all made possible by the harrowing effects of tremendous surveillance of every person on the globe.

We clearly see this with COVID. While the surveillance network was not up and running as globalists had hoped, no need to worry because globalists could count on terrified neighbors ratting other neighbors out who had the audacity to actually leave their homes and walk into their backyard during lock-downs! We saw countless examples of face diaper-wearing people in public come unglued toward anyone who dared to venture out of their car without something covering their nose and mouth. We saw how those who swore by the vaccination wished death upon those who refused it. We are now watching many of those super vaccinated individuals die suddenly or be harmed seriously by adverse reactions to the jab. Yet, rather than see their error (for those who remain alive), they double down believing still that if everyone had gotten the jab, all would be well.

For quite some time, I’m assuming like many of my readers, I believed that the C 1 9 jab is much more than simply a jab that we were told was designed to create an immunity to a particular virus (though it clearly did not do that). In fact, it always struck me as something rather malevolent from the beginning. It was as though the entire pandemic was created for the purpose of pushing a specific jab that essentially created many more problems than it solved, with the problems continuing in many people with worse to come.

Anything that might have been beneficial to ward off CV or other viruses, colds or flus, was downplayed by the experts. When some medication was trotted out, it usually did far more harm than good (Remdesivir, Paxlovid), yet things like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D (and other supplements), were said to be seriously flawed and could not help, but might increase chances of death.

How many videos were unceremoniously removed from YouTube and other places for “violating policies” even though we were never told exactly which policies were violated? They were removed simply because they did not support the official narrative.

So the truth is that globalists have been leveling attacks at every level of society. People were stripped of their rights to a fair and speedy trial, of freedom of speech, or of the ability to get the medication that an intrepid doctor might prescribe. Our hands were slapped each and every time.

After considering the reality of what was happening in global society, Nehls comments by stating…

I became fully aware of how far people are capable of going to achieve their goals, even if it means walking over mountains of corpses. Several years of intensive research led me to the conclusion that in order to achieve this particular goal, which was hidden in the background of the events that determined the overall direction of global politics, these mountains could grow sky-high. And since that eye-opening moment, I have been asking myself every day, Is this really happening?[2]

The sentiment expressed above by Dr. Nehls comes from someone whose eyes have been open to the malevolence capable within the human heart. This is being repeated in others who have chosen to stand against the unscientific rhetoric and scientism, to present actual science to those who don’t want to hear it.

Think of this. If true, those with the power to make decisions, deliberately created mandates that negatively impacted the lives of millions of people and those decision-makers did not care. In fact, they still do not care. They have literally murdered people through deliberate incompetence as if they shot each person in the head. Their decisions kept life-saving medications from people and some of their decisions actually hastened those deaths. Yet, they not only still walk the streets but they continue to be purveyors of death because they answer only to globalists who want a major depopulation to occur throughout the earth and a new world order for themselves where they will be top dogs. The rest of us who are allowed to live in their world will essentially be eternal slaves to them, living off whatever crumbs they remember to toss our way. I find it fascinating that more and more intelligent people – pastors, doctors, medical researchers and others – are all unequivocally talking about the millions of people who died because of the terrible way in which society was railroaded. People are wakening.

While much of what Dr. Nehls shares with us appears disheartening on the surface, there is hope as he sees it. He shares that he wrote his book to “provide a possible answer” to the question he poses, “what is the ultimate goal” if the global crisis the world went through starting in very late 2019 with CV was potentially “not only exploited but also actually orchestrated.”

That’s the big question, isn’t it? If the pandemic was merely exploited, that’s one thing. However, if it was actually orchestrated for the purpose of exploitation, that is something else entirely. It means that evil people created something so horrific intending millions of people to die from the virus itself and then once the jab was introduced, countless more would be physically harmed with a variety of adverse reactions with many others dying suddenly from heart attacks and strokes. To even think that is very difficult because it assumes the worst in some people.

