Is Not Fretting Possible?

November 17, 2021 at 12:12 PM 3 comments

We’ve gone over aspects of Psalm 37 before and we’ve talked about the fact that the Lord doesn’t want us to “fret” over evil people, nor does He want us to be envious of the workers of iniquity. I think most of us would agree that not being envious of them is much easier than not fretting because of them.

The word “fret” in today’s vernacular normally means being worried or anxious about something that we believe we have little to no control over. However, in the days of King David, when he chose this word, “fret” often connoted the idea of being very angry at someone because of them or their actions.

An example of “fretting” today might be you or me at the apparent injustice that is happening ahead of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. Regardless of what you think of Kyle’s actions, there should not, under any circumstances, be threats from groups that promise to dox people or destroy if the “correct” verdict is not returned. This should never be happening, but because of the way BLM and AntiFa has had free reign in numerous American cities, with police being repeatedly told to stand down, rioters (not protesters), have destroyed buildings and taken the lives of innocent people. It becomes natural that law-abiding people would become angered over this type of travesty. But we are told that we should not become angry over things like this. The big question is HOW do we not become angry over things like this?

I honestly wish I knew. I have committed Psalm 37:1-5 to memory and I often recite them in my head or even out loud at times. Yet, the peace that should come from that knowledge in those verses seems to evade me. The only thing I know how to do is to continue to recite those verses to myself and pray for God’s Holy Spirit to allow my mind and soul to fully embrace the truth in those verses.

With so much bad news today that appears to be a constant stream from all quarters, it is very difficult for Christians to continue to hold up under the weight of it all, isn’t it? Don’t you feel that way at times? I know I do and I’ll admit it. I wish I could ignore a good deal of what’s happening and simply trust the Lord. In fact, as we’ve seen from Psalm 37, this is exactly what He wants us to do. But the question is how do we enter into that trust that calms us to our very souls in spite of the troubles that spiral seemingly out of control throughout society and often affect our lives because of it? How do we, in spite of the growing evil throughout society, emotionally step away and just continue to trust Him for His outcome?

I was asking the Lord this very thing yesterday and this morning. It is absolutely overwhelming when I read all the articles and hear video testimony of doctors and parents who have lost patients or loved ones due to the problems very likely related to the CV jab. In spite of what the powers that be tell us, there appear to major safety issues with the jab and the fact that all questions and discussion concerning those issues are essentially not allowed tends to confirm suspicions for many.

Here’s just one example of a detailed article indicating that for every child saved by the CV jab, 117 other kids will likely die. The actual doctor – Dr. Toby Rogers – provides deep insight into the flaws regarding “…FDA’s preposterous risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” in children ages 5 to 11.” You can read the full article here. Another article notes that according to the FDA, death rate is 24% higher for vaxxed than non-vaxxed.

This kind of newsworthy information appears to be missing from MSM, Dr. Fauci and others who continue to direct the affairs of the USA and other countries as well. They are moving ahead like a freight train running roughshod over people’s rights and much of what they are demanding seems to be based on seriously faulty research as many physicians have pointed out.

So I could list article after article, video after video that would all destroy everything Fauci stands for and likely create anger or angst within people and to what effect? While it’s always good to know what’s happening in society to an extent and what things might be on the way, the record of Scripture sincerely shows that in spite of all that’s happening in society, and regardless of any problems we might be faced with, God’s will for the individual Christian can and often does supersede any and all machinations created by human beings. There is only one caveat and that is that we must believe or trust in Him and His ability to keep us.

Hebrews 11 is often called the hall of faith chapter because it provides brief but impressive looks into the lives of individual believers since Creation. These believers, in spite of the odds they faced, were victorious because of one thing they all had in common. They all by faith, obeyed and followed the Lord. In Hebrews 11, we learn about Abel, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, etc., all faced extremely difficult situations in life and came out on the other side of them completely victorious. Certainly, in many cases, it was obviously not easy, but they persisted in their belief and faith in God because they knew that He responds to those who believe in Him, trusting in Him for His provision.

In today’s world, the CV-19 vax mandate looms large over this land. It is an executive order from Biden’s White House and OSHA has been tapped to issue the guidelines for it. They have recently spoken. Whether this mandate is legal remains to be seen, doesn’t it? More and more attorney generals from individual states are filing law suits against the Biden administration. It could all end up before the Supreme Court. It could also be completely upheld, given the nature of the current justices on the Supreme Court. What then? What will Christians do who are, for one reason or another, opposed to taking a vax that they believe is harmful to themselves and forces them to accept something into their bodies that they do not believe God wants them to accept?

