Shapeshifters and Other Creatures of the Night

July 16, 2011 at 9:34 AM 4 comments

A Walk in the Park
Thousands of years ago, during the time of the placid beauty of earth’s early days, Adam and Eve enjoyed that peaceful time on earth, not yet marred by sin.  We do not know for how long they relaxed, worked, and played in the middle of God’s completed creative work, but we do know that at first, there was nothing to fear and nothing to run from in God’s Edenic wonder.

It was not long before another being walked into the same Garden of Eden, uninvited, with evil on his mind.  Interestingly enough, this entity did not walk into Eden showing himself as he was, but as he wanted to be seen.  He chose to hide his actual identity under the skin of a reptile.  One can only wonder why he felt he needed to keep his actual identity secret, but maybe he considered the fact that since both Adam and Eve knew what a serpent was and that serpents appeared to be wise, it would serve his purposes far better to attempt his seduction in the guise of a reptile, as opposed to a creature that neither Adam nor Eve had seen prior.

As the serpent walked[1] into Eden, he caught the attention of Eve.  It was her he decided to attempt his deception upon because he knew that if he could cause her to trust him, the man Adam would follow, but not necessarily the other way around.

It was only a short time before the serpent had caught Eve’s attention and her desire.  He teased her with flights of fancy and the dream of becoming a god in her own right, without the One who had made her.  You see, according to the serpent, God was obviously jealous of her and Adam, and did not want them to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil because it would turn them into gods, who no longer needed the true God.

It was with this temptation that our first parents succumbed, through the deception of the serpent.  Because of it, evil was introduced into the world, which became a fallen mass of untimely and eventual death.  What had been created to the praise of God’s glory would now sink into a morass of sin, pain, suffering, and loss, stolen by a reptilian, who was alien to the environment God had created.

The most intriguing part of this entire set of events found for us in Genesis 1-3 is the fact that Satan, (Lucifer from Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28), felt it necessary to cloth himself in a skin that was not his own.  Why the need to hide?  Why bury himself beneath the body of a serpent?

Genesis 3:14-15 tells us, “And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life; And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”  (All verses quoted herein are from the KJV.)

Two things are happening in the above verses.  God is speaking to both the actual serpent and to Satan himself.  God cursed the serpent because he allowed Satan to use him and his body to create a situation in which humanity fell through sin.  Satan, as the main instigator, also had to deal with God’s judgment by hearing that one day he would be dealt a fatal blow by a Savior who would come from the seed of the woman.

The Nephilim
It would appear from Scripture that Satan is the consummate performer, able to deftly take on an identity that best suits him for the moment.  Paul tells us that Satan can transform himself into an angel of light (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:14).  It appears that being able to transform is key to Satan’s success, at least success as far as what he is able to accomplish is concerned, though we know from Scripture that his “successes” are kept fully in check by God Himself.  One day, Satan will reach the end of his career as tormentor of this world and will find that there is plenty of room for him in the Lake of Fire, which was created with Satan and his angels in mind (cf. Matthew 25:41).

Jumping ahead to Genesis 6, we learn that after Enoch lived and was taken to heaven, one of his descendants named Noah lived who was considered to be righteous in God’s eyes.  In fact, the text tells us that Noah was “perfect in his generations,” (cf. Genesis 6:9).  A number of biblical scholars believe that this may in fact be referencing Noah’s very DNA.  In other words, the text is not telling us that Noah was perfect, but that his DNA had not been corrupted.

Just a few verses prior though, we learn that there were Nephilim on the earth (v. 4), and these Nephilim were the result of fallen angels who had somehow found a way to comingle with human women.  The guise that Satan first used in the Garden of Eden by hiding his own true identity under the skin of a serpent, may have been continued here by fallen angels literally by mixing their DNA with the DNA of women.  The result was catastrophic to God’s Creation, requiring extreme judgment.  This is where the idea of the incubus came from; demons masquerading as men in order to have sex with women.

