All About the Great Upheaval

April 10, 2024 at 12:01 PM Leave a comment

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I’d like to cover several things in this article, which are somewhat related because of the impact on our world. First, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche recently reported a serious upcoming problem in highly C0V vaccinated communities.[1] What is interesting is that he seems to indicate that those who have been highly vaccinated against C0V will be hardest hit. Those who are not jabbed against C0V will escape much of the severity due to the fact that a person’s natural immunity will learn how to deal with new variants.

With each new wave of vaccine breakthrough infections, viral transmission slows down as a result of immune refocusing. The delayed emergence of a Coronavirus lineage capable of causing ‘vaccine breakthrough trans infections‘ facilitates prolonged viral spread, thereby fostering the training of innate immunity in the unvaccinated portion of highly Covid-19 (C-19) vaccinated populations.

Interestingly, Bossche also notes that he “…learned that the virus had to slow down its spread and is now awaiting rising temperatures to be able to select a highly virulent lineage!” Originally, he thought that later in the fall new variants with severe virulence would visit society but now he believes it’ll happen much sooner, as temperatures begin to rise due to the coming months of summer.

He concludes his recent article by noting:

Higher temperatures will further contribute to increasing the pressure on viral transmission, further facilitating the diversification of the JN.1 quasispecies. This will create a wider array of subvariants, serving as a fertile ground for a new, highly virulent Coronavirus (CoV) strain to be selected from. There is little doubt, therefore, that the rising temperatures in the coming months will spur the emergence of a new CoV lineage capable of causing enhanced severe disease in highly C-19 vaccinated populations. Hence, contrary to expectations of a fall or winter occurrence, this phenomenon is likely to unfold pretty soon as temperatures begin to significantly rise!

This doesn’t sound good for those who have taken numerous jabs in attempts to ward off C0V in all its variations. In fact, none of this is good for anyone, especially those who are part of the highly vaxxed populations throughout society.

The more I study what experts are writing, the more conscious I become of just how bad the C0V virus has been and continues to be. It appears that this was done intentionally and if I can guess, the WEF and its proxies (including politicians sold out to them), are behind what has occurred throughout global society.

Senator Rand Paul also recently came across information proving that people in at least 15 government agencies in the USA all knew about the attempt by Wuhan Lab in China to create a gain of function C0V virus with a furin cleavage (making it transmissible to human beings), but did absolutely nothing to warn the public.[2] Gosh, imagine that.

These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

People like Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric all knew and did nothing. The fix was in apparently and I’m sure these people believed they would not get caught. It’s doubtful that anything will happen to them but the question must be asked, Why was a coronavirus messed with using gain of function in order to make it more deadly? Moreover, why what has come to be known as “…the DEFUSE project, proposed to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus to create a novel chimeric virus that would have been shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus“? Why was this even thought about and then considered and then created?

Interestingly enough, the fallout from the C0V jabs have been seen in insurance actuaries and from the CDC’s own official data with the incidence of new cancers having risen to over 143,000%! This is what is already in existence and yet, according to Geert Vanden Bossche and others, we can expect more of this over the remainder of 2024 and probably into 2025.

Another area of concern for me is on the proliferation of end times prophecies talking heads. It is becoming difficult to stay on top of all of it and the ones I am able to watch seem to dabble more in whataboutism than anything else. After a while, it simply becomes noise, at least to me.

Please don’t get me wrong. I understand that because of everything that is going on in the world right now, more people are inclined to study God’s Word to determine what, if anything may apply. That’s a big plus, but there’s a fine line between discussion and prognostication and it seems much of what passes as prophetic discourse today is immersed in predicting exact events and when they “might” occur. In my opinion, that should be avoided.

Narrowing it all down though with the many resources available, there are two sources I personally recommend. By noting these two only, it does not necessarily mean I am frowning on the others, but because time is at a premium for me, I have to pick what I consider to be the best sources. That said, I recommend Prophecy Watchers ( and Ken Johnson (of What I particularly appreciate about these two sources is that more often than not, the focus is on what the Scriptures actually say about various prophecies included in God’s Holy Word. Prophecy Watchers always has guests that constantly refer back to Scripture in their discussions. There is no date setting, however, guests will sometimes highlight possibilities. Again, prophecy is best understood after it happens.

Ken Johnson takes time to go into various books of the Bible, as well as many of the Dead Sea scrolls (Qumran), that often shed greater light on the biblical narrative. I really appreciate that. For instance, recently my wife and I watched a short video of Johnson’s called “The Obadiah War.”[3]

Obadiah is a one-chapter book and the first 14 verses deal with God’s response to Edom (Esau) based on how Esau treated brother Jacob. Verses 15 – 21 speak of a time that has not yet occurred in history, so it is still in front of us. Johnson provided many details concerning this one-chapter book and how God spoke through the prophet Obadiah to reveal His plan for the end of the age in which we live. It is pertinent to us and Johnson points out several ways in which that is the case. While he does not set any dates, he does differentiate between the time prior to the coming Tribulation and that seven year expanse.

