Today’s Hitlers

April 23, 2024 at 11:28 AM 4 comments

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What we should not be surprised about is history repeating itself, as predicted in Scripture. During the days of Hitler, Nazis went after Jewish people in numerous ways. If they weren’t trying to kill them, they would harass them publicly, even to the point of not allowing them to enter the premises of colleges where they matriculated.

Such is the case at Columbia and even Harvard and Yale where “Palestinians” (Nazis), attempt to block Jews from being physically on campus. This prompted one Jewish Rabbi to warn Jewish students to leave and “return home” while violence against Jewish students increases.[1] There are massively planned “sit-ins” by students who support the “Palestinian” cause in the Middle East and it simply does not matter – rape, torture, set on fire, shot, etc. – what Hamas did to innocent, unarmed Jews on October 7 of last year. This is nothing short of satanic hatred for God and His will. Hitler would be proud.

As seen in the photo, Nazis block Jews from entering the University of Vienna, Austria, 1938. Most of the world looked away and did nothing as this type of harassment continued, ultimately including the mass executions of Jews who did nothing except to be born as Jews. For that “crime,” under Hitler, they were deemed non-essential in his attempts to rid the world of people he considered vermin.

Sadly, I continue to see this type of virulent anti-Semitism on social media like GAB and others. It is astounding what some people say about Jewish people. In fact, I believe due to the explosion and constant use of social media, society has become desensitized to social decorum. People say whatever they think with no filter used because they simply can. It’s impossible to know whether these people are simply trolls to stir up the pot, or if that’s what they truly believe. More and more are being outed as frauds, but how many more are there?

Of course, economically, this type of harassment extends to the “boycott Jews” movement because if someone can make money from someone else’s misery, they will. The world is again, not only turning its collective backs on Jews, but determining to harass Jewish people at every turn and in every corner. It will worsen significantly during the Tribulation and especially during the second half where Jewish people will become the target of Antichrist’s livid hatred.

I find it fascinating that during the coming Tribulation period, people will be judged on how they treated Jesus’ “brothers” during that terrible seven year period (Matthew 25:31-36). This refers mainly to the way people will treat Jewish people during this coming hellish time. Only authentic Christians will go out of their way to help Jews during that time, just as Christians helped Jews during the time of Hitler. In other words, only real believers will put their own lives on the line for Jewish people as they’ve done since the Exodus when Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill Hebrew boys born into Hebrew families. They feared God rather than Pharaoh (Exodus 1:15).

What seriously troubles me is when I hear of Christians essentially doing the same thing. They apparently don’t realize that hating Israel (and Jewish people), is anathema to God for several reasons. In fact, the apostle Paul spends a good amount of time on this particular issue in Romans 11.

11 I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. 12 Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!

13 For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, 14 if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them. 15 For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? (Romans 11:11-15)

Here, it becomes very clear (or should), that if not for the fact that Israel’s failure to be obedient and faithful to God, salvation would never have been directly offered to Gentiles! In verse 11, the “they” there is referencing Israel. They stumbled, but not as though to fall permanently. As Paul further explains, Israel’s stumbling, was for salvation to be offered directly to Gentiles. Why? To provoke Jews to jealousy.

Had Israel never stumbled, the world would have only been offered salvation through the nation of Israel. But since Israel’s religious leaders at the time rejected Jesus (and therefore, God and His salvation), God rerouted His offer of salvation going directly to the Gentile nations. It is interesting today that when a Jewish person receives salvation from Jesus, they actually become part of the Church, while still maintaining ties with Israel. When Gentiles become Christians, they are only marginally connected with Israel by being “grafted” into the Jewish vine.

Paul also states that one of the goals of his ministry to the Gentiles was to “provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them” (verse 14). People who hate Jews today (including those who profess to be Christians), are so errant in their understanding that it is difficult to believe they could actually be Christians.