The Nephilim that resulted from this unholy union were half-breeds; part angel, part human, yet with a fallen soul, incapable of redemption.  Even though God wiped out all living creatures on the earth with the Flood of Genesis 9, these same creatures appeared again hundreds of years later after God promised Abraham that he would use him to bless all the nations of the world (cf. Genesis 12, 15 & 17).  Seemingly right on cue, as Moses attempted to lead the chosen race of Israel into the Promised Land following their escape from Egypt, the sight of gigantic people proved too much for the faith of the Israelites and they refused to go in.  God forced them to wander the wilderness for 40 years because of their rebellion (cf. Numbers 13).

Possible Nephilim appeared again later as well.  When David was but a young shepherd boy who brought food to the Israeli army led by Israel’s first king Saul who stood against the Philistines, he wondered why no one was willing to go out and fight the giant Goliath, who was the shortest of four brothers standing just less than ten feet according to the Scripture (cf. 1 Samuel 17).  Ultimately, God used David to slay Goliath, showing that it was by faith, not by might that the enemies of God are destroyed.

Though Satan has attempted to overcome humanity through a variety of means, at times using deception, while at others, using brute force, the reality stands that faith in God will overcome whatever Satan throws in our path.  Even with all his masquerades included, Satan is absolutely no match for God’s power.

Satan has worked some of his best deceptions by presenting himself as something he is not and that fact seems to continue to this day.  Whether he is working through a serpent, the Nephilim, Goliath, fallen angels, or what appear to be aliens, the reality is that he will don whatever costume suits him for the purpose.

However, in present day, except for true Satan worshippers and authentic Christians, it is the rare person who believes in Satan or in fallen angels at all.  It seems as though this is exactly what Satan prefers, because it allows him to remain completely hidden in the shadows.  He has done his level best to use any number of disguises so that people will continue to not see him, but will see something else that they may find even more intriguing and even terrifying.  In today’s day and age, the more seemingly scientific (or make that Sci-Fi), the better.

There are multitudes of people who believe that there are among us, entities known as reptilian shape shifters.  These shape shifters allegedly have the power to cloak their own identity with the genetic shell of what outwardly appears to be a human being.  These genetic shells allow them (through the use of energetic transformation, using the realms outside the visible light that are beyond humanity’s ability to perceive) to either take over physical bodies in order to possess their mental and emotional processes, capabilities, and manifestations, or to create the illusion that they have a physical body.  Who they are and what they want is the urgent question, which must be answered.

Master of Disguises and Deceit
Satan truly has something for everyone.  He does his best to leave no one out of his control.  If he’s dealing with a person who is religious, even one who believes themselves to be Christian, he will visit them as an ascended master, or spirit guide speaking religious-sounding verbiage to draw them into his snare.  For a superstitious person who believes in ghosts or poltergeists, he may opt for a disguise that conjures up images of long-departed friends or relatives as the means to entrap them.

For those more into Sci-Fi than anything else, Satan may cloak himself or his minions in the guise of a variety of alien beings coming to this planet on missions of goodwill.  Within the entire scheme of aliens who have allegedly manifested themselves to earthlings, we have learned about complete races of separate and distinct aliens.  Reptilians are merely one race of many in the alien world.  There are Pleadians, Grays, and others, all with a type of hierarchy similar to that found within human societies.

Of course this sounds strange unless the discussion involves the latest episode of some Sci-Fi show or movie.  The fact of the matter though is that there is a large and growing group of people who have catalogued many instances of what they believe to be actual situations in which some of these reptilian shape shifters have momentarily allowed their mask to fall away, revealing the truth about them.  There are videos and photos on the Internet, along with books filled with research.  Whether they are actual or not is another question, but the more important point for now is that many believe these shape shifting alien beings do exist.

If we simply peruse the succession of movies and TV shows within the past few years alone, we will see a plethora of projects dedicated to the concept of either aliens or demons infiltrating the human race, either through direct possession, or through some type of physical interaction, such as mixing the DNA.  Splice is one such film starring Adrien Brody in which scientists strive to “achieve fame by successfully splicing together the DNA of different animals to create incredible new hybrid animals.”[2]  Not willing to rest on their laurels, they then seek to do the same thing with human DNA and animal DNA.  What they create, though seemingly far superior to humanity, winds up being thoroughly deadly as well.

Other movies have not only broached this type of theme, but have gone well beyond it to inculcate into the depths of humanity’s thinking the concept that genetic manipulation should be seen as normal.  All of this is done, I believe, to desensitize people to the idea that, though fiction, it could possibly happen when science reaches that point and should not be avoided.

