Part of the Plan?

October 24, 2023 at 12:36 PM Leave a comment

If you’re like me and you’ve been scanning information available on three subjects – the economy, the CV jab and the growing war in the Middle East – unless you’re only paying attention to CNN and other parody news networks, you understand that things are not looking well on several fronts.

The economy, superficially, appears to be okay (after all, we’re “enjoying” Bidenomics, right?), but that may be due to the fact that things have not yet burst down to where most people live. But due to the escalating tensions in the Middle East, the threats to curtail the release of oil may become an actuality. If this happens – and it will happen if full-scale war breaks out involving Iran and other nations – we can watch much of our remaining economy go up in gas fumes because of what will be the extremely high price of gasoline at the pumps.

The sad fact of the matter is that since Biden took the Oval Office, he immediately began shuttering America’s ability to provide fuel for itself, canceling the energy independence we enjoyed under Trump. Even though America has plenty of oil underground, both offshore, in places like Alaska and elsewhere, it has been deemed too dangerous for environment. However, we still use essentially the same amount of oil, which we now are forced to obtain from foreign countries. How does this help the environment?

This transfer of energy dependence means of course that we are held hostage to foreign nations and their determined price of oil to be. Even though gas is somewhat lower now than during Biden’s first months in office, that price will likely drastically shift upward at a moment’s notice, due to increasing conflict in the Middle East and/or other factors. If/when that occurs, the price of everything will go up. It’s a given. Are you prepared for that? Most people are not and it’s not because they haven’t been planning, but more likely due to the limitations they exist under (fixed incomes, etc.).

The economy appears poised to worsen. Right now, apparently, the percentage of people who are at least 60 days behind on their auto payments has risen to an unprecedented level. Moreover, foreclosures are also going very high, reminiscent of what occurred leading up to the 2008 housing market crash.

Recently, Forbes wrote an article titled, Stock Market Crash Ahead. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture. They’re opening paragraph reads like this:

There’s no ducking it now. The widespread, serious negatives have reached a critical level. There are no cures available except a major reset of investor beliefs, rationale and expectations.[1]

I encourage readers to read the full article linked below. I forwarded the article to our financial guy for his opinion. He came back with, “Good article and I’m seriously considering it’s time to move to higher cash positions in many accounts. Let me know if you would like to be included.”

What he meant was that he would take the bulk of our money (about 75%) and simply transfer it to Cash for 45 days or so to see what happens after that. This would mean that we would not lose any money if the Stock Market takes a major dive, but it also means we would not gain anything either. It’s a safety net, so I told him to go head with that move.

There’s plenty of legitimate information out there that can help people make decisions that benefit them instead of simply waiting to see what happens, but wading through everything to get to that legitimate information can be difficult. Obviously, there are things we cannot control. I have no say in what the price of gasoline at the pump will be because I have no control over the price per barrel of raw crude. That is controlled by other countries and the market itself.

However, there are things I can and should control within my own reach. For instance, we do not have car payments. We do not owe anything on credit cards. If we buy something large on a credit card, we will normally divide it into two/three equal payments to get quickly back to zero, especially with interest rates as high as they are currently.

I realize not everyone can do that. In fact, there’s also a very high percentage of people who live not only from paycheck to paycheck, but they use their credit cards to pay for things like food, utilities, etc. This eventually catches up to a person’s home budget leaving them in worse shape than before, creating a mountain of debt. But it all started with COVID and the economic shutdown that was foisted on the public. Many lost their jobs or at least were forced to stay home because they were not considered “essential.”

Sure, the government helped by sending “free” (nothing’s free!), money to help people stay afloat. The government also provided unemployment payments, extending them longer than normal because of the shutdown. So, people were able to live and support themselves without working. They also spent money and bought things they might not have purchased had they been working to complete jobs around the home or because they were bored.

So there is a huge debt load not only nationally, but individually that is making it very difficult for people to cope financially. They’re not sure what they will do if things worsen because most have maxed out their credit cards and still have car and mortgage payments. Some are having to choose to either make car or house payments but cannot do both. Things are building up to the point where many may experience auto repossessions, home foreclosures or both.

I firmly believe this is one of the reasons the economy was shut down, to initiate this type of excessive debt, nationally and individually. This also leads me to the COVID jab itself. Granted, there is a great deal of misinformation out there and even if it’s not actual deliberate misinformation, it is conflicting because it is difficult to see through things clearly enough to know what is actual truth versus absolute fiction. I really cannot help readers with that, but would encourage everyone to do their own deep research.

For instance, I’m reading numerous reports citing the fact that the Pfizer CV jab was adulterated. This means that substances were included in the serum that were not reported to health regulators. SV40/Plasmid DNA has been found and it’s not simply an anomaly, but more like either placed there deliberately or via incompetence. SV40 was also included in the Polio vaccine from decades ago but eventually removed because of the incidence of cancers that occurred as it was found that SV40/Plasmid DNA had the ability to produce cancers. We are seeing a huge uptick in “turbo” cancers now. Coincidence?