But the truth of the matter is that the Bible clearly tells us that at some point in the (near) future, a seven year Tribulation will occur on this earth and it will be global. That Tribulation will account for more than half the earth’s population dying by various judgments as listed in the book of Revelation 6-19.

In order for the Tribulation to occur, there must be some powerful people who are given over to the satanic mindset and this must be based on their own volition. They see themselves even as “benevolent humanists” in service to the global population and the earth. It always amazes me how these individuals are categorized as philanthropists. Why is that? Because they use their wealth to make it appear as though they are creating better situations for the less fortunate.

These people, during the coming Tribulation, will not escape judgments from God. Their money, their mansions, their jets, high-dollar vehicles and everything else will not create a buffer between them and the judgments God pours out. Some things like famine may not affect them directly. Other things will though.

Nehls describes the possibilities with respect to future vaccinations and digital records. He speaks of the fact that a vaccine delivery system is being developed that will simply be applied to the skin. While it would be invisible to the human eye, with the help of a smart phone or other technology, the person’s skin could be read to determine if they are up to date on their vaccines. This is likely all part of the incoming digital ID system that will be used to corral and herd all humans just like we’ve corralled and herded all cattle.

Beyond this, Dr. Nehls quotes from what he calls the Ten Commandments of the Great Reset Project. Interestingly, the absolute need for future vaccinations is delineated throughout. It is the means by which control of all society is gained and kept and this is ultimately what Communism did. Even though globalists are not communists per se (but see themselves as Feudal Lords over Serfs), they are not above using tenets of Marxism to achieve their goals. Globalist technocrats use Big Tech (Facebook, Google, Reddit, Microsoft, YouTube, etc.), as the propaganda arm of globalism to ensure that people are hit heavily with the necessary propaganda to ensure a society that is motivated “correctly.”

Suffice it to say that Bill Gates is the secret WHO boss. Tedros simply sits in the “director general” chair, but it is Bill Gates who makes the decisions. Like his father, Gates is an avowed eugenicist who wants a greatly reduced world population. For those who will be allowed to remain alive in the coming dystopian world envisioned by technocratic globalists, there will be a world where people simply reside. Actually living and enjoying life will be for those who are so wealthy and powerful that nothing can touch them (except God). Those not within that highest echelon will have no choices, no ownership, no real free market, no easily accessible energy options and no voting rights. We will simply become the herd. This is the world that is envisioned for us peons, thanks to the satanic overlords that God has allowed to come to the fore. God has done this of course, for His own purposes and glory, which will be made obvious during the Tribulation period.

Ultimately, as noted in our previous article, globalists understand that bombarding humanity with fear-mongering messaging eventually takes its toll causing the hippocampus to become deluged with overpowering negativity (helped along by the jabbed spike protein of course). The ultimate goal is to overwrite each person’s long-term memory of conscious experiences (our neocortical “hard drive”). Everything we are is stored in our hippocampus and fully indexed. Globalists have found a way to overwrite the information there, leading to a completely changed person.

Just as we turn on a physical computer and listen/watch as it “boots” up to ready mode, the same thing happens with our brains as we rise each morning, but much quicker than any computer. But just as computers can be overwritten, so can our brains (hippocampus).

But Nehls doesn’t end with this, simply giving us information that is true while leaving us in a state of despair. There are things we can do and he outlines those things, which includes what he calls the Hippocampal Anti-Indoctrination Formula:

  • Purpose in Life
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Social Life
  • Sleep
  • Time

Without a firm purpose in life, there is little reason to live. That purpose is – in my opinion – only found in God. It has been said that man’s purpose is to glorify God and and to enjoy Him forever. To break that down, we need to understand what it means to glorify God and how to enjoy being in relationship with Him.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV)

If we want to glorify God, we will want to fear (offending) Him. That’s the negative. The positive is that we will want to glorify Him by keeping His commandments. In other words, we will want to live lives that showcase our dedication to how He wants us to live. It’s the same idea that Christ introduces about carrying our cross daily (Matthew 16:24-26).