First Stages
How did all this start?  How did we get here at this particular point in time?  Consider the fact that decades ago, the idea of demonic possession in movies was certainly not the norm.  The whole idea of someone being possessed by some other entity was not really even dealt with or discussed outside of religious circles until The Exorcist came to the screen.  Here, we witnessed the epic struggle between human beings and other dimensional entities so powerful that in the process of attempting to force their extrication, people died in the process.

The Exorcist opened the flood gates and numerous production companies immediately began pumping out Sci-Fi thrillers that went from believable to bawdy, to completely laughable.  It did not matter though because Satan was getting what he wanted.  The market was being flooded with a subject that had heretofore been relatively unknown and once the fear of it was gone, the desensitization could begin.

If we look to other movies like Galaxy Quest, or Men in Black, we see a trend where aliens are shown as somewhat cartoony.  If you shot one in the head, it would hurt, but they’d grow another head back in short order.  Sure, they lived among us, but unlike the spate of alien-type movies from the 1950s, it was the rare alien that truly wanted to harm or destroy us.  Like humans, there were bad aliens around, but never fear, because the brave Men in Black would take the challenge and face down any real alien threat with aplomb.  Most of the time, these aliens simply wanted to live peaceably among us.  They wanted to be left alone, having escaped a situation on their own planet that caused them to fear for their lives.  Relocating to earth gave them the opportunity to start over without drawing unwanted attention to themselves because they easily disguised themselves as human beings.  Interestingly enough, one scene in Galaxy Quest implied a comingling between one of the female aliens and one of the crew of NSEA Protector after the alien returned to her original non-human, alien form.

Of course, plenty of movies have been made that show a somewhat positive side of aliens in which they are seemingly malevolent, or at the very least, powerfully realistic.  The movie, Knowing, starring Nicolas Cage immediately comes to mind.  Here, we encounter aliens that are quite capable of taking on forms that resemble humans in order to promote their own agenda under cover.  For them, it is merely a matter of shifting light, energy, and particles to create a form that offers a recognizable disguise to humans.

The blockbuster movie, Avatar is another case in point.  Here, through available scientific technology, people are enabled to enter the worlds of aliens, as an alien themselves.  In this particular movie, the main character – Jake Sully, a marine – is wheelchair bound due to a war injury.  Through the newly available technology, he is able to literally send himself into a reptilian-type of a body into the world of Pandora, a land of peaceful, giant blue individuals who simply want to be left alone.  These individuals are very reminiscent of Native Americans, when America was first settled and the storyline seems to follow it.

The problem of course is that Sully learns of the corporate greed behind the military mission for which he volunteered.  The primary issue surrounds the technology that allows human beings to become their own “avatar” in the world of Pandora.  As such, they are taller, blue, and reptilian.  It should interest the reader to know that the word “avatar” is from the Hindu religion and it means the appearance, manifestation, or incarnation of deity into a human form.  The storyline of Avatar follows the New Age line of thinking, with the planet Pandora being alive and interconnected through the trees on the planet, just as many believe the earth to be “Gaia,” with a living, breathing soul.

One other movie of late that has tongues wagging is Jennifer’s Body, starring Megan Fox.  The basic outline here is that Jennifer becomes possessed and begins to dispatch male classmates, by first seducing them, then killing them.  Like the scene in Galaxy Quest, this harkens back to the medieval idea of the succubus, a demon that takes on the form of a woman in order to seduce men.

As far as the reptilian shape shifting theory goes, coupled with more of the succubus imagery, in recent years probably the movie Species best portrays this concept.  In this movie, the alien is located by the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) program.  Scientists back on earth receive communication from an alien source telling them how to create an endless supply of fuel.  The second transmission explains how to splice human DNA with alien DNA.

The alien in Species comes to earth and begins mating with human men, after adorning itself with a human being’s voluptuous female skin.  Like the female praying mantis, the alien-turned-attractive woman kills the men when she is finished.  The obvious message is that reptilian aliens have come here to earth to mate; to mix their DNA with ours and have done so under the guise of the succubus.

