CV-19 and Future Events, Pt 3

September 1, 2021 at 1:00 PM 9 comments

Audio is here:

Some links for your research:

  1. Did FDA issue full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine?????
  2. The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain
  3. Sheriffs in Washington State refuse Gov. Inslee’s mask mandate
  4. Swiss Police reject “Great Reset”
  5. European Union: 1.5 Million Vaccine Injuries, 15,472 Deaths
  6. Pushed by WEF: Turning your heartbeat into a digital ID?
  7. Over 32,000 People DEAD In Brazil Following COVID-19 Vaccines According To Official Media Report
  8. Walking Dead? Dr. Sean Brooks Speaks Truth
  9. More Compelling Evidence that Covid-19 Was NEVER Isolated…
  10. Restaurant owners/employees are rejecting orders to demand vax passports
  11. Are we witnessing an intentional genocide?
  12. The narrative is crumbling
  13. Why Is The National Guard Hiring Internment/Resettlement Specialists?
  14. Is Trump losing his base over his pushing of warp speed vax?
  15. Corona Unmasked: New Facts and Figures
  16. Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

In our last article in this series, we highlighted a number of points based on another article about end times events. There, we discussed the Rapture, which we believe will be prior to the coming Tribulation. We also enlarged several of the points made in the article highlighted from the folks at Rapture Countdown.

I’d like to try to cover two things in this article. First, a bit more depth into the potential reasons for the coming Northern Invasion of Ezekiel 38-39. and how that may lead to the kick-off of the Tribulation. Second, I’d like to talk about all the deaths the Bible highlights that occur during the seven years of the worst time on earth; notably, the Tribulation.

Potential Reasons for Ezekiel 38-39 and Aftermath
What is interesting to me, as I stated last time, is that with tensions rising in the Middle East more now than certainly under Trump, especially with Taliban having taken over Afghanistan, there’s a great deal of tinder that could be the spark that causes the Ezekiel 38-39 Northern Invasion of Israel by a coalition of nations, led by the mysterious person with the title “Gog.”

Way back in 2011, I wrote this article – Coming Northern Invasion Attempt of Israel – and this one even before that in 2010 – Bows and Arrows and the Northern Invasion – and this one in 2011 – Gog Has a Thought – and I highlight those here rather than rehash what I’ve already stated. Feel free to go back and read through them at your leisure.

Consider though this upcoming incursion and attempt to overpower Israel. Ezekiel 38-39 makes clear that when it does happen (before, during or at the end of the coming Tribulation), God Himself steps in to thwart the attack. He does it with a tremendous earthquake that will be felt around the world and into the air even causing the birds to take note. The details are highlighted for us in Ezekiel 38:11-17. But here’s a short list.

  • great earthquake resulting in
    • mountains and steep places falling down
    • fish, birds and beasts will all feel it
    • warriors will turn on one another
    • pestilence
    • torrential rain
    • fire
    • hail
    • brimstone

God does all of this for one main reason: He will use that situation to magnify Himself. Think of what this will say to the entire earth. All of global society will instantly be aware of what happens in the area as Gog’s troops attempt to invade Israel for spoil. Because of technology, real-time images and videos will be broadcast to every corner of the world. All will see God’s attack on the armies and Israel’s defense.

Now, consider if this occurs prior to the Tribulation. We’re talking about the defeat of Gog and his troops and many commentators believe that Israel may also send a nuclear bomb to Gog’s headquarters to completely destroy that city and area. The destruction, death and decimation will be dramatic. Israel will be unscathed due to God’s hand of protection.

This defense of Israel and obliteration of her enemies, without Israel having to raise a hand to defend herself, will make a bold statement to the world. That statement will be, “Do not even try to destroy Israel!” says God.

Could this be the main reason that Antichrist eventually comes on the scene publicly to broker a peace deal with Israel and the surrounding nations (Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 1)? I personally believe it’s a strong possibility. Even though God steps in to defend Israel before she can even raise a finger to help herself, certainly Arab nations are in a hurry to enter into a peace treaty with Israel because they know that Israel will honor such a treaty, and it appears that Israel will also quickly step up to sign such a treaty even though by doing so, they will be entering into a treaty with Satan himself. This is the problem for Israel. Though God showed Himself extremely capable of defending Israel, Israel turns right around and enters into a treaty with other nations, some of which tried to attack her.

Israel has a long history of looking to other nations for help instead of simply relying on God Himself. This is often why Israel came under God’s wrath and judgment because they were not willing to simply and solely rely on God for their protection and fulfillment. Let’s face it, this same Israel wanted a human king like the nations around her because they wanted to have a show of available force through leadership; someone they could look to and count on. Aside from King David, Israel really didn’t have much in the way of good kings except a few here and there. Most were thoroughly corrupt and pagan.