In life, we meet all sorts of people from many different backgrounds, including Jewish people. There are some Jews I cannot personally appreciate, like George Soros, a Holocaust survivor himself. Yet, “…At a YIVO dinner 20 years ago, while presenting an award to a Holocaust survivor, Soros remarked that Jews had gone from victims during the Holocaust to perpetrators in their treatment of the Palestinians.”[2] We can and should pray for his salvation.

The man is completely blind. He is thoroughly warped in believing that the “Palestinians” have a right to the land they claim, but he is certainly in favor of it and pushes for it. This type of sentiment and belief creates the type of angst that Soros loves to see, where Arabs and other Gentiles (with the inclusion of many Jews), actually turn against Israel, supporting a group of people that are not actually a cultural group of people. If Soros’ eyes are not open to the truth before he leaves this life, he will be in for an exceedingly great shock as he comes face to face with the God of the Bible.

It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:31; NASB)

Yet, it should make perfect sense to us that Satan would do as much as he can to actually turn Jews against God and against Israel. This, to Satan, is proof that his way is better and if nothing else, he places targets on the backs of Jewish people. Satan has deceived people like Soros, atheistic to the end, who have come to believe that today’s nation of Israel is simply an accident in history that should be corrected.

Isaiah 8:14 tells us that “(God) will be as a sanctuary, But a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense To both the houses of Israel, As a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” This is God’s position against Israel and that nation’s continued rebellion against God’s commandments. In essence, because of Israel’s continued stiff-necked nature, God will come against them as a stone of stumbling.

But beyond this, the prophet Zechariah tells us, “On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it” (Zechariah 12:3). This is becoming reality in the world today as more and more protests against Israel are occurring throughout the world, especially on “woke” college campuses.

Recently, many nations (including Ukraine and the USA), signed a statement condemning Israel’s escalation of war in the Middle East. I don’t see anyone doing the same where Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria and elsewhere are concerned. Throughout the Middle East, these terrorists and their proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah), do whatever they can to attack and try to destroy Israel. The UN sits back as though blind about all of it, but let Israel rise to her own defense and the same UN bursts a blood vessel or two.

My point is really simple. God wants us to understand that regardless of what we may think of individual Jewish people and whether or not we support Israel’s ability to defend itself, the nation of Israel is the nation that God created and raised up in order that He would bring the Messiah/Savior into this world. If not for Israel, would Jesus have even been born as a man? God’s plan was to create a nation that would literally be a light to the world; a nation where God could work to reach all of humanity. Is Israel perfect? Absolutely not and in fact, most of Israel (including her leaders), are completely blind still to the truth of what God has done and continues to do. This blindness, as Paul says, is temporary in order to bring in the full number of Gentiles, but God has not completely forsaken Israel.

1 I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew. (Romans 11:1-2)

As I said though, when a Jewish person comes to faith in Jesus, they become part of the Church now, yet retaining ties with their nation, Israel. They do not cease to be Jewish. The entire eleventh chapter of Romans is a treatise on the reality of what Israel is today versus what Israel will be during the coming Millennial Kingdom. It will be at that time that the nation of Israel will completely fulfill all the promises God originally made beginning with Abraham and throughout the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures.

This is what is so annoying about Replacement Theology and/or an allegorical approach to Scripture so that it says something it doesn’t. Replacement theologians believe that the Church has completely replaced Israel and there is nothing for Israel that God will do. The only way a person can arrive to this conclusion is by relying on allegory of Scriptures so that it seems to say something it do not say.

It is also this false theology that gives rise to anti-Semitism. This same anti-Semitism was evidenced in people like Martin Luther of the Reformation, who came to particularly hate Jewish people because of their consistent rejection and even hatred of Christianity and Jesus Himself. Luther failed to realize that Jewish people did so largely due because God specifically blinded them to offer salvation directly to Gentiles.