The movie Star Man, starring Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen concerns an alien who comes to this planet, takes on the form of a man (Bridges), hooks up with a woman (Allen), and then winds up mating with her before the movie ends.  What is interesting is how the producers of the movie crafted a contemporary love story throughout, weaving a web that literally captures the mind and emotions of the viewer.  Certainly, this was accomplished in large measure because of the actors (who remained in their human form throughout the movie).

Satan has a multitude of tricks that he has used and continues to use to gain the upper hand over humanity.  He will do whatever is necessary in order to bring his schemes to fruition.  He has no qualms whatsoever in crafting a lie that is so large and multi-faceted, that it is seen as truth.

The entire subject of aliens is very large and interest has been growing exponentially for decades.  With the recent release of classified documents through Wikileaks, the world has gained a good deal of information concerning documentation of alleged contacts with UFOs, aliens, and other entities.  For decades, the world guessed as much, but under the guise of national security, governments continued to deny that fact.

It Gets More Intense
It is impossible in one or two chapters to fully outline all of the information we have learned about aliens.  We know that since time immemorial, civilizations have noted strange travelers who went from place to place sometimes in flying carriages, while at other times, simply appeared.  These individuals were seen and worshipped as gods by the Ancient Egyptians and others.  The information these beings are believed to have provided these ancient civilizations is very likely what allowed them to be the dominant civilizations of their day, with technology that far surpassed neighboring and developing empires.

As time moved forward, other creatures became known to humanity.  Creatures that live within the whimsical boundaries of fairy tales and ancient writings of the Greeks and others may well have their origins in actual creatures who revealed themselves to them.

We know that through generations of time, humanity has written about satyrs, fauns, unicorns, giants, ogres, Cyclops, and many other creatures that are known to us today.  It is very likely that within the kernel of many of these stories related to creatures this modern world has never seen, lays the fact that they did exist in some form.  Could they have been demons in disguise?

Modern day sightings of what is believed to be the Terratorn[3] have generated tremendous fear in the individuals who have allegedly seen it.  Standing six to eight feet tall as it sat, this bird has been described as brooding like a vulture, waiting to swoop in to begin eating prey that has recently died.

But why do these creatures such as the Terratorn, Chupacabra, Mothman, and others generate such horror in people?  Is it solely because of the myths surrounding them, or is there something more at work here?

What if Satan, in wanting to create the concept that terrible other-worldly creatures exist in our world now, did so by having some of his minions impersonate them?  What if he had some of his fleet of fallen angels taking care of that aspect, while others built up an entire realm of aliens within aliens to impress their false ideologies on an unwary humanity?  Is it possible?  It would certainly seem so.

Satan’s chief aim is to cause all people to worship him as god, correct?  If this is so, then as long as he keeps people from worshipping the true God of the Bible, then he has succeeded in some way.  What better way to take people away from God by replacing God with something else that appears to be intelligent and even superior to the antiquated “myth” of the Christian God?

Going to the Source
Whether the entity in question appears to be a reptilian shape shifter, one of the Grays or Pleadians, or something else, aliens, it is said, have been slowly and consistently revealing themselves to humanity in order to gain our trust.  They seek to assist us through what is now a very difficult period of our earthly history, in order to bring us to a point of self-sufficiency, beyond wars, hatred, and especially beyond the narrow-mindedness that is often revealed through a variety of religions.  Many of these are described as legalistic.

Of course, it goes without saying that in all cases, Christianity is the single most attacked religion on the face of the planet by these other dimensional beings.  It is usually described by aliens as being completely misunderstood and therefore, misappropriated, or simply wrong.

Depending upon the type of alien that is doing the teaching, Jesus either did exist, but whose reputation was completely blown out of proportion, or He did not exist and was merely a holographic image created by these higher beings in order to instruct us.

In any case, the intended result is to destroy Christianity (without seeming to directly attack it), and to cause the hearer(s) to doubt what they have always heard about Jesus and Christianity by redirecting their attention to other ideas about Jesus and Christianity.  It is interesting that people will question the Bible without mercy, in spite of any proof provided as to its veracity.  However, when an alien being (who, by the way, is never asked or expected to offer proof as to its real identity) comes along and promotes the idea that Jesus was something else entirely, or that Christianity is merely the result of wishful thinking on the part of the original twelve, these words alone are sufficient to be accepted as truth.  People sit in awe of these beings, holding onto every word, as messages are channeled through human beings to their audience, which waits with bated breath for new revelations.