From Sasha Latypova:

…C-19 injections marketed as “covid vaccines” are absolutely, 100%, without a doubt adulterated, misbranded and fraudulent substances that have no place in healthcare and belong to bio-chemical warfare. They are dangerous poisons (bio-toxins and transfectants) that must be removed from market and impounded immediately for proper investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the mass poisoning event advertised as “vaccination”.[2]

So because those substances were included in the Pfizer jab, but not reported to health regulators, there appears to be grounds to sue Pfizer. Of course, if you go online, you’ll find numerous doctors who completely disagree and attempt to provide reasons why people like Latypova (or Steve Kirsch, etc.), are 100% wrong in their “conspiracy theories.” This is why people need to do their own research.

As Steve Kirsch notes, even when officials learned of these unreported substances, they’ve done literally nothing to warn the public. [3] But what does Kirsch know, according to some? He’s not a doctor, but an “anti-vaxxer” who throws out dubious theories as a “conspiracy theorist” by many. Truth is that Kirsch is/was a lifelong Democrat, who also took the first and second CV jab. Is that their definition of anti-vaxxer?

But the Left’s preference is to silence opposition by any means necessary, which often includes ridicule, lies and even name-calling. It’s all so boringly immature, but it’s what they do. Ridicule attacks a person’s character and many simply cannot stand up to it, so they go quiet. Kudos to anyone like Kirsch and Latypova who keep on producing quality articles that at least help people to think for themselves.

Beyond all this, there is mounting evidence that the CV jab has caused a major uptick in sudden deaths, cancers and other serious adverse reactions. Never in my lifetime have I read about 8 year-old boys (or toddlers), dying from heart attacks. Have you? People are simply falling over dead daily. We may simply be on the cusp of that too.

Ed Dowd has been on the cutting edge of research in this area. [4] It is tragic and unfortunately, it is likely to worsen, while many continue to deny there is any connection at all between these sudden deaths and the jab, offering no proof at all of their claims. But they’re convinced. I’d like to be convinced too, so let’s have them prove what they claim. (By the way, I agree with the above author’s assessment that this latest MidEast war has created even more division in the USA and throughout the world. That is, I believe, part of the plan – to divide, making it easier to conquer.)

Beyond the adulterated jab serum, according to people like Ana Maria Milhalcea, MD PhD, there is also some type of sentient technology that appears to be able to think for itself while it builds structures in the blood stream after a person receives the jab. [5] But that’s probably all just “conspiracy theory” assertions too, right?

To recap, Biden took office and immediately began making America dependent on foreign oil. This was on the heels of the COVID economic shutdown that lasted several years, not merely 15 days as originally stated. Then even though there were no new wars under Trump, Biden got a proxy war going between Ukraine and Russia involving the USA indirectly. On top of that, we now have Israel having been attacked by Hamas, taking vengeance on the deaths and massacre of innocent people in Israel, by going after Hamas in Gaza. For anyone who doesn’t know, Hamas actually controls Gaza as it’s their stronghold. The USA may also get directly involved in this conflict, which could ultimately lead to Iran’s direct involvement and lead up to The Northern Invasion of Ezekiel 38-39.

The COVID economic shutdown, led to a disrupted and some say broken beyond repair supply chain. Economic disaster and inflation is underway that has not topped out yet. New wars are underway in Europe and the Middle East, with billions of American tax dollars being sent over to those foreign nations, while Americans at home suffer because no one is helping them. Beyond all of this, we have our southern border which has been open ever since Biden took office. I just read from Michael Snyder that so far, nearly 2.8 million people have illegally waltzed into the USA. Border Patrol agents are now encountering many from China and Arab nations.

These will be added to the existing Muslim communities in Dearborn MI, Minneapolis and elsewhere. Can we expect to see “jihad” from these people? I’m sure to an extent if we consider the massive protests that have been held in the USA in support of Hamas and the people of Palestine.

Friends, none of what I’m highlighted here is good news at all. While I know I’ve been reporting as have others that things are going south consistently, the truth is that it takes awhile for the dominoes to begin falling. Once they do, there’s nothing to keep them from falling with devastating results.

Hopefully, you’ve been making good decisions over the past few years in preparation for the terrible times that the Bible tells us will exist during these last of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5). If you haven’t, it’s still not too late to begin as you can. We can all only do what we are capable of doing and then rest on God to provide, to assist, to strengthen, to give insight and discernment and to draw us closer to Him. This starts with our submission to Him.

These times are difficult. Ignoring God, His Word and not submitting to Him puts us directly in harm’s way, making it more difficult to look at situations with discernment.







Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Cultural Marxism, Demonic, Eastern Mysticism, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, ISIS, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, Judaism, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, second coming, Shadow Government, Taliban. Tags: .

Daniel 3 Part 1 Those Who Fear Him

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