
December 3, 2012 at 5:03 AM Leave a comment

Just to bring a few bits of news to bring your way…

Here’s a new program from TLC, the folks who brought you “All-American Muslim.”  This time, we are taken behind the scenes to find out how pastors’ wives from the Atlanta GA area live.  Often referred to as “First Ladies,” these women prove that just because a person goes to church and claims to be a Christian does not necessarily mean they are Christian.

As I viewed the trailer for the show and read the information provided by TLC, I quickly realized that not only is there nothing about these women that would attract people to Jesus for salvation, but the average non-saved person would rightly conclude that there is nothing that can be seen outwardly that separates them from these women.

The wives in this reality program wear too much make-up, dress in clothing that’s too expensive, live in homes that most cannot afford, and in general, lack any noticeable difference between their lives and those of the women on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”  This is very sad, but it is the sign of the times as well as the fact that the world sees no real difference between professing Christians and authentic Christians.  It is also another thinly veiled attempt at holding Christians up to ridicule.  Unfortunately, there are way too many people today claiming the title Christian who are ready to pull back the curtain on their lives and lifestyles.

Then again, if TLC were to create a program around authentic Christians, I can only imagine how boring (to the world) it would be.  Ratings?  Fuggetaboutit.

Here’s the trailer for those who are interested:

How Many New Regulations?
Within the past 90 days, the Obama administration has proposed 5,798 new regulations of all types.  By any standard, that represents a good amount of regulations.  In other words, the government will get much bigger if Mr. Obama has anything to say about it.

You can read about all these new regulations here where you can scroll through 232 pages of them, if you have the time.!searchResults;np=90;dct=N%252BFR%252BPR;rpp=25;po=0

Interestingly enough, the Obama administration is also said to be considering reclassifying many semi-automatic weapons to Title 2.  The reason they are doing this – they say – is because they claim that converting these guns to fully automatic weapons is very easy.  Unfortunately, that is an outright lie and I wish I did not have to be so seemingly “judgmental” about it.  It’s simply not true at all and gun experts have already weighed in on the matter.

As I have mentioned previously, while not even touching the 2nd Amendment, administrations likes the Obama administration are heavily anti-gun.  Rather than do something as abrasive as attacking the 2nd Amendment outright, they prefer a more subtle approach.  They will try to make it impossible to purchase ammo online (as mentioned previously), make it more difficult to obtain many types of guns, block certain guns from importation, or simply lie about aspects of guns.  I’m sorry to use the word “lie” twice, but there is really no other word that best describes what they are doing.

For instance, using the words “assault weapon” and showing a picture of an AR-15 molds the way people think.  They then equate this type of weapon with an assault weapon.  This is a lie.  An AR-15 is by no means an assault weapon simply because it is not fully automatic.  It is also completely illegal to turn it into a fully automatic weapon and even if a person knows how to do that, it is not easy.  It requires replacing parts of the gun with other parts that do not come with the gun when it is purchased.

An AR-15 is simply a gun that is capable of firing bullets as fast as a person can pull the trigger.  I have two .22 rifles, both of which are semi-automatic.  As fast as I can pull the trigger, that is how fast bullets will be fired from the chamber of the gun.  The difference between most AR-15s and my .22 rifles is that the bullet in an AR-15 is longer and larger; normally a .223 caliber round.

The huge difference between these two guns is in the way they look.  Because the AR-15 appears to be tactical in nature, it is assumed to be a military-grade weapon.  It’s not.  I know people who use them to go hunting.  I also know people who use .22 rifles to go hunting.  It is the appearance of the AR-15 that gives the impression that it is a military and therefore “dangerous” weapon.

The Obama administration, senators like Diane Feinstein, and anti-gun groups in general like to portray the AR-15 as an assault weapon so they continue to lie about the gun, knowing full well that eventually, people will simply come to accept the lie that the gun is an assault rifle.  As Hitler said, start with a lie, repeat it often enough, and it will become truth.

Regarding the nearly 5,800 regulations, there are a lot that are being proposed that will simply create more need for greater taxation.  At least 32 of Mr. Obama’s regulations have cost taxpayers over a million each.  This is not peanuts.  It affects every American who dutifully and legally pays his/her taxes.  It is also part of the reason that our debt is what it is right now and growing every hour of every day.

More Demand for Your Tax Dollars…Overseas
The Obama State Department continues to make their case for wanting Congress to send nearly half a billion dollars to Palestine.  This of course, is on top of the fact that billions and billions have already been spent on the Gaza Strip and many other overseas areas, all of it from the American taxpayer.

Here is an interesting site that shows how our dollars were spent and where they were spent:

It’s interesting that all the while Mr. Obama was debating Romney and pointing out that Romney would send jobs overseas, it is clear that Mr. Obama’s record is worse than Romney’s.

Of course, the big question is when is American dollars going to be put to work for America?  Since his re-election, we have reported on the thousands upon thousands of jobs that have been lost to Americans.  We’ve noted numerous companies, including Hostess, that have simply gone out of business.  We have talked about the trillions of dollars needed for Obamacare and we have also mentioned the tremendous cost to taxpayers related to the 16 vacations Mr. Obama took during his first four years in office.  His most current one – in Hawaii – is costing the American taxpayer another $4 million dollars and he will still be in Hawaii when the vote is taken regarding what to do about the looming fiscal cliff.

It is difficult to take Mr. Obama’s promises and talk seriously when he repeatedly shows how little he appears to care for the average American.  While he condemns the 1%, he has no problem hobnobbing with them and taking their money to remain in office.

We have briefly discussed the fact that under Mr. Obama’s current plan (such as it is), he wants Congress to provide him with at least $50 in stimulus and also wants to raise everyone’s taxes by $1.6 trillion dollars over the next ten years.  However, he will not discuss anything about reducing the deficit.  He is essentially telling Congress to give him what he wants now and maybe he’ll be willing to discuss ways to take a real bit out of the national debt later on.

Lastly, Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” is in production.  I had not heard anything about it until yesterday, but it promises to be interesting, to say the least.  Apparently, Aronofsky is basing his movie on aspects of the Genesis account of the global flood as well as aspects of The Book of Enoch, which includes the account of the 200 angels that were sent to earth to guard His Creation.  These angels – called “Watchers” – eventually succumbed to lust and slept with and impregnated human women.  The result was the Nephilim.

What many people do not seem to realize is that the time during Noah was terribly evil.  In fact, it was so evil that God essentially had two choices.  He could either let things continue until everyone had killed everyone, or destroy all life on the planet before it got to that point, saving eight people and some animals in the process.

I’ve seen a number of movies about Noah and I’m sure you have too.  They were generally weak and I don’t believe they even came close to highlighting the type of evil that existed during Noah’s day.  Again, God saw it and chose to destroy all life on earth because of it!  This should tell us something, but it is hard for us to grasp.

Aronofsky’s movie depicts “a ‘violent, freaky, scary world,’ with a complicated, Mad Max-esque protagonist.” [1] Hey, before you know it, that could be describing America in a few short years!

Have a wonderful day in the Lord.  Seek His face.  Ask Him what He is doing today and how He wants to include you in that process.  God bless!


Entry filed under: 9/11, alienology, Atheism and religion, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotero, Communism, Demonic, dispensationalism, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Gun Control, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, Judaism, Life in America, Maitreya, new age movement, Posttribulational Rapture, Pretribulational Rapture, Radical Islam, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, Romney, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Sharia Law, Socialism, temple mount, Transhumanism, ufology. Tags: , , , , , , , .

You Get to Keep Your Own Doctor… Bob Costas and His Convenient Lies About Guns

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