Because of the impact they have had and continue to have on society, the overwhelming question becomes:  why would aliens be concerned at all with what occurs on this planet?  The answer seems to be that these aliens want us to believe they either had a hand in creating (seeding) life on this planet to begin with, or their continued existence is somehow connected to humanity’s continued existence.

Decades ago, aliens impacted society through what has become known as alien abductions.  These abductions were done, it was said, in order for the aliens to learn about humanity.  People were allegedly taken onboard some ship, or to some place that seemed like nothing that exists on this planet, and examined medically.  In some cases, both women and men were raped (incubus/succubus again), and in the case of some women, alien matter was at times planted in the womb.  These same women have stated that they were brought back to these ships months later to have the alien matter removed.

Clearly, these types of stories and narratives indicate a certain interest in humanity on the part of the alien that goes well beyond simply getting to know us or desiring to help us.  There is a clear message being propagated here that aliens not only want to get to know us, but want to somehow either work with us or overtake us.  If these experiments actually happened as many attest to, then it is clear that aliens are up to something.  But that still does not solve the problem of their true identity.

Many UFOlogists like Jacques Vallee have come to a point of believing that there is something not merely superior about these aliens, but malevolent.  He does not believe that they are here for any good purpose.  He also believes them to be inter-dimensional as opposed to being from outer space.

With all the stories of abductions and visitations by aliens of all sorts, it has become clear that something is obviously going on behind the scenes.  The real problem though is that because Satan is so quick to approach human beings in an alternate identity, rather than his own, it must be seriously considered that he and his troops of fallen angels may in fact be the ones behind this entire alien phenomenon.

Back to the Beginning
For instance, why would aliens today allegedly be doing nearly the exact same thing that we read about in the first few chapters of Genesis perpetrated first by Satan, then by fallen angels known as watchers?  There is some indication, as has been mentioned, that Genesis 6 tells us of events that are extremely difficult to believe; fallen angels (incubus) procreating with human women.  If this is true, why did they do that?

I believe there are a number of reasons why fallen angels did this. For a more extended account of this, the reader is encouraged to pick up a copy of the Book of Enoch.  This may also provide insight as to why the same thing appears to be happening today.

As soon as God pronounced judgment on Adam, Eve, the serpent, and Satan, it is clear that Satan knew immediately how his future and ultimate downfall would occur.  From God’s own lips, Satan was made aware of the fact that the woman’s seed would strike the fatal blow against him.  In others words, somewhere in the future, the woman would give birth to a male child (and this is where we get the idea of a virgin birth because women do not have seed, but eggs, so the implication is that a “male being” would overshadow the woman; the virgin birth).

Knowing that at some point in the future, Satan would be fatally struck down by a male born of a virgin, Satan gained an understanding about his future.  When and where he did not know, but the larger question became what to do about it to keep it from happening?

The answer became very clear:  destroy the genetic base of humanity so that it no longer resembled God’s original Creation.  If Satan could modify humanity’s DNA with “alien,” he would literally be able to stop this Savior from being born into the world because there would be no pure human being left through which that birth could occur!  But how best to do that?

The Watchers
Enter what the Book of Enoch calls “watchers.”  According to that book, two hundred of these angels were sent to the earth to watch over God’s Creation, including Adam and Eve, to keep them safe.  It was not long though, before these fallen began lusting after women.  Remember, this was after the fall of man had already occurred (Genesis 6).

They not only lusted, but they followed that lust to its terrible end and found a way to procreate with human women.  How they did it is impossible to know, but we do know that every time an angel appears in Scripture, the angel appears in male form.  It is also clear that from various places in the Bible, angels can not only walk through walls, unlock chains and open gates with a thought, but are also capable of eating.

It would appear that angels’ bodies are similar to ours, only of course, far superior.  The angels who did not fall in Scripture appear with blinding light at times.  Fallen angels, not so much, yet they still have tremendous power.

So if these watchers found a way to impregnate human women either directly or through manipulation of DNA or something else, the result as has been stated was Nephilim.  By the time we get to Noah, only he and his immediate family were spared from DNA manipulation.  Satan would have succeeded with his plan had he been able to change Noah’s DNA.  Through the flood, God wiped out everything on earth whose DNA had been affected and infected.

