Dictators Gonna Dictate

March 5, 2024 at 10:40 AM Leave a comment

I recently read of efforts of numerous nations to curtail free speech and what they term “hate speech.” This includes making derogatory remarks, but is not limited to that. For instance, in Canada, a bill[1] has been introduced in Parliament that would, in effect, bring down the hammer of persecution on Christians for the following:

  • public Bible readings
  • prayers
  • other expressions of Christian teachings

Interesting that the examples are pointing toward Christianity. Is it still okay to read from the Qur’an publicly? Can Imams raise their anti-Semitic rhetoric to an alarming level without penalty?

What has always been fascinating to me is the use of the phrase “hate speech.” No one has ever given a qualified or accurate definition of that phrase. It’s stupid and nonsensical. The First Amendment of the United States’ Constitution never qualified any type of language. The amendment guarantees the speaker’s ability to say what’s on their mind. Over the decades though, laws have been put into place that actually work to oppose what the First Amendment fully guarantees.

For instance, a person can be arrested for yelling “Fire!” in a crowded place where no such fire exists. While that makes sense on one hand, the truth of the matter is that our founding fathers created the First Amendment in such a way that there were actually zero restrictions on speech. That included individuals to journalists, as we’ve recently seen with The Blaze’s Steve Baker ordered to turn himself in for his “crimes” related to his reporting on the January 6th fiasco.[2]

Apparently, the FBI wanted him to turn himself into them in shorts and flip-flops because they planned on using leg chains and perp marching him in public. This is an attack on free speech because journalists have always enjoyed the freedom to report things as they saw fit. Of course, in today’s politically charged climate, the only thing journalists are allowed to report is the approved narrative. Going off that mark leaves them wide open to tyranny now apparently.

The US federal government may not be too far behind Canada and other countries seeking to outlaw actual freedom of speech. As I stated, laws have been created that work to curtail free speech. That in and of itself is illegal. To counter an actual amendment, another amendment needs to be brought to fruition that actually cancels the previous amendment. This is what occurred with Prohibition where all liquor was outlawed. It took another amendment years later to annul that first amendment. By the way, even though during Prohibition, liquor was completely illegal and when found, confiscating/destroyed, guess what? Something called “Speakeasies” came to fruition, which were secret “underground” clubs where people could imbibe alcohol without fear of reprisal, unless police did a swat action on the place.

But that’s not the way things work today. Consider the Second Amendment. It is as plain as the First Amendment upholding people’s rights to own and carry a gun and to be able to purchase ammo for that gun. Not so today. To purchase a gun a person needs to jump through hoops, often many of them, depending on that state’s laws. In California for instance, it has become difficult to buy ammo. There’s a waiting period and only so much can be purchased at a time.

Some might say, “Well, if these gun and ammo laws keep us safe, I’m all for it.” The problem is that no law has any effect on criminals or insane people. They never have a problem obtaining guns and ammo illegally and even if all guns were confiscated by our illustrious government, criminals would still have them. It’s a no-brainer, but our government acts as if the gun-toting criminal element is such a very tiny sliver of all the gun-related crimes that occur in the USA. The media will back them up at every turn, only highlighting stories that support that narrative. But just like Prohibition when alcohol was completely outlawed and people managed to get hold of it, so too will criminals continue to obtain weapons and ammo illegally if guns/ammo were ever prohibited and even confiscated in the USA.

My point is simple. Our government – as well as Canada’s, France’s, Ireland’s and others – are targeting law-abiding people by making them criminals if they utter an opinion that the government decides falls under “hate speech.” In fact, Canada has been at it for a while, dating back to at least 2013 when “…the Canadian Supreme Court classified the Bible-based criticism of homosexuality as a hate crime.“[2] It’s a bit ridiculous, but consider that this is what happens when governments (or in the case of Dictator Trudeau), seek to oppress certain groups. It’s the same attempt to destroy traditional biblical values in Canada that is happening elsewhere.