All in all, it’s fascinating stuff when dealing with future events. Now of course there are many interpretations of prophetic discourse throughout Scripture and it depends upon the frame of reference of the interpreter. Those of a more “liberal” mindset tend to view things allegorically while those of us who believe God’s Word should be understood in its most plain and ordinary sense come to different conclusions. However, while it’s important to understand what is coming our way, none of us should be setting dates. We can’t do that with anything else (like when the economy will go bust or when the next pandemic will be released, etc.), and we should not be doing it with God’s Word either. We need to stay within the lanes God has provided.

This ultimately leads to Israel. There is just so much happening in the world right now and I am aware of just how much most in the world hate Israel. Zechariah 12:3 clearly notes this about Israel:

On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.

We seem to be getting to that point when Israel/Jerusalem, will be that heavy stone for the rest of the world, for those who take up positions against Israel. We are seeing an unprecedented level of anti-Semitism happening right now with people tripping over themselves to support Hamas over Israel, in spite of the fact that Hamas were the ones who attacked and killed over 1,000 Israelis on October 7.

Even one of my favorite conservative talk show hosts – Tucker Carlson – seems to have been overcome by wrong think where Israel is concerned. He recently had as a guest on his show a pastor from Bethlehem who opined that it is difficult for Christians in Israel to live. This is patently false.

According to numerous people like Amir Tsarfati, David M. Friedman and others, Tucker Carlson got this one completely wrong. Normally, Tucker gets things correct but I can understand how he got this wrong and that has to do with his particular religious slant. On one hand, I tend to agree that the USA should stay out of the business of foreign nations and their wars. However, with respect to Israel, it all goes back to Genesis 12:1-3 when God told Abraham that those who supported him (ultimately Israel), would be blessed while those who cursed him would be cursed. To ignore Israel and allow them to be destroyed by neighboring Arab nations who hate Israel’s very fiber is wrong. God will deal also with Israel at the right moment.

Jesus speaks of this in Matthew 25:31-46 (Sheep and the Goats Judgment). Notice that the question there is how they treated the least of the brothers (Jews) during the coming Tribulation. The clear message is that those who ignore the Jews during the coming Tribulation will be cast out of the King’s presence.

Regarding helping other nations, I’m far more concerned about the continued millions and billions that the US Congress keeps sending to Ukraine in their losing war against Russia (and threatens to send our troops to fight in Ukraine). It’s all being done to create WWIII (and push USA over the edge financially), and for that, US leaders are culpable. Helping Israel based on how that nation was unceremoniously and viciously attacked by Hamas on October 7 is just.

Tucker doesn’t seem to get that and because Turning Point USA seems to side with Tucker on this, it again helps me realize that simply because someone (or a group of someones) claims to be conservative, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are right about everything they believe.

Amir Tsarfati also relates the following.

Contrary to the narrative presented, the years under Israeli control before the Oslo Accords saw a growth in Bethlehem’s Christian population. Estimates show that during this period, the Christian population increased to around 65%. This growth can be attributed to the freedom of religion and improved economic opportunities provided during Israeli administration.

He also talks about the fact that since Hamas took over Gaza, the Christian population there has been seriously harmed. Of course, Christians there will not speak out against Hamas because that would be tantamount to putting a price on their own heads.

So with everything seemingly ramping up in the world, we can be sure that we are heading into rougher waters than we are experiencing now. Globalists are going to continue pushing this world toward the dystopian future they envision and they’ll do it by any means necessary. It’s up to each person to understand what the truth is, whether C0V, Israel, the economy, climate change or something else. All of it is in constant flux. Just today, I noticed that gas prices in my area went from $3.25 to $3.49. It no longer goes up or down by a few cents here or there but by ten to 20 cents per gallon overnight.

The world is being pushed, prodded and directed toward a specific end goal. That goal – the great upheaval – is being put into place whether anyone likes it or not. So many irons in the fire it’s difficult to keep track of it all and it’s done purposefully. Let’s remember that God allows it.

I particular like what Jan Markell wrote recently titled, We Can Only Tolerate Looking Around If We Also Look Up.[4]

A weariness has set in as the weight of the world’s sin presses down so heavily that it is harder and harder to keep going. We feel like we are climbing a steep mountain with a heavy load. Up is down, black is white, evil is good. Political correctness will eventually destroy the planet. We’re tired of the Keystone Kops running the show in nearly every capital of the world.

Markell then notes that we who are expecting the Lord’s soon return have an advantage that others do not.

We listen for a trumpet in the midst of the carnage. If we listen carefully, we think we hear the hoof beats of the four horsemen in the distance. The end is near is not a saying on a sandwich board worn by some homeless person marching down Main Street. Rather, it is the hope of the believer. Most people call it the Rapture. And no, it’s not an escape hatch.

How else does a believer remain free of all the traps being carefully placed by Satan and those who follow him? It is unfortunately, too easy for me to start to sink emotionally when I see all that is transpiring throughout this world. The only way to elevate my thinking is to refocus on Him, His Word, and His promises.

Balance your life by living in the light of His truth found in His Word. I know of no other way.






Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Demonic, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, israel, Judaism, Pretribulational Rapture, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Shadow Government.

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