Numerous Wars Against America

May 22, 2024 at 1:37 PM 3 comments

Dr. Pierre Kory wrote a book in 2023 called, The War on Ivermectin, which details, among other things, how Dr. Kory himself took up the cause to do what he could to ensure that Americans would have access to a medication that he fully believes would have ended the CV pandemic.[1] The tragedy is what we are learning now, including the fact that the US federal government apparently paid big dollars to pharmacy chains to keep them from making Ivermectin available and to push the CV jabs during CV. [2]

We need to simply ask the question, why? Was the government truly concerned about our well-being or was something else going on? If we consider the actual fact that over 100 members of Congress all received Ivermectin and the I-MASK+ protocol (notes Kory in his X tweet), it certainly creates a head-scratching moment.

Why would a doctor be essentially given a green light to treat congressional members against CV (or were the doctor’s actions simply not noticed?), while the average American not in Congress could simply not obtain this same medication? On top of that, I plainly recall some family members suing hospitals who would not administer Ivermectin to their family members who literally lay dying in some hospital wing somewhere.

I also recently read of a medical doctor in the state of Washington who was fined $5,000 for prescribing Ivermectin to several patients. In addition to his fine, he must take ongoing “classes” that will seek to “re-educate” him so that he will be a good doctor from here on out.[3]

But of course, the war on Ivermectin is simply one war that is being waged now. While it began during the rising of the CV pandemic, it continues beyond it to today. Chances are good that if your own pharmacy is not an independent pharmacy, they will likely not fill any prescription for Ivermectin for you. Even if your pharmacy does fill it, chances are also good that your insurance company will not pay for any of it. Most people cannot afford to buy medications outright. Of course, before CV, Ivermectin was relatively inexpensive, but as soon as CV hit, and those in authority needed it off the table, the price skyrocketed.

Other wars are happening in America and these other wars are also being used to attack the average American citizen. One of the biggest “wars” that’s occurring right now is happening right under our noses. I’m referring to the open southern border. Many folks simply assume that Democrats want open borders to bring in more “voters” and that’s certainly true enough. But that is only part of the equation. The other extremely cogent point that is not being discussed by many has to do with the fact that many single, military-aged men are coming into the United States mainly through the open southern border. These men are from all over the world including China.

One of the things mentioned in a recent video with Tom Hughes and journalist Alex Newman is that these men who come through our southern border may be arriving at the behest of the UN or one of its agencies.[4] In essence, someone is footing the bill for these people to enter the USA illegally, to have a place to live and supply their needs while here. Why are they here though? As Alex and Tom discuss, will they eventually be called into action in case of civil uprisings here in the USA? What this means is that these young men may very well be UN security troops (minus their blue helmets for now). If so, this is exceedingly disturbing and actually constitutes an invasion of foreign troops onto US soil.

Hughes and Newman talk about the fact that apparently, many of these men are being fully trained before they arrive to this nation. They wait prepared to receive orders and although they would purportedly offer a “support” roll to police and other law enforcement officers/bureaus, the truth of the matter is that all of this smacks of an actual invasion of America. This is what globalists like George Soros, Klaus Schwab and others have been working to create.

As Newman states clearly, the USA must be destroyed even to the point of the US ideal. They want the future history books to note that while America may have started out as a good idea, it ended badly when Americans took up arms against one another that led to slaughter. The results of this will be long lasting.

The people we are dealing with who are causing this are not idiots. They are megalo-maniacs who have unlimited sources of money and can do whatever they put their minds to doing, even if it doesn’t work. But let’s not forget that these people have studied humanity for centuries. They know how to move people, they know how to use fear to force people to do and choose things they would not normally do and choose. Fear is the primary mover and it pushes people to respond to a stimulus without stopping to reason.

The more fear that can be ginned up throughout society, the greater the chance that people will do the will of the elite without thinking. So fear is the overall force that elites know moves people. Fear also creates a cover for other things that the elite can create in society, just like bringing in single, military-aged men to the United States and having them wait until they get the call to move. When that happens, they will likely be outfitted with everything they need (weapons, etc.), to get their job done. They will have no compunction regarding harming or even killing Americans because they are not beholden to this country at all. Their allegiance is to their own country (China, etc.), under the rules of engagement of the UN Charter. Newman goes into some detail about how UN forces have repeatedly raped, tortured and murdered people in other countries.

Globalists know that they must have a one world order. This world order must include all areas of the world including the United States. Biden has been a great president for globalists because he’s so clueless and simply does whatever the puppet masters want him to do. His constant faux pas in public are either ignored or later corrected by mainstream media and/or the White House itself. There is exceedingly little push back on Biden, unlike the push back that President Trump endured on a daily basis. The goal when Trump was president was to push him into every corner and bring every plan to nothing. With Biden, the lies continue unabated and we are supposed to believe that the economy is doing very well. Unfortunately, most of the created jobs are government jobs under Biden (or those who went back to work after the lock downs of CV), and government jobs actually do nothing for the economy.

