Daniel 7 Pt 3 Interpretation Given

March 18, 2024 at 12:58 PM 1 comment

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In Daniel 7:15-28, there is some interaction between Daniel and an angel, who provides Daniel with the interpretation for what he has just witnessed.

As for me, Daniel, my spirit within me was anxious, and the visions of my head alarmed me.” (Daniel 7:15)

In the above text, we see that Daniel was anxious and alarmed. Who wouldn’t be? Daniel went to one of the angelic messengers standing there for truth to understand the vision (v16). The angel explains the meaning of the vision and provides insight into the meaning of the four kings/kingdoms (vv16b-18).

Daniel is told that after the four beasts (kings/kingdoms), the saints shall receive the kingdom forever and ever – v 18. Daniel then wanted to know more about the fourth beast – vv19-20. This beast was completely different from the first three and the fourth beast terrified him – likely fully fascist/tyrannical unlike anything. Daniel was unable to really understand it because unlike the first three beasts, he had nothing to compare the fourth beast with, due to the fact that it was so different from the first three.

Daniel also did not understand the 10 horns or that fourth beast broke up everything before it, nor did he understand the 11th horn, how he uprooted three other horns and the little horn’s blasphemies. Daniel noticed that the 11th horn was “greater than its companions” – v 20 – more powerful compared to the others.

Notice how each empire increases in size as it moves from Babylonian to Roman and finally the Revised Roman Empire (the last phase of the fourth beast).

Daniel is told the 11th horn “made war with the saints and prevailed” – v 21. This coincides with Revelation 13:7:

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them… (especially Tribulation saints in Israel)

This will be a brief time at last part of Tribulation when Antichrist (the 11th horn) ramps up his campaign to extinguish all who do not worship him. This continues until the Ancient of Days (the Father) comes to render judgment via His Son. At same time, saints will inherit the Kingdom of God.

The angel provides more information regarding Fourth Beast in Daniel 7:23-25:

  • It is different from previous kingdoms
  • It devours the whole earth
  • It destroys everything under its rule throughout the earth
  • 10 horns will rise
  • 11th horn shall come up among them
  • 11th horn is different – bigger, more powerful than the 10 horns
  • 11th horn takes out/uproots 3 of the ten original horns
  • 11th horn becomes the 8th and rules over all horns and the earth
  • His arrogance speaks against the Most High
  • He will change times and the law

Fourth Beast of Dan 7 & Rev 17
All the earth shall become the 11th horn/fourth beast for a time, times, and half a times – three and a half years total from midpoint of Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2); the second half of Tribulation. Jesus refers to this as the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24. This is a truly global government at this point and the question to ask is how does the world get to that point?

Precursor to Global Order
The fourth beast in Daniel 7 is also the seventh king of Revelation 17:10. The 8th king of Revelation 17:10 is the same horn as Daniel 7:24. Once the seventh king/kingdom of Revelation 13:1-8; 17:10-11 is established by the 10 horns, the Antichrist (11th horn/8th king) rises to power.

The words “King” and “Kingdom” are used interchangeably because they are connected – no kingdom without a king, etc. The Fourth beast in Daniel 7:7 (10 horns) and multi-head beast of Revelation 13:1-2 with 7 heads – 10 horns represent final global order.

This fourth beast will rule during the “time of the end” (Daniel 12:4-10). Global elites have been planning a global kingdom for over 100 years in modern times using Technocracy – technology to control global society – way back in 1932 at Columbia University. Elites are using “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to usher in the following (so they say):

  • End poverty
  • Protect the planet
  • Improve lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere
  • SDG’s 17 goals were adopted by all UN member states in 2015

This was called “Agenda 2030” meaning from 2015, there were 15 years to put all SDG goals into place worldwide. Every UN agency, including the WHO, works to make that happen. The first phase of this coming global government may soon appear in this world and it is interesting to note that the EU is already fully functional and has been for some time. Plans are in place for a North American region, a South American region, etc. All of this is based on Club of Rome who divided up world into 10 sections. Every nation is part of one of the 10 sections. Eventually, 10 “kings” will step up and rule a section of the world. These will likely be from among the globalists who are alive then. How they determine who will rule and over which section of the world is unknown.

New World Order (NWO)
This fourth beast has been given numerous names today with the “New World Order” most prevalent. The “Declaration of North America” (DNA) was signed on January 10, 2023 and is a preliminary document that facilitates increased cooperation between Canada, USA and Mexico. This was originally NAFTA – North America Free Trade Agreement, but that didn’t work out that well, similar to the old defunct League of Nations, which gave way to the United Nations. Some countries – China, Russia, Iran, North Korea may NOT cooperate with globalists.

Once NWO becomes actively operational, it will be controlled by global elite, with 10 of their people eventually ruling. The Antichrist then step up to take over. He will “…change the times and the law…” – v25b. In essence, he will do whatever he wants to do because he will be this world’s final absolute tyrannical ruler of the world. God will allow it. Just as Nebuchadnezzar could make laws but was above having to follow them, Antichrist will do the same. He will be the absolute monarch over the world making laws and he sees fit and changing the face of global culture/government.

