What Can We Expect from Godless Politicians?

November 2, 2012 at 6:48 AM 2 comments

UPDATEHours after we made this original post, we learned that Mayor Bloomberg, apparently under severe pressure canceled the NYC Marathon.  You can read it about it here, as just one example:  http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bloomberg-cancels-new-york-marathon-article-1.1195971

Here is our original post below:

As a Christian, it is difficult to place our faith and trust in our elected officials.  In truth, we should probably not place too much trust in them simply because of how often they seem to change their opinions on one ideal or another.  They seem to change direction more often the wind.  It has become obvious over the past few decades that politicians often do what is in their best interests, even though they are supposed to represent the people that voted them into office in the first place.

Of course, we are all aware of Hurricane Sandy and the devastating effects left in its wake wherever it has hit.  NYC’s Staten Island has been nearly completely decimated.  At least 19 people have died and the area looks like the remains of a war-torn ghetto.  Most have no power at all, they lack food, and they are homeless.

You would think that Mayor Bloomberg would be on this, along with FEMA.  Lives are at stake and we are talking about Americans, not a third-world country where it can take lots of time and effort to get needed supplies into areas ravaged by war or mother nature.

Instead, what is happening in Staten Island?  Since Hurricane Sandy walloped the area and left for other areas, things remain relatively unchanged.  The devastation is massive and nothing has really been done to ease the tension or meet the desperate needs of people who live on Staten Island.

So what’s at least part of the hold up?  Several news sources are noting that the Marathon that was originally planned for this Sunday is going to move ahead as scheduled.  That’s right.  A running marathon where people come together, streets are blocked off for the protection of the runners, food is brought in (along with huge generators for power) and everything else associated with an event such as this, will take place.  I’m baffled, to say the least.

How, in good conscience (maybe that’s the problem right there; conscience), can a mayor of a city like New York decide that instead of doing whatever is necessary to help those people left with virtually nothing in the wake of deadly Hurricane Sandy, he has chosen to pull valuable resources away from that disaster to use them for something that is generally considered to be fun, yet non-essential?  If not for the fact that Mayor Bloomberg seems to have no clue about many things, I would be hard-pressed to understand this at all.

As one news source noted, the amount of police officers needed to cover an event like a city marathon is large, compared to what they might be needed for other things. [1]  This same news source highlighted the words of Staten Island Borough President Jim Molinaro, who stated, “Do you realize how many police officers you need for a marathon? There are people looting stores on Midland Avenue. There is looting taking place in the homes on the South Shore that were destroyed. That is where we need the police.” [2]

The Huffington Post asks the question whether or not this race is “inspiring or appropriate?” [3]  Unfortunately, the article never really answered the question, but simply quoted many people who believe that the race should take place because of the businesses that will benefit from it.  That’s odd, considering many of the businesses that would have benefited from it simply are not there, having been taken out by Sandy.  Interestingly enough, officials from Bloomberg’s office were busy scouting parts of Staten Island because the race is being staged there.

But the real question here, that should be obvious to everyone, is aren’t people’s lives and welfare more important than a race, even if that race does bring some money into local businesses?  I would think so and for me, it goes without saying.  Yet, it seems that more and more politicians believe that a decision like this requires a tremendous amount of input and consideration.  Actually no.  Consideration for the life of a person should outweigh something like a marathon.  Right now, lives hang in the balance on Staten Island, yet Mayor Bloomberg has decided to pull valuable resources away from the destruction left by Hurricane Sandy and use those resources for a marathon.  Of course, this is the same mayor who has outlawed 16 ounce drinks.  Yep, that will solve the problem of obesity and child diabetes, since no one would ever think to buy TWO 12 ounce drinks, instead of one 16 ounce drink.

This is the same mentality that allows women to kill their unborn children, but seeks to outlaw corporal punishment and even jail parents who attempt to physically discipline their children in that manner.  It’s the same mentality that says abortion any time is fine because the woman has a right to her body and an unborn child is not a child at all, but merely fetal tissue.  Yet, on several occasions, criminals were successfully prosecuted for TWO murders when they took the life of a mother who was also pregnant at the same time.  Well, which is it?  Is an unborn child never a child, or only a child when killed during a crime, but not with permission of the mother?

Society has literally become godless.  There is virtually little to no value for the unborn or life in general today.  Few politicians have scruples and fewer still understand the value of life as God has revealed it.  It is commonplace for politicians to lie as they see fit because society has come to expect and accept it as normal.  Few have a problem with it, and those who do have a problem with it are shouted down by a majority of individuals who see their concerns as simply bashing and trashing their candidate.