Noah and his family, along with the animals they took with them in the Ark and the existing creatures in the seas, started civilization all over again.  Yet, Satan seemed able to infect people again, either through the use of the souls of Nephilim (whose bodies had been destroyed in the Flood, but they remained alive as wandering souls), or by direct interference.  The result was seen in people like Goliath, a giant just short of ten feet tall, who was the smallest of his brothers.

So what does that have to do with today?  It would appear that Satan is at it again.  Does it not seem strange to you that aliens of today have a message that bears remarkable similarity to the New Age movement (which has its roots in Babylon’s Tower of Babel; cf. Genesis 11), and appears to be doing the same types of genetic modification that the watchers of old did?

Think of it.  There is a real possibility that beings are now walking around that look like actual people.  This is where the similarities stop.  The costume they wear is on the outside, while the real entity exists within.  Their façade of being reptilian may also be just that, a façade, used as a smokescreen, or to redirect.  While we are busy thinking of reptilian aliens living among us on this planet, the real problem is what is going on behind the scenes that has absolutely nothing to do with real aliens, because real aliens do not exist, but are merely entities fashioned by demons.

I viewed a movie a number of months ago called They Live, a 1988 schlocky Sci-Fi thriller.  The main premise was very interesting.  Aliens existed and lived and worked among society.  The only way to see know they were alien was by wearing a special pair of sunglasses.  In fact, wearing the sunglasses not only revealed the aliens, but also allowed the wearer to see all the signs and billboards that contained subliminal messages printed into them.  These subliminal messages were designed to make human beings complacent and obedient so that when the aliens opted to take over the earth, it would be far easier.  There are people alive today who firmly believe that this planet will be taken over by aliens!  In truth, this is a con, by the oldest and most intelligent con artist ever created, Satan himself!

In today’s world, Satan has endeavored to make himself completely outmoded.  In spite of his narcissistic nature, he is not interested in having a world that believes in him as Satan.  He much prefers to create a world in which technological advances have catapulted our society to the far reaches of space where aliens of all sorts are the norm.  As he has worked to accomplish this, the Bible’s literal meaning falls by the wayside for a growing number.

Think about the level of interest in discussing Christ returning as opposed to hearing about the latest UFO sighting.  The belief that Jesus Christ will return to earth as Savior and Judge is too much for many (including some Christians).  This new age of Star Trekian inventions and revelations is far superior because it is largely unknown and far more interesting.  The thought of Jesus puts us back in the first century.  Star Trek, Star Wars, and other Sci-Fi topics push us into the technological future!  People have been hearing for generations that Jesus will be returning.  The question that naysayers are asking is, “Well, where is He?

This coming new age promotes another concept, one that for many is far more believable.  With reptilian aliens among us, and other aliens in the wings, the world is simply waiting for that right moment when the “big reveal” happens and aliens who have spent generations helping humanity adjust to the idea that they exist, will actually be able to physically step onto this planet from their hiding places in order to help man achieve.

Who does not want to be able to travel other galaxies?  Who does not wish to learn the secrets of the ancient gods (demons clothed with alien skins) in order to evolve to the next spiritual plane?

In the Garden of Eden, Satan not only used the deception of words to enthrall and trap Eve and then Adam, but he also chose to use a deceptive disguise, one in which Eve would not be afraid.  The serpent had been around Eden.  Eve had seen it.  Though maybe not too familiar with it, the serpent was nonetheless there and did not pose a threat.  Maybe as the days passed, the serpent became more familiar to Eve until such a time as he sidled up to her to talk to her.  Once that gap was bridged, it all seemed so normal.  Maybe as the serpent had moved around the garden, he was there just enough to pique Eve’s curiosity, much the way we tend to listen harder when we hear someone whispering.

If biblical history is any indication, this seems to be exactly what demons have done and are doing.  Eons ago, they approached humanity in a guise, from a distance and as a tease.  It was a guise that at first may seem slightly off-putting, though at the same time, created an unquenchable interest.  As time passed, the idea of alien existence seems to have captured the imagination and belief of a growing circle of humanity.

