Posts filed under ‘David Rockefeller’

Hitler Would Be Proud

Essentially, Tucker calls the eugenicist today one who is motivated by a “genocidal spirit.” He further elaborates by simply stating that it is a demonic spirit because the goal is to harm and to kill. This is what Satan does. It is his overriding goal for humanity. Satan desires to kill us. Jesus called him a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44), because he prompted Cain to kill his brother Abel, due to jealousy.

Continue Reading January 30, 2024 at 11:46 AM 1 comment

China’s Trojan Horse US Invasion

The conclusions Wolf comes to are all based on the facts and data from Pfizer itself. Because of that released Pfizer data, Wolf understands how the jab was designed and what it was designed to do. In essence the jab was designed to be a Trojan Horse taking control over Americans who participated in rolling up their sleeves and submitting to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Please take the time to watch the video and decide for yourself.

Continue Reading April 28, 2023 at 11:36 AM 3 comments

He Will Provide

God spoke to Hezekiah through the prophet Isaiah telling the king He would deal with Assyria. Essentially, Hezekiah wouldn’t have to do anything overtly against Assyria except to trust God. God had things covered and told Hezekiah through Isaiah that though the people of Judah wouldn’t be able to plant or harvest, God would still provide food for the people. The Assyrian armies were outside the city of Jerusalem. People couldn’t go out to farm and they largely remained inside the city walls. But God was faithful. He provided food to the people from food grown wildly. The people did not have to plant or harvest for several years. By the third year, God had dealt with Sennacherib and his Assyrian Empire and the people were once again able to plant and harvest. They did not go without during the very rough times when they could not plant or harvest because God miraculously provided for them. If He did that for them, why would He not do it for us as well? I believe He will.

Continue Reading April 20, 2023 at 12:19 PM 2 comments

A Walk thru Revelation: Intro

A good thing to keep in mind is that while walking through Revelation, we will be at times, detoured to other Bible books and/or chapters to help bring out the full meaning of the text in Revelation. So don’t be alarmed or think we’re getting off track when we do that. For instance, while the book of Revelation reveals the 21 judgments of God in detail, starting with the First Seal (the white rider), it does not provide specifics as to the exact incident that begins the Tribulation period, though it is clear that this rider on a white horse is there at the start of the Tribulation. To provide further details on the actual beginning of the Tribulation period, we will need to explore several sections of the book of Daniel.

Continue Reading February 4, 2022 at 11:41 AM 5 comments

How’d He Get So Much Power?

During any flu season, there was ONE vax given each year, not many with boosters. No one kept track of the flu variants that came and went. They were all simply called the “flu.” You got your one flu shot if you wanted it and continued on with life. No shutdowns, no masks, no social distancing, no constant testing. If you got sick, you generally stayed home and used OTC meds to deal with it, unless you developed a serious fever and chills. Then you might go to a walk-in clinic and if you got even worse, you’d go to the hospital. At that time, hospitals were not given money by the government every time they admitted someone with the flu. If they died from the flu, the hospitals did not get more money if the death certificate stated cause of death was the flu.

Continue Reading February 3, 2022 at 10:31 AM 3 comments

Jeremiah: Calamity Coming

Though Jeremiah knew God was with him, would provide the exact words He wanted the prophet to utter and would protect him  from danger, the reality is that it would be a very difficult ministry for the prophet. As we see throughout the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations, nothing changed as God’s Judgment poured out. The result of that judgment was traumatic and terrifying. Our world today, including the United States, is resolutely moving in that same direction.

Continue Reading August 30, 2021 at 11:05 AM 1 comment

CV-19 and Future Events, Pt 2

As demons  step up to impersonate the “aliens” who have allegedly been behind the “evacuation” of millions of “malecontents” (Christians), across this planet, the people of earth who remain after the Rapture occurs, will begin jumping for joy! Those rotten Christians with their bad “karma” and fascist thinking were powerful enough to keep aliens from revealing themselves and from allowing planet earth to evolve to the next spiritual plane, apparently. Thank “god” those nasty Christians are finally gone and people will conclude the evacuation was a form of “judgment” on Christians. Interestingly enough, there will still be pastors and Bible teachers left behind who were never authentic Christians in the first place and will continue their false expositions of Scripture. I believe the coming Rapture will result in total compliance to the coming global empire. All for one and one for all.

Continue Reading August 20, 2021 at 4:57 PM 7 comments

CV-19 and Future Events, Pt 1

I don’t believe CV-19 will create for the elite what they are hoping for and working toward because too many people are refusing to buy into it. The awareness of the flaws of the CV narrative is growing. While the elite might be stupid enough to try force things here and there, I can only imagine what would happen in parts of the USA if they tried that, not to mention they’d have to have every law enforcement officer including sheriffs on the elite’s side. Does anyone think this will actually happen over a virus?

Continue Reading August 18, 2021 at 3:54 PM 8 comments

Laodicean Church Age is NOW

Society is inundated with pronounced, growing abject evil that is being normalized and we don’t understand why people cannot see it. We need to remind ourselves of Paul’s words about God sending the world a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11). The “lie” here likely refers to all lies that usher in the final global kingdom to be ruled over by Antichrist. This strong delusion is going to be a major impetus in bringing forth the NWO and Antichrist. We cannot force people to see truth, but of course we need to tell them anyway.

Continue Reading June 14, 2021 at 12:43 PM 6 comments

Satan’s Cloaked Kingdom

If we understand exactly how Satan gained control of many things, we will at the same time become more able to appreciate just how much more God controls. While it is completely true that Satan is a fully defeated foe, in the present, he is given freedom as though he is not at all defeated. This is a crucial difference to understand because it alerts us to the real issue: our need to constantly rely on God, His strength, grace and discernment to do proper battle with our biggest enemy, the battle for people’s souls. We are in the thick of that.

Continue Reading March 30, 2021 at 3:25 PM 7 comments

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