Once the Church is removed from the earth prior to the coming Tribulation period, things will tend to revert back to a more Old Testament approach to things. People saved during the Tribulation will not become part of the Church because the Church will be gone. They will be believers, yes, but not part of the Church. Those believers who die (through natural death or martyrdom), will be resurrected when Jesus physically returns to this earth (Revelation 20:4, 6). This is exactly when saints from the Old Testament will be resurrected as well. The Rapture is for all Christians; those who died before the Rapture occurs and those who are taken in the Rapture. While the destination is the same for all believers, resurrections occur at different times.

So fellow Christians, we all need to check our attitudes toward Jews. Only if we fully understand why Israel remains so important to God, will we begin to understand that Jews are being attacked solely because of Satan’s hatred of them and the lies stemming from that hatred. Those who join in with Satan stand against God.

I’m not saying we need to like every Jew (or Gentile, for that matter), we hear about. That’s not the point. The point is we cannot hate anyone and we had better understand that if we participate in the hatred, God has every right to send serious discipline our way, especially when it comes to Israel and Jewish people.

In the end, it is up to us. But each of us needs to ask ourselves if we are harboring hatred in our hearts for Jewish people and/or the nation of Israel. There are many reasons why we owe a debt of gratitude to Jewish people/Israel. Most importantly, it was through the nation of Israel that Jesus was birthed into this world; the God-Man, who lived a sinless life and gave Himself up to a horrendously excruciatingly painful death on the cross, though He should not have died since He did not commit any sin. He did that – for the joy set before Him enduring the cross (Hebrews 12:2) – because of what He knew He would accomplish for the world.

If you have nothing else to be thankful for, be thankful that Israel completed the goal of bringing forth the Messiah/Savior so that you might have salvation. Beyond this there are numerous reasons for which we should be thankful.

  • Israel preserved the Bible for us (including the NT)
  • Israel gave us the wonderful principles of salvation
  • Jewish heritage (through adoption)

God created Israel, just as He created Jewish people. To feel good about hating them proves something is desperately wrong. Yet, God will use this hatred that forces Israel and Jewish people to be completely alone as the time of the Tribulation approaches. That sense of standing alone will ultimately force them to look up, begin to depend upon the God of Israel and to repent, coming before Him on bended knee, finally understanding that God is for them but they must learn to rely completely on Him.

This, brothers and sisters, is what we need to pray about for Israel and all Jewish people, even those who are fully deceived by Satan, the fiercest enemy whose abject hatred for them is so palpable and real. Satan will use any means at his disposal to use the hatred of Jewish people and Israel he creates in order to further his own goals.






Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Demonic, devil worship, eternity, israel, Judaism, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation.

Daniel 9B 70 Weeks See How Easy It Is?

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lynn  |  April 25, 2024 at 8:34 AM

    fantastic! I’m glad you touched on RT. It is a menace. I’ve thought that if the enemy can’t get Christians to overtly condemn Jews, he will get them to do it in a way that is innocuous, cunning and also appeals to their pride. Spiritual holocaust as it were. One thing thing those that espouse this theology have in common is arrogance. I notice that many are unteachable and think they have the inside scoop on what God *really* means in His Word. It is maddening. You cannot argue with these people, only pray. 

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. modres  |  April 25, 2024 at 8:43 AM

      Well said, Lynn!


  • 3. truthseeker135799  |  April 24, 2024 at 2:09 PM

    An excellent article, dear Fred. Thank you for putting all these truths together so succinctly.

    Norman Finkelstein is another Jewish person who has unfortunately led many astray with his book “The Holocaust Industry”.

    I watched a very interesting conversation between Eylon Levy and Melanie Phillips the other day about this very subject i.e. how the world came to be so ignorant about Israel, and what can be done to change this:

    Liked by 1 person

    • 4. modres  |  April 24, 2024 at 2:58 PM

      Thx very much. I’m beginning to think this subject is part of the great deception/apostasy/falling away.

      Ppl are so blind they accept lies as truth.

      Thx also for the link. I’ll check it out.



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