Since the onslaught of Hurricane Sandy, news of Benghazi has taken a back seat.  I watched CNN talk about Sandy for hours.  It was on in the background of the hotel lobby where I was waiting for my wife to finish up the conference she was attending.  CNN had nothing on Benghazi.  FOX News and several independents are the only ones that are really talking about it.  Of course, to the liberally minded person, the mention of FOX News causes one to lose all credibility, as if FOX lies, but all the other networks are bastions of truth.  It’s a joke.  They all have their inherent biases and the truly intelligent person does not look merely to FOX New (and any one other news bureau) for news.  The truth must be gleaned from as many sources as possible, both left and right of center.  The truth is in their somewhere, but unfortunately, the viewer must learn to dig it out.

Just recently, I read a story regarding Mr. Obama and the fact that he is now saying that economic recovery takes more than four years. [4]  Ostensibly, this gives him a bit of room to move away from his previous promise of his presidency being a “one-term proposition” if he couldn’t fix the economy in one term.  You mean, he had no clue before he took the job that the economy had problems?  He honestly thought he could fix it in one term, but only now realizes that it will take longer?

In truth, one of the first things Mr. Obama did was to pursue something that would do nothing but add to the deficit: create Obamacare.  A program like this, created out of nothing, would cost trillions of dollars.  Instead of fixing the economy, Mr. Obama felt that creating a program of socialized medicine that added huge debt to the already large national debt was the way to go.

No, the prudent thing would have been to gain the upper hand on a spiraling out of control deficit.  THEN, once that problem was solved, begin to build a program like Obamacare, which could be built over several terms, instead of forced through Congress within the first year or so of Mr. Obama’s first term.

Even though Mr. Obama did promise to fix the economy during his first term, or quit (by not running for a second term), he effectively did nothing to help the economy and even added to it with more massive debt.  Now, as the election nears, he wants to focus on the economy and says he will add a Business Czar, which will, as Romney says, simply make government larger.  Obviously, Mr. Obama, by wanting to add a person who can come up with ideas for creating businesses, is admitting that he doesn’t have the answers for our economy.

Should this surprise us?  Not really, considering how he has reacted toward the economy so far.  Instead of cutting  back on non-essentials, Mr. Obama has simply added to the debt by throwing more money at it.  Unfortunately, he’s had to continue borrowing such money from countries like China.  This is why Romney said in the first debate that he would stop funding PBS because our government is borrowing money from China to give to PBS.  That’s like using your credit card to tithe to your local church.  If you’re unable to pay your credit card off at the end of each month, all you’re doing is increasing your debt-to-income ratio, which will create a higher credit score for you, which in turn means it will be more difficult for you to get more credit or take out loans later.

Politicians do what they’ve always done.  With the election merely days away, the accusations of this candidate lying or that one hiding the truth is big news.  The Left lies that Romney is going to take control of women’s vaginas and reproductive rights (ala Ed Schultz recently).  Uh…like that could happen.  It’s a lie designed to get people up in arms.  Another lie is that Romney wants to gut Medicare.  Actually, Mr. Obama has already pulled billions out of it to use elsewhere, so who is gutting what?

Mayor Bloomberg apparently believes that if a NYC marathon goes on as planned, life will be good.  Not for the thousands of people on Staten Island who have little to nothing and are wondering where the government is for them?  It’s funny how this government of ours has no problem funding Planned Parenthood, PBS, and a million other things that it deems worthy.  Yet, when disaster strikes, this same government seems to have no qualms about doing what is in their best interests and that often means ignoring the plight of individuals who desperately need the government’s service, if only temporarily.

When Katrina happened, people jumped all over the Bush administration and with good reason.  The response was abysmally slow.  FEMA seemed to be nowhere where they were needed and its director at the time seemed more worried about his golf game then in getting trailers and other supplies to people in desperate need.  To me, that is beyond the pale that our government or aspects of it can be so cavalier about helping people when lives hang in the balance.  Yet, it seems to be happening again.  This time though, I don’t hear or see the criticism from the Left.  It might be there, but I just have not seen the stories yet.  I’ll keep looking and maybe I’ll find them.

I did hear one newscast on CNN last night where pundits were excoriating the Red Cross for not moving quicker for those on Staten Island.  Red Cross is a private organization and maybe they should have moved quicker.  But this same newscast had not one word of criticism for FEMA or for the fact that Mayor Bloomberg is moving ahead with plans to put on the marathon that was scheduled way before Sandy hit land.  The people who have been affected by Sandy and who live on Staten Island have paid taxes for years so that programs like FEMA can exist.  Surely, they have a right to receive those services during these tragic circumstances and it should not take three, four, or more days for FEMA to arrive.

Didn’t Mr. Obama just finish telling everyone that no one would be left behind and that they would cut through all the red tape so that people can receive services sooner rather than later?  Yes, he did.

There are too many godless politicians who are too concerned about being politically correct and saying the right thing.  But its action that we need, not words, promises, and platitudes.

