Only Liberals and Bleeding Hearts Say Guns Don’t Save Lives…

September 3, 2011 at 10:14 AM Leave a comment

This is the kind of news you never hear about in the news.  Why is that?  It’s because it would destroy the lies that liberals tell us regarding guns, e.g. that by eliminating guns in society, the world is a safer place.  First off, criminals will ALWAYS be able to get guns.  Gangs like the Mau Maus of the 1950s in NYC were capable of making their own guns called “zip guns” that fired a .22 caliber bullet.  It’s not that difficult.  Second, we only need to look at the current situation in the UK to realize that if law-abiding citizens HAD guns, at least some of the violent crime perpetrated against them would be curtailed.

At any rate, click on the picture to bring up a larger image (be patient, I’ve purposefully made it large so it can be read easily) to see what’s happening around the United States and how guns have actually saved the lives of homeowners and innocent victims.  The page is from a magazine called Concealed Carry.  Not so good for the criminals who were perpetrating the crimes unfortunately…oh well.

Of course, if you live in states like California, be prepared to have your 2nd Amendment rights further eroded because there are a number of bills in the state legislature that are designed to make it tougher for the criminal to buy bullets, etc.  Of course, since most criminals don’t actually BUY their ammo from retailers, it won’t affect them at all.  These new laws will simply affect the average, law-abiding citizen.

Just one more reason we have chosen to leave this state for more conservative areas where both the U.S. Constitution AND the Bill of Rights are treated with honor.

Entry filed under: 9/11, alienology, Atheism and religion, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotero, Communism, Demonic, dispensationalism, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Gun Control, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, Judaism, Life in America, Maitreya, new age movement, Posttribulational Rapture, Pretribulational Rapture, Radical Islam, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Sharia Law, Socialism, temple mount, Transhumanism, ufology. Tags: , , , , .

Another Hurricane: Is God Trying to Tell Us Something? Paul Weston Speaks at the Amsterdam Rally for Free Speech

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