Satan’s Insanity, Pt 1

March 27, 2024 at 10:39 AM 1 comment

If you’ve ever been around anyone who suffers from a mental illness, mild to seriously adverse, you know it can be difficult simply because they see things differently from normal people. They see and live an abnormal reality that they believe is the true reality. Most people do not know how to deal with a person like that because the normal way of interacting with them doesn’t necessarily work. They can become paranoid, demanding and even denigrating to a fault all based on what they believe they “see” in other people and in the way they view life itself. While we understand this phenomenon in other human beings, we fail to recognize even the possibility of it occurring in angels.

In his book Ancient Paganism, author and theologian Ken Johnson believes Lucifer ultimately became insane, blinded by his own beauty, power, wisdom and self-deceit. The way Johnson explains it actually makes a good deal of sense.

The Bible tells us Lucifer was literally the anointed cherub. He had more power and authority than other cherubs in his class. He was the chief of the angelic host and biblical scholars believe he led the heavenly choir and other things as well. The Bible tells us that he was essentially perfect until the day iniquity was found in him (Ezekiel 28:15).

The natural question then is what exactly caused Lucifer to begin to believe his own lies and how did he come up with those lies since no one appeared to tempt him as he did to Eve? What prompted him to turn from what was perfection?

Johnson asks, “What happened? How could a being created perfect suddenly, on his own, become corrupted and utterly sinful? In spite of all the riches and power he had, he wanted more. Ezekiel tells us he was corrupted by his own wisdom.“[1]

So unless we are missing something about Lucifer that the Bible does not reveal (where some other entity acted against Lucifer to tempt him), we can assume that Lucifer became deceived by his own wisdom, intelligence and the lies he created. What is significant here is that in spite of all that he had – power, glory, anointing, etc. – none of it was good enough for Lucifer. In his eyes, he needed to reach for something more and the only thing beyond him was God Himself. Reminds me of another group of individuals in this life now attempting to direct world affairs and we’ll talk about them next time.

Satan’s self-deceit has to do with what is called the Doctrine of Emanations. Johnson explains this is based on the teachings of the Jewish Kabbala. Interestingly enough, it is also the foundational teaching of the modern New Age movement, as well as every other pagan religion. Here’s how it works.

…if God created 100 billion people and put His spirit into each one of them, at that point the Bible would say God is still 100% God and Man is 0% God. Lucifer, on the other hand, would say at that point God might be, say, 47% God and all humans collectively would equate to 53% God.[2]

Think about that. Lucifer believed what was not true, but determined it to be true. Therefore, it was simply a matter of watching, waiting and working to overthrow God because the more God created, the less He became God, through the expenditure of His own energy and Spirit. This is biblically false, yet Satan is waiting and working to see that God becomes less and less God. So whenever Satan attempts to thwart God and loses, he still likely considers himself a winner.

More from Johnson.

Lucifer might have actually believed that if there were enough angels they could overcome God and absorb the rest of what God once was. That, in effect, would kill off God. [Lucifer] probably believed this was the way it had been done for generations of gods/angels and universes…The Doctrine of Emanations would become the basis of all future pagan religions on earth, and the primary cause of the earth’s destruction by a world-wide flood.[3]

Satan’s thinking literally amounts to insanity. Lucifer’s belief in his own abilities and the lies embraced based on nothing but his own vain imaginings resulted in self-deceit. This brought about his downfall and created his resultant insanity. I’m not sure what else could explain the reason for his fall. Yes, the Bible says it was “pride” but that fits nicely into this theory, that his pride caused him to become self-deceived in thinking what was not truthful. While he thought he understood God, he clearly did not (nor does he still), so his entire premise is based on falsehoods that will never pan out.

It is very interesting, is it not, that all pagan religious systems have at their root, a man-centered deification tenet whereby people are taught that they are or can become gods themselves? We simply need to “activate” our own inner deity, then build on it. This permeates society and has since the fall and especially since the concerted efforts of Nimrod in Genesis 10-11. The beliefs in many of these religions are very intricate so it is clear that Satan crafted systems that are more than merely superficial. To many people, they are systems that a person can sink their religious/superstitious teeth into and if done correctly, will reap many supernatural rewards (all created by Satan and his demons).

Clearly, this attitude has seriously infected human society since before the Flood. Over thousands and thousands of years this lie has become mainstream and is embraced by millions of people throughout the world to some degree. Many believe if they work hard at understanding it, they will release their own inner deity and ultimately become some sort of ascended master in the spiritual realm through many reincarnations.

