Blasphemy Openly Increasing

January 24, 2023 at 10:52 AM 2 comments

As life rolls on toward the coming final one-world government headed by Antichrist, it seems clear the world is becoming much more comfortable with an emphasis on blasphemy. Not that many decades ago, any person who so blatantly blasphemed God in Christ was often excoriated publicly for their moral offense. Today, those people are not only not taken to task, but celebrated for their inspiration, boldness and critical thinking.

In a recent issue of Vanity Fair, Madonna was prominently on the cover as though the Virgin Mary (also called “Madonna”). The Vigilant Citizen [1] comments on this photo:

In Christian imagery, the Virgin Mary is sometimes portrayed as sorrowful and in tears, with seven swords piercing her heart. These swords represent the Seven Sorrows of Mary – sad events that marked her life (i.e. the Crucifixion of Jesus). With all of that being said, is this image of the Grand Priestess of the industry cosplaying the Virgin Mary blasphemous?

Because more and more people today are under a seemingly strong delusion (the one God says He will send in the last days? cf 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12), they have lost any fear they may have had regarding God. So coupled with their absent regard for actual truth and preferring pleasure in unrighteousness, God simply sends a delusion that will turn those people over to themselves. They will in essence, gain strength to be as blasphemous as they want to be because of the delusion God sends.

Some may wonder why God sends a delusion in the first place. Why isn’t He more “loving” and “patient” with these people? Instead of drawing them to Him, He is literally pushing them away. Why? As stated, the reason is due to the fact that they prefer lies to truth, unrighteousness to righteousness. I believe God will give every person as many chances as they need to see the truth and ultimately embrace it. Once they have rejected the truth enough times, God will allow them to become thoroughly immersed in the lies they tell themselves.

This is also referred to as having a “seared conscience” by Paul in 1 Timothy 4:1-2:

Now the Spirit expressly states that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, 2influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron.

If you’ve ever been unfortunate to “sear” part of your flesh, you know it doesn’t feel good. However, after it “heals,” feeling is often lost in that area of your body, normally because the nerves have been destroyed. This isn’t always the case, but it can happen. So like the individual that accidentally burns themselves or part of their body so that they lose feeling there, the person who insists on continually standing against God’s truth by deliberately believing lies will eventually end up with a conscience that is seared; lacking feeling and unable to offer warnings to the person.

People who arrive to this point where their consciences are seared are in a very dangerous place because they can now fully embrace lies without being hampered by a conscience that tries to warn them that they are moving away from truth. These people often begin to feel fully “free” from all sorts of constraints and nothing they do or want to do seems out of place to them. In fact, it can be quite “heady” to them as they falsely believe they have come to the point in life that has finally granted them freedom from the antiquated and claustrophobic way of life that they use to have to live under. People who arrive to the point where they believe God is “dead” or never existed see themselves as truly free unencumbered by the archaic religious “tripe” (their word), that kept them bound and enslaved. Imagine for a moment just how “free” they would feel, never considering that their newfound freedom is simply the result of their continued choice to reject truth and believe lies and God’s helping them to that end by sending a strong delusion.

But not content to be seen as the Virgin Mary, Madonna was also photographed as if Jesus Himself at the Last Supper surrounded by 12 women portraying the original Apostles. Imagine the day Madonna stands before our Lord, the Creator of the Universe and has this event replayed for her in front of Him. Imagine the abject terror that will be her reaction. What she’s doing is the very opposite of sagacious. Completely lacking in discernment due to her continued willingness to brainwash herself has left her morally bereft and unable to see the problem with blasphemy. It’s obviously a very, very dangerous place for anyone to live in, but Madonna, in an effort to constantly reinvent herself has come to this. What is next for her? How can she top this? I suppose by being pictured on the cross itself.

