WHO’s Kidding Whom?

June 14, 2024 at 12:27 PM Leave a comment

As I briefly noted in my last two-part series,[1] things are ramping up with so many things occurring that it truly is difficult to keep up with it and, for some, can even be a bit numbing. To try to bring readers up to speed, I’m going to list some of the larger events that are happening now, which will, hopefully, give us a view from 10,000 feet. Obviously, I cannot include everything, but will provide a look at some of the more important, larger events.

A well known economist has stated that the artificial “bubble” that has been propping up the economy in the USA is simply going to burst and he believes this will happen sometime in 2025. As we can see in the post from Ryan Fournier, there are tons of stores closing in 2024. Even Walmart is closing eleven of its super centers. Some of that may certainly have to do with all the retail theft Walmart and other chains are experiencing on a regular basis, especially in blue states like California.

To offer proof of that, we need only look to the fact that just a few days ago, Saudi Arabia chose not to renew their agreement with the United States regarding the “petrodollar.”[2] In the 1970s, President Nixon removed the dollar from being backed by gold and entered into an agreement with Saudi Arabia to back the dollar with oil. This agreement turned out to be a mutually-beneficial situation for both nations. Shockingly, this actually means that the dollar is no longer backed by anything, making the dollar worthless. One can only wonder if the US mint actually has any gold for the US in it or has it all been trading away to other countries?

The consequences of the US dollar being backed by nothing will have tremendous financial ramifications. Yet, only a very few people are talking about it. In general, none of the mainstream news channels are discussing such an important turn of events.

Regardless of what folks may think of Trump (and I’m not too impressed in many ways), this would not have happened under his presidency. It’s simply another way that globalists have managed to drive more nails into the coffin of this country.

But there’s more financial craziness that will affect our wallets. In a recent article from Michael Snyder[3], he notes that there are “Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses And Retailers.” He speaks of the fact that there are what are considered 63 “problem banks” in the USA. They won’t tell us which banks these are because they fear a run on the banks where everyone would take out all their money. These 63 banks have, according to reports, 517 billion dollars in unrealized debt.

The other big problem Snyder discusses is the real estate debt that currently exists. Apparently, there’s “$1.2 trillion of commercial real estate debt in the United States will mature over the next two years.” A good deal of this started when CV hit and society was locked down. People who were able, continued to work from home. Huge buildings that housed commercial businesses stood empty and many of them remain empty. Vacancy rates since CV have increased mightily and this is one of the factors that will ultimately lead to a real estate commercial crash.

If all this isn’t enough, in yet another article, Snyder talks about the growing problem of “street takeovers” that are occurring in some of the USA’s largest cities.[4] Because of gangs and lawless people who hold no allegiance to this country, during these events, vehicle competitions and violence get out of hand so much so that police, if they do arrive to the scene, essentially do nothing. There are normally no arrests. These types of street events are huge in places like California, leaving residents to wonder why they’re paying taxes since the police services they pay for are non-existent.

It’s almost as though a very large percentage of people have simply gone crazy. The only allegiance they hold is to themselves. They don’t care about others. They certainly don’t care about breaking the law or attacking people who stand in their way. They just don’t care. I can only imagine when the economy crashes these types of people will be even more emboldened to do what they want to do only for themselves.

It is interesting to consider that had CV not happened, some people would have died because it was the normal flu season. But everything else that came with CV, like business shutdowns, masking, social distancing and other mandates, all of this fed into the economic recession to depression that we are experiencing now. What truly boggles my mind about all this is that, for the most part, the majority of people seem totally blind to this coming reality. Yet, we have groups of lawless people protesting this, that or the other thing, all wearing masks or face scarves to hide their identities. Amazing as masks have become normative, few bat an eye.

Middle East
Beyond the economy, problems in the Middle East keep growing. Israel keeps getting flack for trying to eliminate the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. It doesn’t matter what Israel does, including the recent rescuing of four Israeli hostages held in private homes in Rafah (which news bureaus stated were “released”). Though they saved the hostages, the world in general is upset with the fact that several hundred “Palestinians” were killed in the process. What this same world does not mention is that, by and large, the people killed were actually terrorists working for Hamas.

In NYC, pro-Palestinians gathered en masse to vehemently protest an Israeli memorial exhibit. The group violently chanted that it was all lies; that no Israeli had ever been raped or even killed by Hamas. The killings, they say that occurred on October 7 was the result of Israeli fire, not Hamas. These same people also endorsed the October 7 massacre and say that was merely the beginning.

Does anyone actually believe God will allow Jewish people to be utterly destroyed? Satan tried that in the book of Esther. He has tried it many times since and even in the modern times, he used Hitler to rid the world of God’s chosen people. It has never succeeded. Satan knows that if he can successfully destroy every last Jewish person, then who would go into the Millennial Kingdom to fully inherit all the promises directed to Israel that God originally gave to Abraham?

Anti-Semites feel good about their position because they wrongly believe that the problems in the world are due to “Jews.” While some globalists are Jewish (Soros, Schwab, etc.), many others are not Jewish and they all have the same goal: to fully control all people they do not kill. Does anyone actually think Soros or Schwab are God-fearing Jewish people?

It’s absurd to think that God will simply stand by and allow all Jews to be eradicated, but this is Satan’s pitiful hope in order to prove God is a liar. Of course, God is not a liar and will protect a final remnant of Jewish people. Why? For the sake of His glory, not because of anything Jewish people have done or that they might think they are worth it. God will bring His promises to fruition completely all for His own and glory.

Also regarding Israel, Biden submitted a proposal to the UN for a cease fire between Israel and Hamas. The UN has approved it. The only problem is that Israel had zero say in it, nor will they support it.

