Hitler Would Be Proud

January 30, 2024 at 11:46 AM 1 comment

To critically thinking people, it seems all too clear that the same people who want to cull the planet’s overall population also want us to believe that the vaccine they have prepared for us will save our lives. The two statements cannot both be true.

Either it is solely a conspiracy theory that people like Bill Gates, Who’s Tedros, Klaus Schwab and others want a serious reduction in the earth’s global population or it is true. If it is true, then we must look askance at any medical intervention (including vaccines), that are allegedly designed to save us from various diseases and viruses out in the public sphere.

Let’s be clear. Bill Gates’ father was a eugenicist and and had the financial means to accomplish at least some of his goals. Of course, if you ask the Leftwing folks at “Snopes,” they’ll go out of their way to tell you any belief that points to William Gates, Sr. as a eugenicist is something solely born from the overactive imaginations of conspiracy theorists. But Snopes is not necessarily known for its fair and unbiased reporting. They normally have an axe to grind with anyone who is not as Leftist as they are.

It is a well known fact that John D. Rockefeller partnered with Eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who eventually became known for her Planned Parenthood organization. This organization, far from helping parents to be parents, was built on the notion that there were just too many people in this world and many to most of them (non-whites specifically), needed to be culled. Rockefeller, a Baptist teetotaler, liked the idea and funded Sanger.

But of course, eugenicist beliefs go back for centuries really. Karl Marx believed in them. The most famous Nazi of all time – Adolf Hitler – not only believed in eugenics, but put it into practice with his gas chambers, killing millions of Jews mainly, but also anyone else he deemed “undesirable.”

Things have come a long way in reality since those early days of using physical things like abortion to murder the unborn or gas to execute Jews and other undesirables. In all cases, the use of these extreme measures always left fingerprints. The gas chambers that Hitler used still stand as memorials to his own demonic murder and will always be associated with a man named Adolf Hitler.

Planned Parenthood will always be associated with a woman named Margaret Sanger, whose goal it was to eliminate minorities wholesale. It is interesting how those on the Left idolize Sanger and even do their best to reshape the narrative surrounding her as though she wore wings of angels, when in fact, she was simply the then face of Death.

But those days of using a direct involvement of ways to kill had their day. If Adolf Hitler was alive today, he would have more options at his disposal and he would have a way of distancing himself from the cause of many of the deaths we are seeing today.

Today’s murderers wear suits, fly around the globe and are generally respected (or feared) by many throughout the world. This is at least what the media attempts to portray when in fact, there is a growing hatred for people like Bill Gates, The WHO’s Tedros and Nazi extraordinaire Klaus Schwab.[1] These men all have one thing in common. They all want far fewer people in this world and they know how to achieve it.

Instead of piling people into a large room, then filling it with lethal gas, it’s much easier to create and release a virus that will “require” the use of a vaccination to keep people “safe” from harm. However, more and more information is coming out showing (if not outright proving), that while the virus may be harmful enough, it is actually the “remedy” (vaccine), that is causing huge adverse reactions and deaths.

Many people like Dr. David Martin are finding and noting a connection between Sars-CV-2 (COVID) and its release, as well as the fact that it appears to have existed long before “they” told us it did; as far back as 2015 or earlier.

No matter how many people continue dying and regardless of how young these folks are as they “die suddenly,” doctors and scientists continue to be “baffled,” “perplexed” and “chagrined.” They just don’t seem to know what’s causing all the deaths, but they seem certain it has to do with “climate change,” “laughter” or some other thing that’s never been a problem before.

As long as the media runs interference for murdering globalists, nothing will ever be admitted. There’s nothing to see here. Everyone please, just move along and grab another booster shot just in case.

With the most recent Davos meeting on the books, we now know that Disease X is something globalists are concerned about. They admit they don’t know what it is but they also state that it is at least 10 to 20 times more deadly than CV. I’m not sure how they know that unless they’re cooking it in the lab now…along with the potential “vaccine.”

So why is the world facing all of these allegedly killer viruses? For the same reason this world is facing so many wars and rumors of wars. It’s to create upheaval that gives birth to abject fear. People who are in fear are far more willing to cling to any hope thrown their way. A new deadlier virus is on the way?! Oh no! We better do something about it! Quick, roll out the CBDCs (digital currencies), get the newest jab, take a mark while you’re at it. Do something!

Here’s a short video where Tucker explains the genocidal spirit that is washing over this world. A short clip includes Jordan Peterson who speaks briefly just before Tucker (and please be warned he uses graphic language!).[2]

Essentially, Tucker calls the eugenicist today one who is motivated by a “genocidal spirit.” He further elaborates by simply stating that it is a demonic spirit because the goal is to harm and to kill. This is what Satan does. It is his overriding goal for humanity. Satan desires to kill us. Jesus called him a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44), because he prompted Cain to kill his brother Abel, due to jealousy.

We also need to understand that at least part of the reason Satan pushed Cain to kill Abel was the fact that God had promised that the woman’s seed (ultimately Jesus), would cause a fatal wound to Satan (Genesis 3), while Satan’s wound to Eve’s offspring (Jesus), would not be fatal.

Satan pushing Cain to murder Abel was done to introduce murder into the world and an attempt to keep Satan from being fatally wounded by one of Eve’s sons. Since Abel was considered righteous by God because his faith prompted him to bring the correct and best sacrifice, Satan assumed that Abel had something to do with his (Satan’s), own demise.

Since then Satan has done nothing but promote wars, more wars, murders and as much crime based on hatred as he possibly could have accomplished. It will only worsen during the coming seven years of the final world order just prior to the physical return of Jesus.

The true genocidal demonic spirit is very much alive and well today, given free reign through people sold to Satan like Gates, Tedros, Schwab and many others. They have their minions who do whatever they say to advance the goals of the globalists throughout the world. They won’t stop unless and until they are stopped.

Even though more and more people are standing against them and their agenda (climate change, CBDCs, Universal Basic Income, owning nothing, war on farmers, etc.), there’s a good chance globalists will get at least something out of all of this. But not everyone will go along with their plans nor will they cave into their demands.

Yet, it would be foolhardy for globalists to stop pushing because in their mind, they are nearly there, though they are aware of growing push-back against them.

By the way, another huge chicken farm mysteriously caught fire in Texas and there is also apparently new cases of avian bird flu in California requiring chicken farmers to destroy their entire flocks. Besides this, we’ve got the continuing problems at our southern border with Biden actually taking a stand against America (treason), in favor of illegal aliens.

With somewhere in the neighborhood of 22 million illegals already in this country, Biden wants to grant them actual citizenship. This would mean voting rights and availability for military service in the USA. If these illegals become military people, who would they serve, the UN or American interests?

The world is growing darker by the day it seems. Globalists pushed by Satan are out to destroy in order to create their “great reset” from the rubble. The best we can do is remain alert and reject whatever they offer. They appear to be getting desperate and I believe it’s because our adversary, their leader, is also becoming desperate because he knows his time is short.



[1] https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/the-davos-crowd

[2] https://t.me/VigilantFox/10664

Entry filed under: 9/11, agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Atheism and religion, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, David Rockefeller, Demonic, Emotional virtue, Global Elite, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism.

Daniel 4 Part 3 Unfolding Controversy

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