This is exactly why Jesus spoke to the need to show what we mean by doing what is necessary, as opposed to simply talking about it.  This is also why the early church was the epitome of the helping hand.  Of course, some look at that and say that the early church was also the epitome of socialism as well.  Not true.  The early church attempted to meet the needs of those who were already part of the church.  They did not necessarily extend themselves to those outside the church because there were too many people inside the church that needed help.

Helping those outside the church is what falls to individual Christians, to help where we can.  Throughout the New Testament, the dictum is to help other Christian first, and then reach out to the world.  Doesn’t mean we ignore the world or the non-Christian.  It means that we cannot simply help the world while we allow other Christians to go without.

In this case, as in many cases of national tragedy, the church has always been on the front lines when help was needed.  Even now, there are many churches that are opening their doors to the people on Staten Island left without homes, food, or clothing.  Other individual Christians are doing whatever they can to ease the tension and problems in Staten Island and elsewhere. [5]  But when our government has so much and so many pork barrel programs that are specifically designed for these eventualities, they need to be the first responders, not churches, not the Red Cross, not the Salvation Army, and not individual Christians.  These organizations and individuals will come alongside anyway, because that’s what they do, but they should not be verbally attacked because they’re not doing things fast enough.

For some people, it will always boil down to politics and it seems as though the Left gives more reprieves to leftwing politicians than I really care to note.  Thousands of people are homeless, without food, and power in Staten Island and elsewhere.  What is one godless politician doing about it?  Having a marathon!

It should not surprise us when our elected officials fail, yet it is still disheartening to learn of their unfortunate decisions.  However, God never fails.  Even in circumstances such as the wake of Hurricane Sandy, God never leaves or forsakes us (Romans 8).  It may not seem like it, but God always stands with His own; those who are part of His family, who have received the only salvation that is available, through Jesus Christ.

Several days before Hurricane Sandy hit land, I wrote a blog about praying that damages would be diminished and that God would see fit to protect people and structures from the approaching onslaught of Hurricane Sandy.  The storm came anyway and left severe devastation in its wake.  Did God not answer my prayer and the prayers of many others?  I really have no idea.  He certainly could have minimized it and maybe it would have even been worse than it is now.  At the same time, God also uses these events to draw people to Him, as strange as that may sound to a world that does not need God at all.  He has a way of opening people’s hearts when their need is the greatest and I believe He is doing that now.

Also during these times, we not only see and experience God’s loving hand through total strangers coming to other people’s aid, but the pettiness and even stupidity of our elected officials who neither care about God or know Him stands in stark contrast.  That may also be why God allows these things, so that the eyes of people everywhere are opened to the absolute lack of humanity that many of our elected officials exhibit.  How can a mayor decide that continuing with the marathon will bring in money to some businesses, when human lives are on the precipice?  Those few businesses that might profit from the marathon are nothing compared to the many lives of people who right now, have nothing.  Then again, this mindset is the same one that says that killing unborn children (to the tune of 1.5 million in America along and a high percentage of those are minority babies) is something that is inherently the natural right of each mother to decide for herself whether her unborn child will live or die.

Where are Hollywood’s elite, putting their money where their mouth is for the people of Staten Island?  At least a few like Brad Pitt did as much as they could with their own money when New Orleans needed tremendous help.  Where are the rest?  Where’s Warren Buffet, Michael Moore, and too many others to count?  Why aren’t they opening their wallets and even getting their hands dirty?  Some of these same people had no problem complaining about Bush’s and FEMA’s slow response during Katrina.  Where are they now, or is it merely a problem when the sitting president is from the Right?  Hurricane Sandy is no respecter of persons.  It does not care how a person votes!  It is an equal-destruction hurricane.  People need help and parts of our local, state, and federal governments seen unable or unwilling to help because their priorities are completely screwed up.

Meanwhile, in numerous parts of New York City, people have resorted to dumpster diving to survive. [6]  People will do what it takes to eat.

If you really stop to think about it, you’ll have to admit that it’s pretty tragic that our parts of our government (DHS, FEMA, and even the Social Security Administration) can all afford to purchase thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition like the ones listed here:

  • FEMA – bought 450,000 rounds
  • Social Security – 174,000 rounds
  • DHS – 1.5 BILLION rounds

However, at the same time, this same government can’t find a way to get supplies to people who are in dire need after a natural disaster strikes.   Oh, and by the way, I am not including the above information because I necessarily buy into the conspiracy that our government is gearing up to go to war against its own citizens. [7]  I’m simply including the information to show how much our government can easily spend on things like ammo for law enforcement agents throughout our country, but when it comes to saving the lives of Americans, the needs of citizens seem to come in second.