It is likely that these demons-as-aliens are waiting for that specific moment when they will be allowed to reveal themselves to humanity.  When that happens, we can expect the very same thing to happen then that happened in the Garden.  The full force of “you will be gods” will be launched by demons masquerading as aliens, in order to capture the hearts, the minds, and the souls of all humanity.

The deception is here and growing, waiting for the big reveal.

[1] Many biblical scholars believe due to God’s pronouncement in Genesis 3 that the serpent would crawl upon its belly all the days of its life, it had originally had legs, allowing it to walk, possibly upright.


[3] An extinct bird that allegedly had a wingspan of at least 25 feet and was completely black.

Entry filed under: 9/11, alienology, Atheism and religion, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotero, Communism, Demonic, dispensationalism, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Gun Control, Islam, Islamofascism, israel, Judaism, Life in America, Maitreya, new age movement, Posttribulational Rapture, Pretribulational Rapture, Radical Islam, rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, second coming, Sharia Law, Socialism, temple mount, ufology. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Islam, the End Times, and Satan Our Citizenship – Where Is It?

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. exsda  |  July 27, 2011 at 12:51 AM

    Just a clarification. The KJV and the NKJV have it right in 2 Samuel 21:19 as to Elhanan killing Goliath’s brother. Textus Receptus are Greek texts of the NT so would not apply here. Caught myself!


  • 2. exsda  |  July 27, 2011 at 12:32 AM

    I don’t need to do any “study” because if you look up that verse in a textus receptus based bible it tells you exactly that, Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother. I am not a KJV only person. I am just pointing out that most modern bibles got this verse wrong as well as many others (mainly NT) and they no longer make sense after trying to make them “understandable and attractive to as many people as possible”, a quote from your Jesus… the Human One blog. The rest of this discussion should be under that blog but I know you don’t want to “debate” about versions. Neither do I, really. I have just been struggling with the many things taken out of the modern versions in varying degrees to the point that they don’t say the same thing the bible as I thought I knew. Or it’s just not there, taken out completely. And the older is better manuscripts line I just don’t buy.
    Just for the record I have been an admirer of your writing for a while now. I think you have some great insight and at times your posts bring some well timed clarity to issues that I continue to struggle with (your comments on SDA’s are magnetic to me since I am an ex and are always so spot on, you sound like an ex!) So it is in this context and tone that I wanted to get some insight from you on how you see these new bible versions coming out all the time now, or so it seems. I am not here to debate, we both don’t need that, just share thoughts and gain insight. Thanks, I appreciate your work.


  • 3. exsda  |  July 26, 2011 at 11:06 PM

    Are you sure David killed Goliath? I ask because the NASB says some guy named Elhanan killed him. Check 2 Samuel 21:19


    • 4. modres  |  July 26, 2011 at 11:49 PM

      I’m sure. If you do the research, you’ll find that Elhanan actually killed a brother of Goliath. The sister Scripture reference for this same event mentioned in 2 Samuel 21:19 is found in 1 Chronicles 20:5, which states, “And there was war with the Philistines again, and Elhanan the son of Jair killed Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam.” Emphasis was added. We know from the David and Goliath account that Goliath had brothers, which is likely why David picked up FIVE stones, in case he also had to deal with Golaith’s four brothers.

      Here is some interesting information that it appears you are not aware of related to this issue. “According to Gleason Archer’s Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties on page 179, it says,

      1.The sign of the direct object, which in Chronicles comes just before “Lahmi,” was ‘-t; the copyist mistook it for b-t or b-y-t (“Beth”) and thus got Bet hal-Lahmi (“the Bethlehemite”) out of it.
      2.He misread the word for “brother” (‘-h) as the sign of the direct object (‘-t) right before g-l-y-t (“Goliath”). Thus he made “Goliath” the object of “killed” (wayyak), instead of the “brother” of Goliath (as the Chronicles passage does).
      3.The copyist misplaced the word for “weavers” (‘-r-g-ym) so as to put it right after “Elhanan” as his patronymic (ben Y-‘-r-y’-r–g-ym, or ben ya ‘arey ‘ore -gim — “the son of the forests of weavers” — a most unlikely name for anyone’s father!). In Chronicles the ‘ore grim (“weavers”) comes right after menor (“a beam of “) — thus making perfectly good sense.” [1]




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