Recap: New World Order
The NWO will emerge as a 10-ruler confederacy. The Antichrist will broker peace deal with Israel and surrounding Arab nations for one “week”/7 years (Daniel 9:27) at some point, either prior to Tribulation start or just after, during the first 3 and a half years. After this is NWO is in place, ruled by the 10 “kings,” Antichrist (11th horn), will rise to power. Since he will have brought peace to the Middle East, he will have gained notoriety in the world as a “peacemaker.” Once he begins his climb to the top, Antichrist will uproot 3 kings, becoming 8th and absolute ruler. He will break covenant and bring an end to offerings in Temple in the middle of the “week” or seven year Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2). He’ll do this by going into the rebuilt Temple, sitting in the Holiest of All and claiming to be god, demanding to be worshiped. Obviously, this means the Temple or at least part of it with the altar and/or Holy of Holies will have been rebuilt in Jerusalem. After he gains dominion, Antichrist will break the covenant he earlier confirmed (3 ½ yrs in).

The NWO order IS being built now under guise of “sustainable development.” This includes:

  • A climate change scam to force the world to give up things
  • Give control to globalists
  • Remove all freedoms from all people
  • Goal is to surveil everyone all the time to control
  • Movement
  • Food intake
  • Travel
  • Health – enforced/mandated vaccines
  • Transhumanism – to create Human 2.0, to live forever

All of this is really being done in order to wrest control from God and cast of His “chains” (Psalm 2). Globalists are liars like their father, Satan. They try to make us believe they want what’s best for us and do all things for our “health and safety,” however, the truth is that they work on their own behalf, doing what is best for themselves, not us. Their ultimate aim is to live forever without the God of the Bible. It’ll never happen but Satan has led them to believe it is possible.

People do not realize that we, the people are the ones the globalists experiment on and they do this with:

  • Processed foods
  • Diseases
  • Vaccine mandates
  • To find out what works and what doesn’t

Can we stop this NWO from happening? No, but we can grow in our trust and strength in God to overcome. God will not leave or forsake us even though we are tempted to think that at times. He wants only what is best for us and sometimes that means having to go through difficulties to grow in our strength and dependence on Him. Difficulties are what creates the need to rely on God.

A video was recently released from the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense,[1] a DC thinktank group whose objective is “…to provide for a comprehensive assessment of the state of U.S. biodefense efforts, and to issue recommendations that will foster change.” Former Senator Joe Lieberman and former Governor Tom Ridge co-chair the Study Panel. Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, former Senator Majority Leader Tom Daschle, former Representative Jim Greenwood, and the Honorable Kenneth Wainstein serve as members.

Interestingly, the group has been around since 2014 but just within the past few weeks has released this video of a “future” pandemic that will result in the disabling of the president at which time the vice president takes over by rolling out the military. This will result in a lock-down of epic proportions (martial law). Looking at the ramifications, it could also preempt the presidential election later this year if it happens. It is naive to believe that the globalists are not looking at every angle to gain control of this planet including America.

There is also The Great Taking to be considered. This is a documentary from economist David Webb[2], an ex-pat who now lives in Sweden. He explains how the globalists plan on taking everything from everyone throughout the world. Think that’s far-feteched? He talks about how globalists did it the first time, which led to the Great Depression. It was then that president FDR closed all the banks and the only ones allowed to be open were those connected with the federal government. People lost everything they had and not just in the stock market. Their money was stolen from them. I’ve included other links that would be beneficial to go through related to the Great Taking below.

Webb, in his full documentary, takes an hour to go through all the details, letting us know just how unsafe our money is even in banks and how we stand a good chance of losing it all.

But here’s the reality. Christians do not need to fear this because it can only control us if we give into the fear. Our job is to trust God implicitly and fully. We must guard against the sad downward cycle evidenced by the Israelites throughout the Old Testament. They were either testing God or rebelling against Him. Yes, there were certainly times when they believed and followed Him, but all of those situations were bookmarked by periods of sin, doubt and rebellion. We cannot allow ourselves to be drawn into that type of response to Satan’s fearmongering. The only reason we might go there is due to doubt and concern for Self.

As Paul states very clearly in Philippians 4:6-7:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

It is not easy for the Christian to get to that point and maintain it when difficulties come into our life. However, we must be willing to pursue God even more when uncomfortable situations occur. It’s the only real way to victory. The situation may not change, but our outlook will change, expecting God to bring us to a place of peace and comfort in spite of the tornadoes swirling around us.


[1] biodefensestudy.org – see 2 minute trailer at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpQ-ZCT8DN9eMRw4rKl1aNQ/about

[2] https://youtu.be/dk3AVceraTI?si=WngpzS_7O7PGT7pl



Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, devil worship, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government, technocracy, Transhumanism, Trilateral Commission.

Technocracy, Transhumanism and NWO The Great Taking

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