It is my opinion that both Vanity Fair and Madonna revel in this type of shock photography. If it offends Christians (or even the God they refuse to acknowledge), all the better. In fact, I believe this is the true purpose of what they are doing and why, yet they can hide behind the label of it all simply being “artistic expression.”

What we are seeing in society today is unparalleled in my opinion. It has not existed to this extent since I was born some 65 years ago or more. The veil has been lifted and what may have been quietly uttered in private between people is now openly displayed not only for the shock value, but to announce to the world that these people are so enamored with their own freedom from God that they cannot help but celebrate it. If Christians are offended that’s simply icing on the cake.

I don’t have to be a prophet, seer, or mind-reader to know that this will simply worsen in society as the world is pushed and pulled toward its inevitable conclusion, where the Judge of this world will return physically and pronounce His judgments. I can safely say that this type of blasphemous attitude will continue and it could easily come to the point where people will be tripping over one another to see who can outdo the other in being even more blasphemous. This is not beyond the realm of possibility.

If someone were to sit down with Madonna alone and try to explain the Gospel to her, even imploring her to consider her ways and the potential evil she has allowed to become ensconced in her life, she would likely smirk or laugh at the effort. She would most likely see the person imploring her as someone who is so antiquated and superstitious that would wind up possibly feeling sorry for that person because of their “narrow-mindedness.” She would see them as not “free” but “bound” up in the myths that she likely believes have put and kept this world in chains of misogyny, racism and inequality.

We are moving into very difficult days where we will likely see more and more people exercising an increasing level of madness, arrogance and blasphemy. Instead of being surprised by it, we need to be firmly grounded in His Word. We must follow the dictates of what the apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 3:15.

…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, (ESV)

Notice the last three words: “gentleness and respect.” This is difficult often because we have to deal with people’s anger and even hatred of God. It is often confusing to us to try to understand why some become so vehemently opposed to God, but this is their demeanor as they are on their way to having seared consciences. At this point, they are often still able to be changed by His love and His power. We are simply the vessel through which truth can come to those who live in darkness.

Once they get beyond their anger and resentment so that their consciences are truly seared, the possibility of them ever coming to terms with the truth and lies they’ve chosen to believe is very remote. It’s certainly not impossible (because God can do anything), but it is remote.

We should actually rejoice at a person who becomes angry at the truth we present! That sounds odd, but if they are angry, they are actually still dealing with the issue of God because their conscience still works. Once they’ve pushed beyond it so that their consciences become seared and God literally gives them over to the lies they have chosen to embrace (Romans 1:24). At that point, they have no trouble with actual truth anymore, fully convinced the lies they believe are truth.

My encouragement for each of us is to seek God daily. Read His Word and memorize parts of it so you can repeat it to yourself throughout the day. You will encounter problems, difficulties and people who are offended by the Gospel. Our relentless gentleness in explaining the Gospel to them is part of our job. It is what God expects us to do and it is clearly seen in the life of our Lord Jesus throughout the New Testament.

Prepare your minds for (spiritual) battle (1 Peter 1:13), that is bound to happen.

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Problems, difficulties and recalcitrant people will come into our lives. God allows this. What is our – yours and my – reaction to them? Are we concerned about their salvation or do we see them as primarily an annoyance? If we are unable or unwilling to tell them about what Jesus has done for them (whether they listen or not), how will they hear it?

God loves Madonna but His patience will eventually end and she will be totally given up to the lies that she embraces (and that may already be the case). However, she should still be given opportunities to hear the Gospel and we should lift her up before Him.



Entry filed under: 9/11, agenda 2030, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, devil worship, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Life in America, Maitreya, new age movement, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government.

Only God Masters the Future Rev 14: The Lamb and Proclamations

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Felicia Murphy  |  January 24, 2023 at 1:35 PM


    Thanks for this. So true the “strong delusion” idea, similar to the wording

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. modres  |  January 24, 2023 at 1:37 PM

      Hi Felicia! Hope things are well with you and your family!

      Thx for your comment.👍🏼



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