What To Do?

November 29, 2023 at 12:30 PM 2 comments

I watched an interview this morning between Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and the discussion was about what’s happening in Ireland. As most are aware, out of the seeming blue, an individual went on a stabbing rampage that injured several children and at least one adult who attempted to shield those children.[1] The result ended in riots by homeland Irish people who had apparently grown sick and tired of the madness; of importing hundreds of thousands of people from other nations (in which the main ideology is Islam), and allowing them to receive public assistance for years, without asking or expecting them to assimilate.

As Tucker notes, the Washington Post came to the attacker’s rescue with alleged information indicating that the attacker was actually not an illegal immigrant but had resided in Ireland for 23 years.[2] Truth is the attacker moved to Ireland 23 years ago, from Algeria and is most likely a Muslim with heavy leanings toward Islamic culture that he brought with him to Ireland and has been on the public dole there since his arrival.

But controllbalists and their purchased politicians are doing everything they can to make it difficult if not impossible for people to object to the constant illegal migration into western countries like Ireland (or the USA), from 3rd world countries. Those in charge direct all of this to occur in order to either destabilize or destroy nations from within. To mask that obvious reality, they pull out all the stops by calling people some type of “phobic” monster, arresting and charging them with hate-speech violations, and/or censoring their presence on Big Tech and even closing their bank accounts.

Steve Bannon states that what is happening in Ireland will occur in the USA except on a much larger scale; becoming what he says will be a “powder keg.” We presently have over 9 million people illegally in this country under Joe Biden, not counting those who stole their way in before Biden. When people speak out against this unfair process that robs the taxpayer, getting absolutely nothing in return, they are branded racist or “phobic” and shunned into silence.

Bannon believes hate-speech laws are coming to the USA. Even if that doesn’t happen, the shunning, pushing to the edge or even outright censoring or canceling of those who dare to speak out will continue. Mayor Eric Adams of NYC is learning about this. He spoke out against the unparalleled illegal immigration and how it is ruining NYC and now at least one woman has come out claiming he sexually assaulted her in 1998. This is the main method used it seems to derail someone’s career, who speaks out against Leftwing policies.

Investigative Reporter Leo Hohmann just published an article based on an FBI interview with Newsweek. [3] The article says the FBI believes Trump supporters are literally “enemies of the state.” Got that? If you support Donald J. Trump in any form, the FBI has it out for you. Did you vote for him? Do you speak favorably of him? Are you considering voting for him in 2024? If so, you are an enemy of the United States of America, as far as the FBI is concerned and they are calling you out.

The FBI is attempting to make things very difficult for people to share their honest opinions. This is what fascist governments like China (or Nazi Germany or Stalin’s Russia), have done and do. It is imperative that these rogue ABC agencies gain power over people and they are sending warnings that if you step out of line, they will come after you.

As Hohmann also notes, it is clear that few in Congress or anyone in the DOJ/FBI is concerned about the illegal Chinese bio-lab unearthed in Fresno County CA or any others that might be discovered. Millions of people illegally walking into the USA across our open southern border are also of zero concern to those tasked with keeping America safe from foreign enemies/invaders. No, the biggest problem to the FBI is apparently all the “MAGA” people who make up Donald J. Trump’s “army” of supporters. This is likely one of the biggest reasons the FBI has gone from focusing just on people who entered the Capitol on January 6th to now looking at everyone who was even at the Capitol area on that fateful day.

In fact, another article indicates that Federal Air Marshalls (the people who fly on planes routinely), are now tasked with literally following and surveilling people who flew into the Capitol for the January 6 event. [4]

Clearly the branches of our government who want us to believe that patriotic Americans who support the Constitution of the United States of America are somehow actually traitors and enemies of the USA, are diligently trying to push back before some uprising or second civil war can start. They are very aware, I’m sure, that if half of the population of the USA came together against rogue government actors, it would be problematic for our government (unless nuclear weaponry was used against such, as illustrious Representative Eric Swalwell stated). So, my best guess is that they are warning us ahead of time to not make any sudden moves, to not even act as though we are putting ourselves in a position to stand against the illegal encroachment of our government.

So, why is all of this being done? Well, aside from people being bought, it obviously goes back to the fact that Satan is alive and well. Remember, the Bible tells us our battle is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but against powers and principalities in heavenly places (spiritual realms); places we cannot physically see. The book of Daniel is an excellent place to start (but by far, not the only place), that clearly defines some of the happenings within the spiritual realm that are beyond our physical sight.