So even after God saves Israel from the attack led by Gog, Israel it seems quickly turns to human beings to ensure her continued safety. It may be that the Arab nations are in a hurry to enter into a covenant with Israel so that Israel will not destroy them. It may be that Israel considers it a wise move to have something on paper. But it’s clear from Daniel 9 that it is the Antichrist who brokers this one “week” (seven years) of peace with Israel and surrounding Arab nations and it is this Antichrist who will break this covenant at the Tribulation’s midway point (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2).

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Daniel 9:27; emphasis added)

The Antichrist causes the sacrifice and oblation to cease. How? By doing exactly what the apostle Paul describes in his second letter to the Thessalonians.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; emphasis added)

The above verses infer a rebuilt Jewish Temple and Antichrist will do exactly what Antiochus Ephiphanes did in 168 BC. He will go into the Holy of Holies and essentially declare himself to be God. This act of defiance against the living God will signal to Jews that they’ve been had and literally had entered into a covenant with the devil.

Will it happen like this? I really don’t know. I’m simply putting it forth as a possibility.

Death Count in the Tribulation
The Tribulation includes massive deaths. It’s actually unreal to consider the amount of people who die during this coming seven-year period. Fortunately, some have already done the math, but let’s update things based on the individual judgments that God pours out onto the world. I’ll just highlight the judgments where actual deaths are mentioned out of the 21 total judgments in the book of Revelation (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls).

It is of course, very difficult to come to a full total because some judgments imply death but do not specifically state it or provide a number. Of the ones that do are the following:

  • 4th Seal: Death released. 1/4 of the worlds population to die by plagues, disease, beasts of the earth etc.
  • 6th Trumpet: demons released and 200 million Eastern army kills 1/3 of the world’s population
  • Armageddon (Revelation 19)

If we go by the total population of the earth today, there is just under 8 billion people on the earth throughout the world. If the 4th Seal will kill a quarter of the earth’s population, that means roughly 2 billion people will die just during this particular seal judgment. We are now down to 6 billion people.

When the 6th Trumpet judgment seal occurs, another one-third of the 6 billion people are killed/or die or another 2 billion people are killed leaving 4 billion remaining. This does not include those who might die from the wars of the 2nd Seal or the results of Seals 5 and 6 or Trumpet judgments 1, 2, 3, or 4. Conceivably, there could be many deaths attributed to these particular judgments. If the fresh water is poisoned, what will people drink (3rd Trumpet)? With the burning of 1/3 grasses and trees (1st Trumpet), mountain hitting the ocean (2nd Trumpet), the entire ocean becomes blood (2nd Bowl), all freshwater poisoned (3rd Bowl), oppressive heat from the sun (4th Bowl), many more may also die.

In the end, there may only be 10 to 50 million people alive after all is said and done. [1] From the current 8 billion down to 50 million or so! This does not take into account the judgments that leave people with tremendous sores and illnesses on/in their bodies, but not death.

But here’s something to consider as well. I’m hearing more and more doctors and medical professionals that within 36 months to as much as five years from now, there may well be massive deaths from those who have taken the CV jab. Interestingly enough, apparently, the FDA has given final approval to this gene-therapy “vaccine” (as noted at top of this article), that has had no long term clinical trials or studies and no known long term effects have been cataloged because the studies are simply not there.

The truth appears to be that there have been thousands upon thousands of people who have experienced harm or even death from the CV injection(s). The CDC or FDA have not really intervened. It’s almost as though they have their marching orders and they’re sticking with them.

Interestingly enough, about 60 million people die annually throughout the world. That breaks down to 165,000 per day. [2] Just as interesting is this graph taken from, which even though it lists total deaths also includes a disclaimer stating “NOTE: All 2020 and later data are UN projections and DO NOT include any impacts of the COVID-19 virus.” So does that mean that the CV-19 deaths are not included or they are simply not singled out?

CV-19 appears to be being used to enslave all of society, though I’m aware that people disagree with that assertion. The focus is on “cases,” which doesn’t translate necessarily to actual deaths. We need to remember that this illness has a survivability rate of 99.8%+, yet the way many in society are acting, it’s as though if nothing is done, massive deaths will occur. According to medical experts, massive deaths may occur with those who’ve taken the CV injection(s). Only time will tell.

But in the end, what should our response be? Clearly, we need to continue growing in our fear of (offending) the Lord, don’t we? He has all things under His feet. He is in control and Ezekiel 38-39 are picture perfect proofs of that, isn’t it? The Northern Invasion, like many situations throughout Scripture occur because God determines those situations. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing happens without His plan or permission.

God is fully in control whether we think so or not. Amen?