This world is changing and not for the better.  It is moving toward a system where individuals are easily sacrificed for the alleged good of the whole.  In fact, that has been going on for some time and abortion is the proof of it.  What is now changing about our society is the fact that when weighed in the balance, a marathon becomes far more important than doing whatever it takes to save the lives of people who are still living.

[1] http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/01/Bloomberg-Diverts-Needed-Food-and-Generators-Away-From-Desperate-Staten-Island-to-NYC-Marathon

[2] Ibid

[3] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/01/nyc-marathon-2012-mayor-sandy-schedule_n_2057544.html

[4] http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/01/obama-knew-from-beginning-it-would-take-more-than-1-term-to-fix-economy/

[5] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/30/hurricane-sandy-chaplains-religion_n_2046724.html

[6] http://www.nbcnewyork.com/video/#!/on-air/as-seen-on/Sandy-Starved-New-Yorkers-Dumpster-Dive/176839571

[7] http://www.ammoland.com/2012/08/21/federal-law-enforcement-agencies-buy-ammunition/#axzz24HoXMxSC

Entry filed under: 9/11, alienology, Atheism and religion, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotero, Communism, Demonic, dispensationalism, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Gun Control, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, Judaism, Life in America, Maitreya, new age movement, Posttribulational Rapture, Pretribulational Rapture, Radical Islam, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, Romney, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Sharia Law, Socialism, temple mount, Transhumanism, ufology. Tags: , , , , , .

Today’s Political Arena and the Authentic Christian Threats from Sore Losers

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Amy  |  November 5, 2012 at 8:59 AM

    I think you will find bloomberg cancelled marathon. Sometimes symbolic things which appear a waste of practical resources are still important. Jesus said as much to simon who complained mary had wasted money on perfume instead of on poor. Bloomberg said similar re importance of race as symbol new york. Same goes to new yorkers going to work by foot even though little practical benefit and arguably in way of responders. Same of buses in london that never stopped during blitz. Are being just a little simon? As to helping only those in our chuches first, for fear of the socialism bogey man, the pharisees once asked a similar question re who is thy neighbour? Your neighbour isnt jnecessarily someone of the same faith – it is the samaritans


    • 2. modres  |  November 5, 2012 at 10:02 AM

      Yes Amy, and if you’ll go back to the top of the page, you’ll note that hours after I made that post, I ADDED the information about Mayor Bloomberg canceling the marathon.

      The woman who used the perfume to anoint Jesus was actually doing that in preparation for His upcoming death and burial. If you’ll read the entire context of the Scriptural text, you’ll see that. That is an extremely poor example on your part to try to prove that ignoring the plight of those who are dying for something as ridiculous as a marathon is equal.

      Bloomberg has said a number of stupid things. While they were preparing for the marathon, the people who had lost their homes due to Sandy were staying in hotels. Unfortunately, they were then being told that they would need to leave so that marathoners could use their rooms since they had “reservations.” Where were these homeless people to go? Bloomberg didn’t care.

      These same people were told that they would not be allowed to use the large port-a-pottie set out for the runners. Instead, they would have to use bathrooms in the woods. The huge generators that were being set up for the marathon could have been used for those without power in Staten Island and other parts of NYC.

      And once again, you have taken my words about the church helping out of context. I’ve noticed that liberals do that a lot. Apparently, they have difficulty decoding…

      What I SAID was that the biblical mandate is to help those of the people of God FIRST (please read through the book of Acts), THEN help those of the world.

      In reality, the Church has ALWAYS been there when disaster strikes and Hurricane Sandy is absolutely no exception. Christians are wonderful at opening their wallets and purses to help those of this world and authentic Christians do it over and over again because we should and because we want to extend God’s love to the lost.

      The marathon may be a symbol for NYC, but when you’ve got thousands of New Yorkers in misery on Staten Island and elsewhere because they have no power, no food, and no other basic necessities in life AND they are trying to fend off looters, there is NO excuse to pull resources FROM those areas so that the city can “celebrate” a marathon.

      Mayor Bloomberg would not even allow the National Guard into police areas and the streets because they have GUNS. Meanwhile, looters roam free doing what they want and there are not enough police in NYC to cover all areas.

      By the way, here’s an article pointing out that in the wake of the canceled marathon event, tons of supplies meant for the marathon are simply sitting there unused.


      This is ABSURD! Check it out from the article itself. “stashed near the finish line of the canceled marathon were 20 heaters, tens of thousands of Mylar “space” blankets, jackets, 106 crates of apples and peanuts, at least 14 pallets of bottled water and 22 five-gallon jugs of water.” Amazing. Bloomberg can see fit to take care of marathon runners, but not the people who are in absolute desperate need of these things. Unconscionable. I really don’t know how some politicians can live with themselves, frankly and I don’t care if they’re from the GOP or the Democratic Party. Too many of them are the same in thinking only of themselves.



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