Bird Flu
We know that The WHO really wants to be able to declare another pandemic and they seem to want bird flu to be the reason for that next pandemic. They seem to want a repeat of CV, but of course, cannot use CV again so it’ll be something else. So, really, what’s up? It’s obviously done for a number of things like control and removal of rights, but there’s more to it than that. It seems to be about death as well, doesn’t it?

By the way, there’s a rumor going around that the WEF ordered US farmers to destroy their chickens. That’s probably fake news. In reality, the US Department of Agriculture ordered the culling of millions of birds in Iowa after one case of alleged bird flu was found (using unreliable PCR testing). Whether it was the WEF (which has ZERO authority to order anyone to do anything), or the US Dept of Agriculture, the fact remains that it’s very easy to isolate or cull one chicken from the rest instead of destroying entire flocks. The stupidity seems endless.

But it’s not just bird flu. If we take a look back a number of decades when AIDS first hit the world, the whole process is remarkably like what occurred during the CV problem and now moving toward the bird flu “scandemic.”

During the AIDS scare, Dr. Fauci was in charge then, and interestingly enough, he forced the use of the same infamous PCR test used today to determine if they had HIV. If they did, they were told that to save their life, they needed to take the drug, AZT.

Turns out AZT (like Remdesivir), was very destructive to the human body. I personally know a guy, who was not jabbed during CV, but caught a bad case of whatever was out there at the time. He ended up in the hospital and eventually on Remdesivir. He actually survived but he believes it was because he was not also put on a ventilator.

The similarities between what happened during AIDS/HIV and CV decades later is amazing. In both situations, certain drugs were condemned and the public was led to other drugs that were said to be much more efficacious, but weren’t. The image of Fauci notes that in 2005, Dr. Fauci knew that far back that chloroquine was literally a “wonder drug” for SARS-CoV. Hydroxychloroquine, related to chloroquine, was absolutely forbidden to be used during CV (along with Ivermectin). Why? There’s only one reason.

It seems strange to me that hospitals were told not to use it and even insurance companies refused to pay for it. This was ostensibly done to “save lives” of people who had CV and were in ICU. Wouldn’t you want to try anything to keep people alive rather than to throw out everything except one or two drugs? Isn’t the goal to keep people alive? This same scenario existed during AIDS. There was essentially one drug that could be used to fight AIDS and most of the time, that didn’t even work; AZT, and wound up killing people. Why not try other drugs? Why not experiment, if the goal is to actually try to save lives?

November Election
The upcoming November election is likely going to be fraught with problems. We all know that former President Trump was found guilty of 34 counts in state court (not federal). That was probably done purposefully so that it would be harder for him to appeal to the Supreme Court, leaving his lawyers to have to fight to overturn his conviction in state court.

Here’s my take for anyone who is interested. It is clear “they” don’t want him to become president again. In fact, since he was inaugurated the first time, “they” gave him nothing but problems and I recall reading that Soros said something to the effect that he would make Trump’s life difficult (my words). He did. Trump’s entire presidency was filled with turmoil, backstabbing, impeachment trials and false accusations.

Following Biden’s installation, it was only after Trump said he would run again that the Marxist machine ramped up again. The result of their lawfare court was what we have today. It is such a sham with a biased judge (Merchan), whose daughter worked on behalf of Democrats. It’s also clear Merchan did not apply the law equally in his court.

I don’t know what globalists have planned but I put nothing past them. They mean to win and gain full control over humanity and if Trump becomes president again, that will make it very difficult for them. Don’t get me wrong please. I do not believe Trump is the “savior” of America. The only One who will save this planet at all is Jesus Himself. I think Trump is well-meaning and has a heart for the United States. Unfortunately, he simply does not make the best decisions at all and proof of that can easily be seen in the people he nominated for positions, like Christopher Wray (FBI), and many others. Nikki Haley stabbed Trump in the back, but now Trump wants her to be part of his team. Okay…(rolls eyes)

So what will happen in November? Several things could occur. Trump could be in prison, but that might make more people vote for him. The Dems could cheat again since we still use Dominion voting machines and they are able to be connected to the Internet in spite of denials by Dominion itself.

But let’s say Trump wins the next election. If so, globalists will make his life very difficult, worse than they did the first time. I’m sure they have ways we haven’t even thought of yet as well as a few obvious things they could try.

What about Biden? I’m seriously thinking he’ll be out and someone else will become the official candidate for the Marxist Democrat party. Globalists of course will put their full weight behind that new candidate and try to cover themselves at the voting booth.

But…what if there’s a tremendous problem in the world that means that we can’t have an election? It’s possible that WWIII could become much more volatile and ongoing with more nations involved than they are now. Add the declining economy to this and the growing criminal problem throughout the US and other countries and it can all add up to some form of global chaos that effects the USA as well.

Only time will tell, but I can see huge problems as we finish 2024 and move into 2025. Yet, God has our back. Do we trust Him? Do we seek Him daily?

18 Behold, the eye of the Lordis on those who fear Him,
On those who hope in His mercy,
19 To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine. (Psalm 33:18-19 NKJV)

Do you believe that? Repeat it to yourself until you do.



[1] https://studygrowknowblog.com/2024/06/06/eus-esg-laws-and-global-demolition-part-1/

[2] https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/petrodollar-deal-with-saudi-arabia

[3] https://michaeltsnyder.substack.com/p/the-entire-system-is-crumbling-major

[4] https://michaeltsnyder.substack.com/p/enormous-mobs-are-literally-taking

Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Demonic, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, second coming.

Daniel 11 Part B Shocked to the Core!

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