Johnson goes into detail regarding the process Satan used to cause Eve’s and Adam’s fall in the perfect setting of God’s Garden of Eden. Ultimately, in spite of any possible revivals following the fall (through Enoch or Noah), humanity continued its descent into false religions devoid of any truth. This (and the birth and proliferation of the Nephilim fomenting evil throughout the earth), necessitated God’s judgment in the form of the Great Flood.

Even though the biblical account leading up to the Flood is severely truncated, simply giving us the necessary highlights, it took generations from Adam for the earth to become filled with nothing but evil all the time. Jewish historian Josephus writes about this time, gleaned from ancient writings.

…even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceeding wicked, every one successively dying, one after another, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behavior, in acting unjustly, and doing injuries for gain.”[4]

According to Johnson, Satan had a plan that would cause paganism to fill the earth.

Lucifer’s plan was to create varying kinds of paganism. Believers who refused to convert would be offered a form of paganism rising up from within the true religion. Paganism absorbed the majority of believers when they were lulled into a false religion that looked very much like the real thing they were used to. Next, a destructive war annihilated most of the few who still held the the truth. Finally, [through] a root of bitterness, the rest became just like the Cainites.[5]

Just look at today’s visible Church to see how this is working so well. There are numerous serious errors that have infiltrated the church and have been warmly embraced by many.

Recall that Lucifer’s lie to himself was that through creative acts, God was literally fading away, allowing both people and angels to become gods in His place. According to Johnson, “This lie became the basis for the pre-flood false religion and all the pagan religions after the Flood.” This ultimately became part of every culture’s religious beliefs after the flood, which thought to eliminate even the need for God, allowing people to become their own gods. For instance, not long after the flood had occurred and various cultures took root over the earth, the Sumerians began worshiping a goddess called “Lady of Life,” which literally translates to “Lady of the Rib” or Eve. Everything became corrupted by Satan and is today.

Let’s remind ourselves that Satan’s temptation of Eve was based on the concept that she (and Adam), could become gods themselves if they embraced what Satan was selling. It is for this reason that things like evolution, reincarnation and other pagan tenets were embraced in society.

Today, we are not that different from our ancestors, though we have more technology and advancements. People still strive to be like God, with many to most believing in some way that god is within and we should do what we can to increase that level of inner deity, which will unite the world, we are told. In so doing, nothing would stop us from doing whatever we wish to do.

This was God’s obvious concern in Genesis 11, which is why He confused languages by creating many new ones. This forced people to forego their attempts to build something that would grant them access to the heavens. However, the world is once again arriving to that point of global unanimity, to become “one.”

It is very common and accepted for people today to say things like, “I’m sending healing thoughts or wishes.” Think about that. It implies that in sending healing thoughts or wishes, the person sending them believes that there is something godly and powerful about their healing thoughts or wishes that can actually do something good for another person! It’s arrogant to say the least.

Lucifer’s arrogance led to self-deceit. He fell through sin and became Satan. His fate is certain and his time is short although it is possible he’s insane enough to believe he will eventually gain what he seeks. It is not unreasonable to understand that those who choose the same path as Satan will also become self-deceived like him in their thinking and outlook. As Satan wanted to replace God with himself, so too do those who follow Satan in his insanity begin seeing themselves as God.

It is interesting that what Satan had before he fell wasn’t good enough. He needed more. More power, more authority, more adoration and ultimately he needed to be worshiped. If we consider powerful people in this world, they seem to think the same way…especially globalists, which we will get into in part 2 of this article.

There are no mental constraints on those who think themselves gods. Unfortunately, their lives and goals are based on lies. Though they think themselves gods, they are merely humans just like the rest of us and fallen as well. The only real difference between them and those of us who are saved is that they will wake up to the very harsh reality that they are not only not gods, but will die in their sin and be sent to hell and then the Lake of Fire forever. While they may laugh at that thought now, the real awakening will happen when they leave this life. I shudder to think of it, but it is the only option for those who willingly, consistently ignore the only truth that can save them.



[1] Ancient Paganism, the Sorcery of the Fallen Angels, Ken Johnson, 2009, p16

[2] Ibid, p20

[3] Ibid, p20

[4] Josephus 1.2.2

[5] Ancient Paganism, the Sorcery of the Fallen Angels, Ken Johnson, 2009, p32

Entry filed under: Atheism and religion, christianity, Demonic, devil worship, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, eternity, Maitreya, new age movement, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, salvation, Satanism.

Daniel 8A Ram and Goat Satan’s Insanity, Pt 2

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