There is only one answer to that and it is to not fret and trust the Lord. There is no other answer of which I am aware of. What I find fascinating is throughout Scripture, many faced what appeared to be impossible challenges, yet as long as they believed and trusted in the Lord to preserve and protect them, He did so. Of course there were also situations where believers faced major persecution and even death for their beliefs and had they given up on those beliefs their lives would have been spared physically. Yet, what would that have done for them spiritually? Something obviously strengthened them to persevere against evil.

Yet, there are many examples of those who did trust the Lord, who waited for Him to work and ignored what was happening to the entire world. Daniel and his three friends did not want to corrupt themselves by taking the food from King Nebuchadnezzar so they asked for an “exemption” or “accommodation.” It was granted. Notice in Daniel 1, Daniel did not demand anything. He didn’t get on his high horse about it. He simply and humbly went to the person in charge of providing food and asked if he could have different food than what King Nebuchadnezzar wanted Daniel and his friends to eat.

In another instance, Daniel’s three friends were brought before King Nebuchadnezzar because they refused to worship the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Because of their abject refusal to commit idolatry, they were thrown in the fiery furnace but God intervened.

Here’s my point: I believe that God will preserve and protect those who come to Him in faith for His help. The reason many do not have a response to their prayers is because either they are not praying at all, or not exercising faith that God will help them.

If you are a person who believes that you should take the vax, then clearly I’m not talking to you. However, if you are a person who believes that because of the fetal cells used to either create or test these vaxxes, you cannot allow that into your system, do you not think God will help you because of it? Aside from the fetal cell lines used in the direct or indirect creation of these vaxxes, what about all the neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses, animal parts, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens and chemical wastes that are proven harmful to the human body[1][2]? If a person doesn’t mind these things in their bodies, that’s up to them. At the same time, the person who does not want them should have the option.

Yet, the option is being removed and many are even categorically denied any type of religious or health exemption. All I can say is to not count on help from people. Go directly to God and ask for His help in the matter. I believe He will provide, though you may have to make difficult decisions at times.

I think one of the things I am going to have to do is stop reading so much that’s out there. I believe I have enough information to understand what is happening throughout society and it isn’t good. People are being led to the slaughter, in my opinion, with these “vaccines” and booster shots. It’s terribly heart-breaking. Ireland has at least 93% of its population that has been fully vaxxed, yet their “cases” have been sharply on the rise. They cannot be blaming the unvaxxed so is it the vax itself? They are getting ready to go through another lock-down nationwide.

I’m going to have to pull myself away from much of what’s going on in society and focus on the things that matter – His Word, my church family, my physical family and trying to enjoy as much of this life as I possibly can in spite of the constant press that paints life as “we’re all soon to die.” This type of thinking serves no purpose at all except to destroy any semblance of praise and uplifted thinking.

In reality, there’s nothing I can do about any of what’s happening. Certainly, anything I do will only affect myself and those close to me. My life must be about finding ways to praise Him for His goodness, His provision, His control over things that I cannot even see.

There were days and periods in Jesus’ life where a war on His emotions really took its toll on Him. The Garden of Gethsemane is only one example (Luke 22). He didn’t walk through life with constant joy and without trials. However, He learned and understood that in spite of what the Father sent or allowed to come His way, the victory was always His because of the way He approached each problem, by giving it to the Father. He prayed until He was able to release it and I must do the same.




Entry filed under: 9/11, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, devil worship, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, new age movement, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government, Sharia Law, Socialism, Taliban, Transhumanism, Trilateral Commission, ufology. Tags: , .

CV Jab Religious Exemptions? Terrible Times All Around

3 Comments Add your own

  • 2. Maranatha Today  |  November 17, 2021 at 2:45 PM

    “I’m going to have to pull myself away from much of what’s going on in society and focus on the things that matter – His Word, my church family, my physical family and trying to enjoy as much of this life as I possibly can in spite of the constant press that paints life as “we’re all soon to die.” This type of thinking serves no purpose at all except to destroy any semblance of praise and uplifted thinking.

    In reality, there’s nothing I can do about any of what’s happening. Certainly, anything I do will only affect myself and those close to me. My life must be about finding ways to praise Him for His goodness, His provision, His control over things that I cannot even see.”

    Thanks Modres…God hates all that’s going on…we hate it too and it’s understandable to feel “righteous indignation” but not fleshly. Stepping away from it all is imperative as you said, there’s not much we can do but gently warn people and pray they wake up. We pray Maranatha!



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