So the push is on to destroy the very fabric of the United States and it certainly seems that this will be accomplished. It is interesting that the Bible does not point to a country where the United States currently sits as a nation that comes against those who would destroy Israel in the end times. Can we assume by that point in future history, the United States will be little more than just a name, if that?

Alex Newman talks about the fact that globalists do not care about us one iota. They don’t want us safe. They don’t want us healthy. They don’t want us free. They want to remove the things from our life that grant us freedom, safety and health and that is what they are in fact doing.

I don’t like to use the term “Christian nationalism” because I don’t believe the Bible supports it. For the Christian, our citizenship is in heaven and this life will be over before we realize it. Once that happens, our eternity in Christ’s Presence begins. However, just because our true citizenship is not really in this world, it does not mean that we cannot stand against what is not right now in this world. In fact, we should.

The Bible tells me what is coming and because of that, it should be clear that God obviously wants me to know the larger picture of the future. In understanding it, I can then at least prepare for what is on the way and not be taken by surprise when things begin to occur. While I cannot likely cover every base, there are things I can do to make my life easier for myself and my family, would you agree? If I don’t do those things, then I am guilty of acting worse than an unbeliever.

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8 ESV)

If I fail to do what I should be doing I’m literally denying the faith. Who would prepare for a long trip without making a list and checking things off? There are any numbers of things that are included in planning for a long trip. No one would just simply hop in the car and take off because there are too many things to consider. Certain things may pop up that were unexpected during the trip because not everything can be discerned and planned.

The same is true for life itself. While we cannot see every eventuality around the next set of turns, we can plan for what appears may be coming our way. Sometimes it is enough to simply know, for instance, that large groups of young, military-aged men are being shipped into this country and likely for nefarious purposes. Chances are good that they will be sent to or in larger city areas rather than rural areas. Being aware of this creates the same awareness inside me as when BLM and AntiFa groups were rioting in large cities. It caused me to stay away from those areas.

According to Ed Dowd, the US economy is going to seriously falter either later this year or early next. We are adding 1 trillion dollars of debt to the national debt every so many days. It is completely unsustainable, so something will give. It may start with commercial real estate and waffle out from that point.

We’ve also go the continuing warnings of “bird flu” H5N1 that is resulting in the decimation of millions of birds throughout the world. Chickens that people would normally eat (and/or their eggs), will no longer exist and that will cause a rise in poultry prices along with everything else.

Again, the things mentioned in this article are all part of the war on the United States because at all costs, the USA must be stripped of its power so that only the memory of this once great nation remains and then cause that memory to become thoroughly tarnished through civil strife and unrestrained evil. The goal is to cause tremendous fear and pain in us.

Ten years or so ago, I never though I’d actually see this happen. Now, I sometimes wonder why it’s taking so long to occur. This is the Great Reset, which is not a conspiracy theory. It is Klaus Schwab’s and other elites’ wishes to destroy what exists now, to replace it with their version of Feudalism 2.0. They wish to be lords of the earth with the rest of us as peon serfs.

I will not comply.







Entry filed under: 9/11, agenda 2030, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Demonic, eternity, Global Elite, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism.

Daniel 10 Part 1 Dominoes Are Falling

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Taylor  |  May 23, 2024 at 9:47 AM

    So Ecohealth and the NIH were dabbling with gain of function research and viruses. This we can surmise as to how most likely Covid came about.  Millions of people died as a result of all of this, directly and indirectly.

    My question is, why isn’t anyone ever held accountable anymore?  It’s clear from the hearings going on yesterday that Fauci knew about it and took steps to evade documentation of this fact.  Where is the liability for he and the other individuals responsible?

    Is murder okay today in our society???  If congress does not act, and act across the board on a wide range of people and companies, the answer is unequivocally yes. 

    It appears to all of us average citizens that increasingly there is no accountability in this country for certain categories of people any more. Perhaps at least not in this world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. modres  |  May 23, 2024 at 9:58 AM

      You ask some great questions, Taylor. What’s happening today reminds me of Micah 2:1-2.

      “Woe to those who plan iniquity,
      to those who plot evils on their beds!t
      At morning’s light they carry it out
      because it is in their power to do it.
      2 They covet fieldsu and seize them,v
      and houses, and take them.
      They defraudw people of their homes,
      they rob them of their inheritance.”

      Sadly, criminal activity today (often involving the fed govt), seems to go unnoticed. I seriously doubt Fauci or anyone else will be held criminally liable for the serious adverse reactions and deaths caused by the jab.

      However, we know that nothing escapes God’s gaze. He keeps track of all of it and He will repay.

      There is little to no accountability today for those who are being deliberately protected by oligarchs. They have their reward and it is now. Wow to them when they leave this life without an ounce of repentance.


      • 3. Taylor  |  May 23, 2024 at 10:01 AM

        Perfectly put…

        Liked by 1 person

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