So, Christians need to be aware of what is happening in their countries and understand the impact of the decisions governments are making. Is it me or does it appear that anti-Christian sentiment and persecution is on the rise? If Bill C-367 passes into law in Canada, that ostensibly means that if a pastor or someone else reads from Scripture Romans 1 or various portions of the Mosaic Law from the Old Testament (as well as numerous places throughout the New Testament), they could be accused of “hate speech” because of what the Bible clearly states about certain abominations that God hates like homosexuality etc. This has also already occurred in the UK with street preachers who simply read from the Bible. In one case, a UK police officer was within earshot (who happened to be homosexual), and arrested the preacher for what he read publicly.

The level of stupidity that is on display today is remarkable. It’s as though people have no capacity to critically think because they are so involved in making decisions based on how they feel. By way of example, the Supreme Court of the United States of America just yesterday ruled that Donald J. Trump cannot be kept off the ballot in each state of the US. The court was fully unanimous on this with a 9-0 vote.

Yet, the feelmongerers on the Left came fully unhinged and were beside themselves with severe angst. The court ruled (or should I say upheld what has always been understood), that individual states cannot remove a national candidate from their ballots because states do not have the power to remove a national candidate. The states’ power rests in being able to remove a state or local candidate only from the ballot, period.

In spite of this clear and obvious ruling, the Left went berserk. Harry Sisson (a nobody on X who has a large following and would not surprise me to learn he is a paid troll of the Left), proves his racism as well as his inability to think critically with a tweet he posted on his timeline yesterday.

Notice in his post he goes after the one black male on SCOTUS, as though it was Clarence Thomas by himself who made the decision. I really don’t know who Harry Sisson is. I don’t know if that’s his real name or if that picture in his profile is actually him. I don’t know what he does for a living, but I’m guessing that posting mean tweets that fully favor Leftism is what he does for a living. If so, he’s part of the digital world of Technocracy that works to create an anti-reality. I have to appreciate The Persistence’s response to Sisson, which is 100% accurate. Will Sisson take note? No. Like Keith Olbermann and hundreds if not thousands of other Leftists who clearly show their racism and hatred daily, Sisson will continue to post absurdities that he thinks are actually truth bombs. It simply shows him for what he is and that’s not clearly defined intelligence. It’s the opposite.

One Leftist stated on her timeline something to the effect that she was thoroughly disgusted that the Supreme Court had “stripped” the states of power over their ballots. The Supreme Court did no such thing but no amount of proof would convince her that she was completely erroneous about the Supreme Court’s ruling. The court did not strip the states of anything. They merely agreed with what has always been the case: that the states do not have authority to remove national candidates from the ballot. Sorry to repeat myself, but it’s an important point that the Left will never comprehend. Why? Because they are willfully and deliberately ignorant. They’ve done it to themselves, yet they believe they see things very clearly. It’s absurd. It’s like the man who fully believes himself to be a woman, who dresses the part, acts effeminately and the whole nine yards and may have even had gender-reassignment surgery. However, they’ve not been able to change their chromosomes, which is the deciding factor between male and female. But the rest of us are supposed to play along with that madness so that we do not “offend” them? It’s okay to offend our sensibilities though?

I’ll remind readers of Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

I’d like to do a short series on the above text, getting to the meaning of the original language and flesh it out some more. We’ll see, but just a cursory reading of that tells us that Paul saw our day and warned us what this day would be like. It is getting worse and shows no sign of slowing down really. What we are experiencing and seeing in society today is the direct result of people who are completely closed off to the truth. It’s almost as though this passage from 2 Timothy is a response or add on to Paul’s words in Romans 1.

Thanks for joining me on this trip down Stupidity Lane. Please look for my upcoming article, Looming Global Technocracy. I think it might be an eye-opener for those who do not have a clear idea of what technocracy is and the ongoing attempt to accomplish a complete takeover of our lives through a technocratic dictatorship.


[1] https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/trudeau-praying-in-public-reading-aloud-from-bible-is-hate-speech-to-be-severely-punished/

[2] https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/jan-6-journalist-fbi-arrest

Entry filed under: agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Global Elite, Gun Control, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Shadow Government.

Daniel 7 Part 1 – Four More Beasts Looming Global Technocracy

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