How’d He Get So Much Power?

February 3, 2022 at 10:31 AM 3 comments

This week has been weird to say the least. Without going into major details, let’s just say I’ve had an absurd situation arise just trying to buy a new phone, not being able to get it activated by anyone at the wireless place, having to revert back to my old phone, which could not make or receive any phone calls for two days, until finally, my son was able to help me wade through everything and get things going again. Wow, I do NOT want to live through that again. If felt like ground hog day in Hades. Unbelievable. My old phone is now working so maybe I’ll leave well enough alone for now. This explains why it’s now Thursday and this is the first article I’ve written and published this week.

Here are some links you may wish to peruse for your continuing research.

I’m grateful to all who send me links. Bypass the mainstream media and research yourself to find out what’s happening in the world. Case in point: the media is trying to paint the truckers in Canada as violent, radical terrorists. The chief of police in Ottawa however, point-blank stated that none of what the MSM is reporting is true. Believe MSM at your own peril.

The Main Guy?
Aside from the main globalist families (Rockefellers, etc.), there appears to be one main guy who seems to be directing world affairs and has many agents working for him, doing his bidding. The name George Soros comes to mind and while some think Soros is the most dangerous man alive today, I would beg to differ because it appears as though he does the bidding of this other guy, much the way Mengele did the bidding of Hitler. I am amazed that this guy I’m going to highlight is able to do what he does and that so many powerfully placed political leaders and others are obedient to him.

Of course, I’m talking about Klaus Schwab. He has a very interesting history and while I won’t bore you with all the details, there are a number of them that I’ll point out. Schwab was born in Ravensburg in 1938 and was merely a child during Hitler’s reign of terror in Germany. That makes Schwab 83 years old today, though he seems much younger when you watch and listen to him on videos.

It seems very clear that Hitler made a great impact on Schwab’s young, impressionable mind and he appears to have dedicated his life to reinventing what Hitler tried and failed to accomplish. Anyone listening to his press conferences, videos and reading what he has written will quickly discover that Schwab very much endeavors to recreate Hitler’s regime and of course, wants to do so on a worldwide scale.

A face only a mother can love? This is Klaus’ attempt to project concern and heartfelt empathy; someone who cares about you. The “weight” he must carry…sigh.

Though Schwab is not cut from the same cloth as Hitler, he is a true fascist in every sense of the word, but with a far different approach. Today’s fascist expresses (fake) concern and even seeming empathy toward the “little people.” So much so, that we constantly hear from them how they wish to remake the world so that all people benefit equally. Who would not want this? What is routinely ignored however, is the fact that elites like Schwab are not part of the “little people” who make up this planet. In reality, Schwab see himself as part of the true blue bloods, people put on earth to rule over all things and all people; think Downton Abbey on demonic steroids.

A huge part of what Schwab does is creates discontent between races, cultures and nations throughout the world. This creates the false impression that people are at escalating odds and will seek “unity” and “equity.” Anyone who join in is seen as the “enemy” (aka “white supremacist,” etc). This is classic Hegelian Dialectic at work, which I’ve written about before.

If you read carefully what Schwab has stated, it becomes very clear quite quickly that he wants to do away with local governments and instead, sees the world governed by self-appointed agencies that will make the best decisions for everyone on earth. The “self-appointed” agencies should give us a huge clue as to who will be in the driver’s seat and will oversee any “governments.”

This new fascism is today being advanced in the guise of global governance, biosecurity, the “New Normal”, the “New Deal for Nature” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Schwab, the octogenarian founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, sits at the centre of this matrix like a spider on a giant web. [1]

Schwab seems to have all his bases covered including having managed to place little dictators in positions of supreme power over parts of the USA and foreign countries. These leaders essentially do Schwab’s bidding, most having graduated from his “…Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.” [2] Here’s a video of Schwab pontificating about how proud he is of the fact that so many world leaders went through his Young Global Leaders school and are now in positions of power and authority building the world Klaus wants from the blueprint created by the WEF.

It is interesting to note that Henry Kissinger took Klaus under his wing way back in the early 1970’s. Prior to that, he spent time educating himself at prestigious schools.

In 1961, he graduated as a mechanical engineer from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich,[3] which awarded him a doctorate in engineering entitled: Der längerfristige Exportkredit als betriebswirtschaftliches Problem des Maschinenbaues (Longer-term export credit as a business problem in mechanical engineering),[4]. He was also awarded a doctorate in economics from the University of Fribourg,[5] and a Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.[3]

Schwab was also a professor of business policy at the University of Geneva from 1972 to 2003 and has been an honorary professor there since. Once he got going in the world outside of academia, he began what ultimately became the World Economic Forum (WEF). Meetings are held in Davos Switzerland annually where things are seriously mulled over and decisions are made about how to move the entire world toward a literal one-world government. What amazes me here is that this is essentially an open secret and the mainstream media simply goes along with it, largely by ignoring it as they did the Bilderberg group meetings.