While it is very tempting to focus on the actual human agents doing what they’re doing to rob people of Constitutional rights in the USA, the reality is much bigger and originates in the spiritual realm. Satan controls what is happening there in many ways because all of this serves his purposes to gain full control over the entire world and God appears to be allowing it.

Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, provides this information so that believers will come to understand that they need to stop focusing on people and realize that spiritual entities (demons, Nephilim, principalities, powers and Satan himself), exercise control over political powers and nations of this world at Satan’s behest. Ultimately, God allows this because God seems to be giving Satan the opportunity to fulfill his own promise to become “like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14; see also Ezekiel 28). Now appears to be that time.

So we can wrongly focus on the human agents as reprehensible as they often are in being sold out to controllbalists. Or, we can acknowledge that there are powerful supernatural entities behind those human agents and whenever one of those human agents falls or is taken out of the way, there are plenty of other human agents ready to fill in the void.

But again, the question rises, what do we do? What should our response be to all of this? Is Civil War the correct response? Some people believe it is, but what does Paul say? In Romans 12, Paul takes the time to picture what he believes our lives should look like, considering that our citizenship is actually in heaven even though we may be citizens of the USA (or another country), as well in this life.

The entire chapter of Romans 12 paints a picture of what our lives should look to others. Paul opens this chapter with the command that we are to live sacrificially to God (v 1), that we should avoid being conformed to this world (v 2). He then, in verses 3 – 8 speaks of the various gifts that believers have and how those gifts should be used to make this happen.

In Romans 12:9-13, Paul essentially paints a picture of the Christian who is seasoned with salt, humble, loving, not easily angered, etc. This is difficult to arrive to in a world with increasing tension and hostility. Romans 12:17-19 winds everything in this chapter up with the following words.

17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

I don’t believe Paul is talking about self-defense here. If someone comes at me or my wife, I will do what I can to protect myself and her and I don’t believe God opposes that. I think Paul is talking about going out of our way to look for trouble. In today’s world, it doesn’t take too long to find trouble, but we should do what we can to avoid it.

At the top of this article, I noted one woman who did what she could to use herself as a shield against the Algerian immigrant to Ireland who chose to attack children with a knife. She was seriously injured in the process and required emergency hospitalization. She didn’t go looking for trouble but it actually came to her so she did what she could to at least try to protect little children against a madman with a knife.

Paul ends Romans 12 with verse 21.

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

That’s certainly difficult, but it’s not a suggestion. These are our marching orders, whether we like it or not. We are commissioned to do what we can to spread the Gospel of grace to all the lost. We are commanded to live quietly, to not get caught up in this world’s problems. We are cautioned to think with a level head, not an emotional heart. I also believe with Gill that Paul may have written things this way to ensure that if his letter to the Romans was intercepted by officials from Rome, he could not be accused of inciting an uprising by Christians against the “state.”

In any case, my wife and I were talking about this today and realized that we should do what we can to live a quiet life and if/when things start to impinge on our own life through illegal governmental overreach, then we should choose our approach. We are seeing this increasingly with people who were forced to take an experimental genetic therapy shot against their wills or lose their jobs. The lawsuits now being used are starting to come in waves, including people in the military who were forced out because they refused to be experimentally injected.

On our part, we were able to get through that entire situation without job loss. In my wife’s case, they accepted her “religious exemption.” In my case, the jab was not required. Millions of others were not so fortunate and there is legal recourse for them.

Navigating life today is not easy. We see things seriously ramping up and are, in many ways, powerless to stop it. That must be owed to the fact that God is allowing/directing affairs for His purposes. It is very important to not get caught up in all that is happening. Be alert and understand that difficulties are here and growing. These should force us to further lean on God and His direction for insight and strength.


[1] https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2023/11/23/dublin-stabbing-attack-live-updates-three-children-injured-chief-suspect-detained/

[2] https://www.bitchute.com/video/c8OXIKGjDN8o/

[3] https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/fbi-tells-newsweek-that-trump-supporters

[4] https://amgreatness.com/2023/11/24/air-marshal-union-air-travel-unsafe-for-the-holidays-as-air-marshals-diverted-to-border-and-surveilling-potential-j6ers/


Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, devil worship, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Islam, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, Satanism, Shadow Government, Sharia Law, Trilateral Commission.

Signs of the Times? Word Pictures from the Shroud

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Maranatha Today  |  November 29, 2023 at 1:07 PM

    Sound and needed advice and reminder as we see things unfold. God bless you for this article.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. modres  |  November 29, 2023 at 1:17 PM

      Thx! Appreciate you.



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