Notice also in that above list how many things have already been attacked by Big Foods/Big Pharma. Foods today are abysmal. They are often highly processed with plenty of sugars and chemicals designed only to make those food stuffs taste good, but are actually not good for our bodies or brains. Most people today do not exercise either or enough. Social life is very important and it’s one of the first things the C0V mandates took away from society. We were designed by God to interact with other people, not be hermits. Sleep also doesn’t come naturally anymore because of how people eat, the lack of exercise and everything they worry about.

I recall the day I realized I was morbidly obese at 255 pounds. It didn’t happen overnight. It took a number of years. It also took a number of years to reduce my weight and start taking care of myself. Generally, people in society today are severely overweight and simply not healthy. It takes deliberate steps to become and remain healthy. Globalists do not want that for us. They want us “happy” with the things they are willing to give us.

Nehls’ book explains the problem clearly. He also provides answers to that problem. I’ll take it one step more. Do you know God in Christ? Are you His? Do you seek Him daily? Do you aspire to live as He would have us live? This is the remedy for the plans of the globalists (and ultimately Satan).

A true dystopian world is being built, one where the average person will have no say, no freedoms and no rights. Only by giving into the fear generated by such a world will we succumb to the demands of the globalists. Just resolve quietly to say “no” and simply not comply as you come to each road block. The Bible tells us that this final globalized world will come to fruition, but we do not need to be part of it. Following fear will force your involvement. Reject fear. Cling to God.





[2] The Indoctrinated Brain, by Dr. Michael Nehls, (2023) p. xvi

Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, devil worship, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government, technocracy, Transhumanism, Trilateral Commission.

Daniel 8B Antiochus and Antichrist All About the Great Upheaval

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Shawn P  |  April 10, 2024 at 3:39 PM

    What Nehls, Wolf, you, and virtually everyone else CONVENIENTLY leaves out is that the “war on our brains” is not just coming from the ruling authorities with their deceptions but most everyone among the masses with their delusions — study the free essay The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon” at

    “So many believe when Biden goes all Alzheimer’s or an Epstein thing goes on or some other event that it looks like the controllers are losing, they are not. Their sociopathic brilliance is amazing. Right out of ‘the Art of War’. Let the enemy (us) think they are weak. This take down of humanity world-wide is war on MANY fronts…entertainment, education, religions, politics, health care, etc. All toxic and dangerous to society.” — E.J. Doyle, American songwriter and social critic, in 2024

    In terms of “studygrowknow” you only really grow if you acknowledge and face the full reality, instead of a self-serving myopic type. Everyone else is self-delusion.


    • 2. modres  |  April 10, 2024 at 4:47 PM

      Shawn, I never stated or implied the “controllers” are losing. In fact everything I’ve written supports the notion they will have their day.

      Either you just came across this article and it’s possibly the first you’ve read from me or you just haven’t been paying attention to what I’ve actually been stating.

      You seem fairly critical which really isn’t the best way to engage someone unless of course your goal was to merely attempt to insult. The bottom line is that there is a good deal of blindness among those in society. Beyond this, there is the deliberate attempt to obfuscate the truth from controllers and those who work for them. Much within society today globally is built on lies.

      For the record, “studygrowknow” is this: Studying to Grow through Knowledge of God’s Word. First and foremost, the study of God’s Word is what everything is based on here in these articles. I think I actually see a good deal of what’s happening throughout society and it all boils down to Satan’s use of lies to gain his advantage over society. His followers do the same thing – like father, like son.

      There is absolutely a war on our brains. Nehls provides the proof of it in showing how that war works and how it is affecting our physical brains. While he also offers some suggestions about what we can do to ensure that we remain free from the brainwashing, the truth also includes the fact that even if we remain free of it, we are still part of the world that will be taken over by it.



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