Most are familiar with the Bilderbergers; leaders who also gathered annually to make determinations regarding how to coalesce the world. But in a major way, Davos dwarfs the Bilderberg situation. Both of these groups – Bilderbergers and Davos’ WEF – are literally out in the open and interestingly, Klaus has had his share of controversy mainly due to a lack of transparency regarding his foundation(s). But someone as powerful and important as Schwab cannot be bothered with having to stoop to be transparent with people he ultimately wants to control, can he? That’s just too much to ask.

There is something hauntingly intriguing about Schwab. In some ways, he has the charisma to cause people to lower their guard. He appears able to come alongside people and to be seen as someone who uniquely cares about the “plight” of this world (climate change, carbon footprints, mother earth, etc.), and therefore pretends to want only what is best for this earth and its people.

I marvel at the path that he has taken so far and how much power he has been able to acquire for himself and this is largely due to the CV pandemic. Those who understand what’s happening realize that the CV19 pandemic is about a number of things and none of them have to do with our “health”:

  • control
  • (possible) depopulation
  • consolidation of power
  • consolidation of wealth

Since the beginning of the CV pandemic – the “15 days to slow the spread” – a great deal of wealth has changed hands, greatly increasing the wealth of the few in power. Large corporations like Walmart, Amazon, and other Big Box stores were never shuttered during the lock-down. If your business was not one of the chosen allowed to remain open, then chances are great your business went out of business. The owners of businesses allowed to remain open became far wealthier simply because there were fewer places to buy things.

CV19 has been about controlling people; what we could do, where we could go, how long we could stay out, what we had to wear over our faces and how we had to treat other people. It is still about control. The patterns developed early on have become habituated in many to most. Those who do not play that game are the problem; a “problem” that must be dealt with and eliminated.

Schwab and his sycophants have pushed for this all based on the notion of “safety” and “health.” It was all for our benefit, they say. The lack of early treatment, the waiting for the vax, the closure of “non-essential” businesses and even churches, hospitals only treating those affected with CV19 leaving others to die and much more. This has been a global coup that has, for the most part, gone unchecked, with most people readily embracing all of it. Hundreds of thousands of people have been injured and/or died because of lock-downs and now the CV jab.

I’m sure Schwab gleefully rubs his hands together as he watches the world suffer through what he and his comrades have perpetrated. There are plenty of testimonies from folks who got the newest booster and are suffering because of it. What they don’t understand is that any respite they’re experiencing is likely only temporary, with more problems and potential death on the way.

During any flu season, there was ONE vax given each year, not many with boosters. No one kept track of the flu variants that came and went. They were all simply called the “flu.” You got your one flu shot if you wanted it and continued on with life. No shutdowns, no masks, no social distancing, no constant testing. If you got sick, you generally stayed home and used OTC meds to deal with it, unless you developed a serious fever and chills. Then you might go to a walk-in clinic and if you got even worse, you’d go to the hospital. At that time, hospitals were not given money by the government every time they admitted someone with the flu. If they died from the flu, the hospitals did not get more money if the death certificate stated cause of death was the flu.

That all changed with CV19, even though CV is just another virus, like the cold or the flu. People were so afraid of dying, they were willing to give up their freedom, their right to decide and more. At the beginning of this pandemic, I and many others argued that we would never go back to the previous normal in spite of the promises from Fauci and others.

Here we are over two years later and people still wear masks, nitrile gloves, social distance and wait in long lines to get tested to find out if they have CV and will do whatever it takes to get the next vax shot or booster. When a population has been largely bamboozled through the use of Hegelian Dialectic fear tactics, that population becomes dependent upon everything the government tells them and the MSM supports.

This is the world Klaus Schwab has created through his highly-placed agents throughout the world. Quite frankly, Schwab is the guy I’m going to keep my eyes on as we move forward because I’m quite certain, as far as he’s concerned, it’s not over until he gets what he wants.





Entry filed under: 9/11, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, David Rockefeller, Demonic, devil worship, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Gun Control, ISIS, Life in America, new age movement, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Radical Islam, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government, Socialism, Transhumanism, Trilateral Commission, ufology.

Held Under Satan’s Sway A Walk thru Revelation: Intro

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