Entry filed under: 9/11, Agenda 21, alienology, Atheism and religion, christianity, Communism, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Cultural Marxism, Demonic, devil worship, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Emotional virtue, eternity, Global Elite, Islam, israel, Judaism, Maitreya, new age movement, Political Correctness, Politically Correct, Politics, Pretribulational Rapture, Racism, Radical Islam, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Shadow Government, Sharia Law, Socialism, Taliban, temple mount, Transhumanism, Trilateral Commission, ufology.

What’s In It? Going Down?

9 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Eric  |  September 9, 2021 at 7:40 PM

    “Could this be the main reason that Antichrist eventually comes on the scene publicly to broker a peace deal with Israel and the surrounding nations (Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 1)? I personally believe it’s a strong possibility. Even though God steps in to defend Israel before she can even raise a finger to help herself, certainly Arab nations are in a hurry to enter into a peace treaty with Israel because they know that Israel will honor such a treaty, and it appears that Israel will also quickly step up to sign such a treaty even though by doing so, they will be entering into a treaty with Satan himself. This is the problem for Israel. Though God showed Himself extremely capable of defending Israel, Israel turns right around and enters into a treaty with other nations, some of which tried to attack her.”

    The sequence of the beginning stages of Ezekiel 38-39 occurring with the rise of the Antichrist subsequently thereafter brokering a peace deal with Israel and the surrounding nations logically follows. Only the Lord knows when exactly that time will be. But we are inching closer in the not too distant future however with the debacle we now have in the highly unstable/chaotic Middle East. A potential indicator of things to come (sooner than later perhaps) — only the Lord knows (His timetable/time frame). Thank you for bringing the key event of Ezekiel 38-39 to our attention. Everything is quickly coming together, moving at neck breaking speed (i.e., the convergence of prophecy and the subsequent fulfillment). Thank you for the hard work you continue to do, Fred. By God’s grace! It’s all appreciated. Thank you again. You take care and God bless you!

    — Eric


    • 2. modres  |  September 9, 2021 at 8:09 PM

      Thx Eric. It’s all very interesting isn’t it?


  • 4. Taylor  |  September 2, 2021 at 10:16 AM

    I always enjoy your articles…God has blessed you with a unique ability to communicate his message through you and your resources.

    …..”The truth appears to be that there have been thousands upon thousands of people who have experienced harm or even death from the CV injection(s). The CDC or FDA have not really intervened. It’s almost as though they have their marching orders and they’re sticking with them”

    Last year’s flu shot campaign, which delivered about 170 million doses, recorded 26 associated deaths VAERS says that 13,627 deaths and nearly 56,000 hospitalizations have been associated with these jabs — thus far.

    In other words, on a reasonable “back of the envelope” analysis, the Covid-19 jabs are close to 500 times more-likely to kill you than the flu shot is and have no better record in preventing you from getting Covid-19 than the flu shot does in preventing you from getting the flu.


    • 5. modres  |  September 2, 2021 at 10:49 AM

      Thanks very much, Taylor. I appreciate that. I agree with you regarding VAERS. The problem of course, is that “fact checkers” and others complain that anyone can make a report to VAERS so how do we know it’s legit? Dr. Zev Zelenko notes that many of his attempted reports to VAERS were simply denied based on some mischaracterization of something or another reason. How many doctors or medical professionals try to submit reports but their reports are simply rejected out of hand? These doctors have better things to do than try and retry to submit reports that VAERS rejects.

      Another article I’m posting today (soon), deals with the specific ingredients found within the injections as discovered by Dr. Robert Young and his team using the most scientific processes to date. It’s incredible and what he discovered does not even take into account that fetal cell lines were used either to produce the injections or were used IN them. I’m not sure how Christians can set this information aside and believe that God would want us to have that material injected.

      I’m of the opinion that eventually, the flu shot will go the way of the dinosaur in favor of CV-19 boosters – at least 3 per year. Plus we know Pfizer has been discussing the use of an anti-viral pill (Rx), to use in conjunction with their “vaccines.” Why weren’t anti-virals discussed way back at the beginning? Why was HQC and now Ivermectin pushed to the side?

      This whole thing is problematic to critical thinking people and should be. I don’t know what it will take to wake more people up but it seems like it’s a lost cause. Yet, we need to continue to pray for them. But when I see pastors and Christian leaders pushing the vaccine, it makes me seriously wonder where discernment has gone.

      Thanks again, Taylor.


      • 6. Taylor  |  September 2, 2021 at 12:17 PM

        “Why weren’t anti-virals discussed way back at the beginning? Why was HQC and now Ivermectin pushed to the side?”

        That’s easy…


        100% bullseye on Christian discernment!


      • 7. modres  |  September 2, 2021 at 2:59 PM

        I’m sure you’re right!


  • 8. Maranatha Today  |  September 1, 2021 at 2:40 PM

    Thanks Modres…praying, watching and waiting…weary but awake…


    • 9. modres  |  September 1, 2021 at 2:40 PM

      I hear you, Maranatha 👍🏼😎



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